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Good Morning <<First Name>>!
"The kids are coming, the kids are coming, the kids are coming!!" This is the refrain being heard across Pennsylvania and the United States as our learners come back to school.

The most difficult thing we can (and must) do is to take our stress and worry and put it in a jar, away from the kids, while we work to make the best learning experiences for them. Hey, we are school leaders, we can do this...we do difficult every day! 

I am driving to Tampa this week to take our second daughter back to school. It's exciting to be on a college campus with so many bright, young minds as they look forward to (and plan) for their future. Let's make this week about doing everything we can to make that future bright for our students!

Have a magnificent week!

Bring Out The Best In Your Staff

Psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi developed the concept of a "flow state." Have you ever been working on a project or a task and you had so much concentration that you didn't notice that hours had gone by?  That is a flow state. It is safe to assume that people love to be in a flow state, but it is hard to achieve. Interruptions (both physical and mental), not feeling confident in the topic you are working on, and confusion derail us from reaching a flow state.

How can you help your staff (and yourself) find that sweet spot between confidence, clarity, and ability to get to a flow state?

Suzi McAlpine has a framework to help us think through this problem.

Let's look at what you can do this week to help your staff approach that sweet spot in their work and maybe, just maybe, achieve a flow state.

1. Organizational Clarity. Make sure your staff knows why your organization (or department, or school) is engaged in the work it does. Next, connect your staff's work directly to the why (purpose, mission) of your organization, 

2. Confidence. What skills do people in your organization feel they are good at? If you don't know, ask them! Getting people into their "wheelhouse" is an essential job of a leader. Take the time to have these conversations.

3. Voice. People want to do things they like to do at work. We recognize that work can't be fun all of the time, but it sure should be fun some of the time. Find out what your staff likes to do both in their profession and outside of work. As your organization evolves and changes, you need to call on different passions of people at different times in the evolution. Calling on the right person, at the right time, to do the one thing they love to do, makes all of the difference in the success of your school.
Read The Blog Post Here
Book Of The Week
Book Study Suggestion
We have added 25 subscribers to our newsletter over the past two weeks! Welcome aboard! Some of you may not know that I wrote a book about school leadership in 2021. I am proud of the book. The book tells the story of a school leadership team navigating the pandemic. The leadership team in the book learns the importance of three things.
  • Stay true to your learners
  • Stay true to your staff
  • Stay true to yourself.
You can learn more about the book (and get a free sample) by clicking on the image below. The book has been used effectively as a leadership team read. I am willing to work with you on getting the most out of the book for yourself or your team. Let me know how I can help!

Work In The ARC This Week


Arc stands for the three psychological needs that people have that affect their wellbeing and motivation. How can you help your staff be in the ARC this week?

Autonomy. People want to feel a sense that they have ownership in what they do at work. This does not mean that they can do anything they want. It does mean that you establish guide rails that are broad enough to allow agility and flexibility, while also giving guidance. DO NOT MICROMANAGE! 

Relatedness. People want to get along with the people they work with and feel connected to their colleagues. Schools are known for the "egg crate ecology" wherein teachers and administrators operate independently in their own little worlds (classrooms or offices). Break the egg crate ecology by encouraging teachers to observe their colleagues, team people together that might not see each other naturally on a project, and finally, create a culture of awesomeness.

Competence. Competence comes when people are using their strengths every day and feel they are making a difference. In today's hurley-burley world, it is easy for people to lose sight that schools and educators are making a difference in the lives of kids EVERY DAY. There are those in society that want to push the story that schools and educators are bad and that we don't care for the kids. That's a bunch of BS and we know it. Remind your staff EVER DAY how important they are to the lives of our kids. PERIOD!

3 Tips To Remember This Week

  1. It's Okay not to know everything
  2. Anger isn't a strength, its a weakness
  3. Stop getting upset over things that haven't happened
Which one of these are you going to work on this week? Let me know the one and the reason you want to concentrate on it.
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