
#66: Become a Serverless Wizard

Observability can help you understand your code in depth. Scout's new observability platform, coming September 2022, will give your development team key insights into your metrics, traces and logs - Request early access!
In this video, you'll build a movie database in Kubernetes that uses OpenAPI3.0, Postgres and gORM. An action packed video with everything from a blank project all the way up to deployment with Helm 🔥
Why your website should be under 14kB in size
Having a smaller website makes it load faster — that's not surprising. What is surprising is that a 14kb page can load much faster than a 15kb page — maybe 612ms faster.
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"Deploying Terraform at scale with GitHub Actions" - Have you wondered what is the best workflow to use open-source Terraform at scale? This blog post will walk you through the author's workflow using GitHub Actions. He uses Azure, but the same workflow can be adapted with other cloud providers - Read more »
"Seven tools to help you become a better Serverless Developer" - Serverless is great, but it’s not a free lunch! Even experienced Serverless developers need help. So here are seven tools that can help you become a better Serverless developer - Read more »
"How to manage multiple environments with Terraform" - You used Terraform to deploy one environment and things are working great, but now you need to deploy several more environments (e.g., staging, production), and you need to figure out how to organize your code. Should you use workspaces? Or branches? Or Terragrunt? - Read more »
"How to observe your Kubernetes cluster with OpenTelemetry" - The OpenTelemetry Collector helps you process measurements and forward them to your preferred observability backend. Let’s see how to use it to observe K8s - Read more »
"Does high velocity lead to burnout?" - Most tenured folks probably have experience with an overbearing boss or project manager cracking the whip, following an old and tired trend of getting more hours out of developers at any cost to move the needle just a few notches more - Read more »
"How to debug better with Chrome" - To be a better debugger, you must become familiar with the right tools that make debugging easier. This article focuses on some best practices, key features, and tips for troubleshooting your web applications more easily with Chrome DevTools - Read more »
"Preventing SQL Injection attacks with Python" - Every few years, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) ranks the most critical web application security risks. Since the first report, injection risks have always been on top. Among all injection types, SQL injection is one of the most common attack vectors, and arguably the most dangerous - Read more »
"How to corrupt your PostgreSQL database" - Of course most people do not want to corrupt their databases. These people will profit from avoiding the techniques used in this article. But for some, it might be useful to corrupt a database, for example if you want to test a tool or procedure that will be used to detect or fix data corruption - Read more »
While popular among designers (especially the UX/UI community), I’d say the design and psychological concepts presented have a wide range of applicability to any industry and for consumers/users of anything and thus I hope more people read it. Even folks who don’t consider themselves designers will benefit from Norman’s way of looking at the world. Approaching life with intention is one of the best decisions you can make 💯
buildg is a tool to interactively debug Dockerfile based on BuildKit. It support IDEs such as VSCode, Emacs, Neovim and others. It supports the following features: source-level inspection, breakpoints and step execution, interactive shell and more - Read more »
SCM security is of high importance as it serves as an entry point to the whole CI/CD pipeline. This repository contains policies that verify SCM (currently GitHub's) organization/repositories/user accounts security. The policies are evaluated using Open Policy Agent (OPA) - Read more »
SurrealDB is an end-to-end cloud native database for web, mobile, serverless, jamstack, backend, and traditional applications. It reduces the development time of modern applications by simplifying your database and API stack, removing the need for most server-side components  - Read more »
Headway is an open source maps stack in a box that makes it easy to take your location data into your own hands. With just a few commands you can bring up your own fully functional maps server. This includes a frontend, basemap, geocoder and routing engine - Read more »
Not an open-source project but a great video that shows 7 practical side-projects to get started with Serverless and how to implement them - Read more »
DevOps Engineer @Lever
AWS, Docker, Elasticsearch

🌎 Remote, anywhere
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Senior Engineering Manager @Webflow
AWS, Kubernetes, Python

🌎 Remote, Americas
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DevOps Engineering Manager @HackerRank
AWS, Docker, Kubernetes

🌎 Remote, India
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Hand-picked DevOps opportunities to work from home, remotely, freelance, full-time, part-time, contract and internships - Read more »
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