
Newsletter #003

Welcome to the latest edition of the newsletter. Todays topics are friction, what blogging brought me so far and an update on fixing my attention deficit.


Ever since I graduated I have experienced Friction, but up until recently had no idea what to call it. And you have probably experienced friction as well. Things are not always running as smooth as possible and that can have many origins.

Pushing through friction is a great video that blew my mind. The excerpt of this talk nails it:

Things are broken. The deployment pipeline is painfully slow. Your engineering team has doubled in the last year and there's a lack of sufficient process and management. You git blame a file that's used everywhere but nobody understands it; the person who wrote it left the company five years ago.

As a senior-level engineering leader, experience tells you things could be better. You see the gaps. If only the company adopted policy A or dumped technology B, everyone would benefit. But there's so much inertia. The company has always used B. You are frustrated. Can you actually make a difference?

Yes. You are encountering organizational friction, and learning to identify, accept and push through friction is a key skill of engineering leaders. In this talk, Dan will talk about why organizational friction occurs and how to mitigate it. The ability to push through friction will distinguish you throughout your career.

I recently discovered another great post on friction. CeejBot’s notes on friction. These two pieces of content are something that transformed my view.

Update on fixing my attention deficit

I recently started to take a look at my own attention deficit. And I want to give you a small update on the progres..

As some of you might have noticed, I published a lot more posts. And this is directly related to spending my time more intentional. Instead of spending my time scrolling through Instagram, I do some research on blog posts, or even start writing.

Actively blocking me from using social media has confrontend me with my unintentional habits. I still open my browser/apps on autopilot, luckily there are some apps that block it.

When a month has passed I intent to publish a blog post with my full experiences on this experiment.

What blogging has brought me so far

I like doing blog posts with statistics. I did a blog post about blog posts. (I thought the meta category name was fitting with such an intro title). And I recently created an updated version. What has blogging brought me so far.

I shared this post on Linkedin, and I must say that brought back some of my original fears of sharing my content. On Twitter I’m semi-anonymous, but Linkedin actually contains people I know. Scary!

In most of these cases where I notice some friction, I know I have to push through. I did share it on Linkedin, and haven’t gotten any negative feedback (so far).

I hope you enjoyed this edition of the newsletter! Let me know if there is anything you like to see in the upcoming editions.