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Join us this Thursday, August 25, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern to:
  • Learn about important ethics standards applicable to providers delivering ABA services under the TRICARE ACD policy;
  • Understand common ABA provider mistakes made with respect to the TRICARE ACD policy for ABA services;
  • Discuss solutions identified for common mistakes made by ABA providers adhering to the TRICARE ACD policy for ABA services.
There are 1.5 BACB Ethics CEUs offered with this webinar.

Join us for important updates regarding private and public health insurance coverage for applied behavior analysis in New York, including advocacy strategies to ensure generally accepted standards of care are implemented by funders. There will also be a time for Q&A.

Thursday, September 8, 2022, from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Eastern

There are no CEUs offered with this webinar.

Register HERE.

Advocacy Updates
Thank you to the CASP advocacy community for your support of critical legislative and regulatory activities. A reminder to all CASP members: state-focused advocacy meetings are taking place regularly. Email to learn more about advocating in your state or at the federal level.
As military families struggle to access meaningful autism services, advocacy continues through ongoing work by our TRICARE SIG and in collaboration with Mission Alpha, APBA and others. CASP has met with members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees during the markup of the National Defense Authorization Act and has activated member advocacy to support our requests. We are grateful to the House Committee for including meaningful amendments that the House of Representatives recently passed. Ongoing advocacy is needed as the Senate considers the legislation.

Please read
 our latest talking points here and register for our webinar on the topic which takes place on August 25, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. 

Health Insurance and Medicaid
In New York, advocacy continues to ensure coverage of applied behavior analysis for Medicaid-enrolled children as required under EPSDT. New York is the only state in the nation that has not yet implemented this coverage. Register for our New York Provider Meeting which takes place on September 8, 2022, at 12:30 p.m. to learn more about working towards a meaningful solution. 
Home and Community-Based Services
Advocacy on the federal and state levels continues as CASP member organizations work to provide meaningful care in day programs and residential settings during an unprecedented workforce crisis. The recently signed Inflation Reduction Act did not include critical funding for home and community-based services.
Please reach out to your members of Congress today and let them know that this funding cannot wait.
You can find your legislators

In North Carolina, CASP provided public comment to the Behavior Analyst Licensure Board on recently published draft rules.

CASP also provided
public comment in Nebraska before the Applied Behavioral Analyst Technical Review Committee at their August 12, 2022, public hearing.
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The Council of Autism Service Providers is a 501(c)(6) association that supports our members by cultivating, sharing, and advocating for provider best practices in autism services. Organizations wishing to join may apply here. 
Copyright © 2022 Council of Autism Service Providers, All rights reserved.

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