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In 1972 I launched my very first slimming class. Click here to read how it all began.


Having thoroughly enjoyed chatting to radio and TV presenters over the last couple of weeks whilst doing the rounds promoting my book, most of them have picked up the part of my story where I had a really bad relationship with food and struggled with my weight. At my heaviest, I had gained two and a half stone and I hated myself.

Thankfully, I managed to work out a formula that worked for me by giving myself sufficient calories to enable me to shed my weight but without leaving me hungry. But back then, nobody ever talked about exercise helping us to lose weight.

There were keep fit classes – I went to one briefly – but, to be honest, throwing a bean bag to each other, waving a scarf around in a figure of eight and touching our toes with alternate hands in a windmill motion would have only notched up our calorie spend by a hundred or so. In fact, as far as I am aware, no scientist or exercise expert ever spoke about the fact that exercise burnt extra calories and could help us to slim down. Back then, it was all about calories in food.

I remember in the late ’60s and early ‘70s ‘slimming’ emerging as a relatively new concept. The population was getting fatter as food had become more plentiful following the deprivation of rationing during and after the war.

When I was trying to lose weight, I can remember eating a salad sandwich made with low-calorie salad dressing on Nimble or Slimcea bread. That was it! No protein. No fibre. No goodness. The bread boasted ‘only 40 calories a slice’ but it was like eating cotton wool! No wonder I was hungry and binge ate and gained rather than lost weight!

Thank goodness we now know better and realise that eating wholegrain bread actually does us lots of good giving us fibre, nutrients, energy, vitamins and minerals as well as filling us up. By increasing our activity we now realise we can eat really well, with lots of healthy high nutrition foods, and still lose weight, and not feel hungry, but feel good!

Thankfully, with the advancement of technology and science, we are able to calculate our energy output (exercise calories) and energy input (food calories) and enjoy tremendous benefits as a result. Even using a simple pedometer or wearing a FitBit can encourage us to move more. Walking between 7000 – 10,000 steps a day really can make a difference to our health and wellbeing.

My hubby, Mike, goes to the gym twice a week wearing a heart monitor which is connected to a  computer. By watching a TV screen in the gym, he can see how hard he is working and how many calories he is burning and is only satisfied if he burns 1000 calories in his hour-long session. I know that sounds crazy but with a physio-trainer working with him, it is great that he is motivated to work so hard. Mike is significantly more competitive than I am but from my two gym sessions I still benefit greatly. When I am unable to go because of other commitments, I can feel the difference in my body – in my waistband as well as in my joints. I know I need that exercise and because it does me so much good, I enjoy it.

Remember that exercise is like investing in a super-saver bank account that pays double dividends. It burns fat and makes the body less likely to store fat. It also burns calories and transforms our health. Exercise is absolutely key to our general well-being – mentally, physically, and emotionally. If we want to live longer and healthier we really must make time to include it in our busy lives. It is particularly important as we grow older.

So where are we with calories? Yes, they still matter but, because food manufacturers work so hard in cutting calories and fat, sadly, many products these days offer very few nutrients and that’s a great shame. I believe our focus now should be on the quality of the food we eat and those principles are described in The 28-Day Immunity Plan, the book that Mary and I put together during lockdown. These principles are also explained on our website, and if you go to Introduction to Boosting Immunity you can find out more about eating healthily. You can also follow in real-time the videos of the progressive workouts created by Mary for the book.

The overriding message must be to eat healthily three times a day, to exercise every day and to work our lifestyle around these golden principles. And to motivate you to get in shape for the festive season Mary and I have some exciting ideas which we will share with you in next week's Newsletter.

Recipe of the Week

Serves 4
Per serving: 254 calories, 5.9g fat. (excl. noodles)
Prep time 10 mins
Cook time 15 mins

450g (1lb) lean pork fillets, cut into strips
1 medium red onion, finely sliced
1 red pepper, seeded and sliced
2 small courgettes, sliced
115g (4oz) chestnut mushrooms, sliced
1 tsp chopped fresh ginger
1 tbsp reduced-salt soy sauce
1 tbsp hot mango chutney
2 tsps finely chopped lemongrass
freshly ground black pepper
  1. Preheat a non-stick wok or frying pan and spray with rapeseed oil. Add the pork strips and season well with black pepper. Make sure you slice the pork fillets into thin strips to ensure they cook quickly and evenly. Dry-fry for 5 – 6 minutes or until just cooked.
  2. Add the onion, red pepper and courgettes and dry-fry for 2 – 3 minutes, tossing the vegetables in the wok or pan. Add the mushrooms and ginger and mix well.
  3. Mix together the soy sauce, mango chutney and lemongrass and add to the pan, coating the meat and vegetables.
  4. Serve immediately on a bed of noodles.
For more recipes click here to visit the website

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

My love of exercise was inspired by a wonderful PE teacher at my secondary school called Mrs. Harrison and she was amazing in how she inspired all of us to be physical, no matter what our capability.  If you were hopeless at ball sports, she encouraged you to try a bit of creative dance, or maybe being a trampolinist could be your thing. That sort of teacher is what all schools need to engender a lifetime of fitness, getting children more active and most importantly, enjoying it!

I have met many women in my working life who hated PE at school with all those navy knickers and freezing cold games of hockey in the winter!  Yet they have come to an aerobics class or taken up the challenge of 'Couch to 5K' in adulthood and realised the great enjoyment and health benefits of an active lifestyle.

Once I became a PE teacher myself, I followed the exact same philosophy as Mrs. Harrison in that every child should be given a chance if they are keen to have a go. I cannot tell you how many times during our Saturday morning matches, the parents on the sidelines shouted abuse as I put in a child with less talent, but who was ready and willing to 'have a go'!  Of course, a basic fault in my personality is that I am not that competitive. Personally, I think it is taking part that matters most.  A policy that still stands true for me today.  I just want folks to get moving!

Now, after 50 years of encouraging and teaching people to exercise and hopefully enjoy it, I feel we have partly won the battle.  I am always saddened by the numbers who are still innately sedentary and overweight, consequently carrying the risk of serious illness and an early demise.  But let’s be positive and look on the bright side.  Of course, you are reading this so you are probably relatively active and fit and we will not stop encouraging you every week. I hope that you will always encourage your nearest and dearest to do the same.

Why were people so slim in the 1950s?  Rationing had something to do with it after the war, but we were just used to moving more in our everyday lives. My grandmother used to take her carpet up and put it on the washing line to ferociously beat it to get rid of the dust, and just think how physical that was.  Having a car was a luxury that most could not afford so we walked everywhere – to school, to work, to the shops – or we went on the bus. And we certainly know the value of walking today, which is why we encourage you to take a decent length walk every single day.

As we move into the Autumn after such a wonderful blazing summer, let's plan to do all the things we may have let slip recently.  You may still be carrying some holiday weight and not yet got back to your usual active lifestyle.  Next week we are going to set you an Autumn Challenge so you can be really focussed and inspired to reach your goals whatever they may be.  Perhaps to lose a bit (or a lot!) of weight before the festive season begins would be a great boost to your health, or perhaps you just need to increase your exercise level.  Are you up for the Challenge?

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Keep up those daily walks of between 30 minutes to an hour and on one occasion, at least, this week plan a longer walk in lovely local surroundings.  A couple of hours is ideal (which is usually around 4-5 miles with a coffee stop perhaps).  If needs be, relax your normal pace for a longer walk and remember to take plenty of water with you.
  2. Do a Toning Band Workout 3 times this week to ring the changes. Three times a week for strength work is the recommended number of sessions.  Try to plan them into your week so you do them on every other day.

Did you know...

Nimble bread still exists! Produced by Hovis and now boasting 50 calories per slice (rather than the 40 when Rosemary tried it in the 70s) the updated loaf seems to have been "beefed up" a bit with wholegrains! It's probably best remembered for the famous advertising campaign of the late 1960s and early 1970s that featured the Nimble girl Emily Jones dangling precariously on a small chair secured beneath a red and white hot-air balloon.

More recently, a spoof version of the concept was used in the Wallace and Gromit film A Matter of Loaf and Death where the animated heroes, now running a bakery, are attacked by Piella Bakewell, a plump lady who holds a grudge against all bakers after her weight gain ended her career as the Bake-O-Lite girl. Wallace is, of course, saved by his intrepid dog Gromit who has escaped her evil clutches in her old Bake-O-Lite hot air balloon.

And finally...

Next week we will deliver the details of our Autumn Challenge so start getting your head into the right place to really go for it!

Enjoy your week!

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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