
Spring is just around the corner and we can feel it coming, with the days getting a bit longer, some crisp sunny days, and the beautiful daffodils starting to bloom.
Last month we wrapped up Plastic Free July with an awesome show by Waste Free Wanda, learning all about how we can reduce our impact on the environment. We also had a great food systems talk with speakers from SIT, Murihiku Kai Collective and the Riverton Environment Centre. We have had some requests for more garden/food related workshops so keep an eye out for more coming soon.
Now we are getting ready to celebrate the changing season with our annual Spring Flower Show coming up on 24 September. There is a new category this year for indoor plants which I am sure will be very popular. More details and the entry forms are on our Facebook page under events.
With Spring also comes a good Spring Clean, so we are holding another South City Clean Up day on 11 September, meeting here at the Pod at 9am. Of course we will enjoy a cuppa at The Pantry afterwards to celebrate a good morning's work. If you haven’t volunteered before or don’t usually have the time to commit to volunteering on one of our action teams, this is a great way to ‘micro-volunteer’ and just give an hour or two of your time. No need to sign up or commit to anything more, we would just love a few helpers on the day.
We know the last couple of years have been tough for many, as we have learned to live with more stress and uncertainty, so we are very pleased to have Andrea and Cathy from Nurturing Relationships coming in to run a few seminars around how to build resilience in ourselves. They will be giving some practical tools to help nurture our brain and body through challenging times. These workshops are free but you do need to register. Keep scrolling down for the poster which has more details including how to register.
We are also heading along to the Southland Youth Expo on Saturday 24 September at Stadium Southland, that is being put together by Number 10 Youth One Stop Shop. If you know any young people looking to learn more about activities or groups they could join, or services they can access, then bring them along to the expo. There will be live music, fun activities, and some free kai too!
Finally, we want to say a massive THANKS to the supporters of our annual quiz night. We are so grateful for the generous support from local businesses donating prizes for our raffles (check them all out below, and please, if you can, show them your support by shopping with them), and the awesome people of South Invercargill who come along each year to make it such a fun and successful night out. We raised an incredible $2405 which will go towards running our South Alive projects and events in the South Invercargill community.

Congratulations to the lucky winner of our Plastic Free July starter pack. We really hope it has started them on the journey of refilling their containers with us. It’s so easy! Just bring your containers in, we weigh them (even if they still have product in them) and you can fill them up, take them home and pop them back in your pantry. If you haven’t already taken advantage of our bulk refill stations, then come on down and give it  a go – It’s so satisfying!

Have you heard people talking about a kitchen appliance called the Thermo-Mix? They are a hot topic of conversation at the moment, and we are happy to be hosting a demonstration at The Pantry on Sunday 28th at 2pm. The cost is $15.00 per person, and you will get loads of tasty samples and a jar of Indian curry paste made with Pantry ingredients to take home.

It’s been great to have some mild weather with sunny days and spring bulbs starting to show which reminds us that Daffodil day is just around the corner. We will be a collection point on the 26th of August for the Cancer Society.
Join us for a great fundraising afternoon tea in support of breast and prostate cancer through the Cancer Society of Otago and Southland. Saturday 17 September at 2.30pm $30/per ticket . Get your tickets by clicking on the link below or call into the The Pantry - 133 Grace Street.
Get a group together or come along we will sort out the rest.

There’s always a smile and a chat to be had down at The Pantry – see you soon !


At Te Waewae Eggs we do not add any colouring into our feed that would change the yolk colour. Many commercial feeds do

Below is a photo taken from an academic study on the enhancement of yolk colour using additives.

A: Is the control group - nothing added

B: Has a paprika additive

C: Has a marigold additive.

Our eggs are the same as A. A beautiful, tasty, yellow yolked egg

Vinegar - First Aid

  • WASP OR JELLYFISH STINGS - Rinse the affected area with vinegar
  • HICCUPS - Swallow a teaspoon of vinegar to help quickly cure hiccups. Or add one teaspoon
  • of vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink slowly.
  • HEALS BRUISES - Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to the bruise for one hour. The vinegar reduces the
  • blueness of the bruise and helps speed up the healing process.
  • UPSET STOMACH - Help settle your stomach by drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of vinegar added, add honey to sweeten.
  • SORE THROAT - Soothe your throat by adding a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle and swallow. Or mix quarter of a cup of vinegar . with a quarter of a cup of honey and take one tablespoon 6 times a day.
  • COUGHING - To help relieve coughing, mix half a cup of vinegar with half a cup of water, one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and four teaspoons of honey. To help ease coughing at night,  sleep with a handkerchief soaked in vinegar near your pillow.
  • SUNBURN - Relieve sunburn by lightly rubbing with vinegar. Re- apply.
  • MOSQUITO BITES - Reduce itching by using a cotton ball to dab mosquito and other bug bites with vinegar. Or make a paste of vinegar and cornflour and apply to the itchy bites.


Have you got your greens germinating indoors or in tunnel house? Sow a few different ones and as they get big enough harden them off slowly by extending the amount of time you put them outside. Then they can be carefully transplanted into the garden. 

Onions can be sown and the sets transplanted when they have got a good green top.

Get some peas and beans in the ground.

Are your spuds nestled in an empty egg carton sprouting.
Many gardeners down here get their gardens in at Labour weekend.
From The South Alive Fruit & Nut Team
Copyright © 2021 The Pantry & South Alive, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 7055, Invercargill 9844

Phone: The Pantry 03 214 5200
Monday-Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat-Sun 9.00am - 4.00pm

Phone: South Alive 03 218 6882
Room hire available - Monday-Sunday 7am-10pm
Office hours - 10am-2pm

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