

I am back in your mailbox! After I dont know how many days.

I hope you are ok and the pandemic hasnt been that harsh on you, your family or your loved ones.

I’ll keep this one short.

I just wanted to say that I am finally in the process of binding the best letters from this SoG series in a book!

And for that, I need your help.

I would be grateful if you can point out to the SoG letter that you thought impacted you the most. Or the one that made you think the most? Or the one you think needs to be shared with more people.

All you have to do is search for “SoG” in your mailbox and you would see a list of all emails that I’ve sent you. Go over to the one that you think needs to reach a wider audience. And forward that to me. Simple.

If you want to see, here’s a list of ALL letters I’ve sent since the beginning of this series. If you are the curious kinds, the first one was sent on 27th Oct 2018! More than 30 months now!

Oh, you may also want to leave a comment in this sheet in case you prefer that.

Krishna has already done the hardwork of sifting through more than 200 letters and identifying 37 that he thinks make the cut. Be like Krishna ;P

SJM pointed out to the best three already. She things the following three were the best…

  1. The Infinite Monkey Theorem

  2. Say No To Context Switching. Please.

  3. A story. And a question.

Be like SJM.

That’s it!

Finally, I will write a longish email in a few days to talk about why the book, where does this SoG series go from hereon and all that. Meanwhile, hope you continue to shower me with your patronage.

Till them, pls stay safe. Please be good.



PS: Once I’ve compiled the book, I plan to sell the ebook for Rs. 9. I may even gamify it. You know, first XX copies for 9. The next for 99. Etc. Etc. And each rupee I earn from this book will go towards either the SoG Grant. Or Art in Action, an initiative by my sis.

More soon!

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