Growthpoint Newsletter  June 2021
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Growthpoint Newsletter

Life is an Inside Job full of Challenges

Dear Friends,
Life is like entering a maze, we feel lost disoriented until we start to follow our heart. Until then no routes seem to make sense. When we find this place of truth and faith, we feel at peace even in the middle of chaos and we walk confidently for we know our way home.

Sadly, life of hard knocks and our lack of understanding of who we are and of the Universal laws that governs our life often dims our light. It is our purpose to clear the pile of dirt that is blinding us from who we really are, so we can transcend our impaired vision and be free to find our way home, to dream again and enjoy the life we were meant to live, instead of enduring a life that we dread.

To transcend means to rise above, the conundrum is that in order to rise we need to go inward to find our wings. When you stop thinking that you are powerless and start looking inside your life transforms.

If you are ready to accept that you are not a victim of your circumstances; that you have signed up to be here at this time and are willing to accept 100% responsibility for your life. We would like to assist you in shifting your perceptions so you can become the conscious creator of your reality. We invite you to join us on a 6 week soulful journey within. “TRANCENDENCE Overcoming Fear of the Unknown.”

WARNING! There are no magic bullet, you are going to have to do the inner work, Wisdom comes with the application and integration of the knowledge acquired. Bring a curious mind, a sense of humour, self-compassion and a commitment to do the work and marvel at the wonder of YOU and the GIFT of LIFE. 

Fear affects our health, wealth, business, relationships, creating disharmony. Fear manifests as Procrastination, Excuses, Justifications, Indecision, impatience and disrupts our ability to think clearly, leaving us feeling frustrated, angry and stressed.

Life is an inside jog full of challenges, the TRANSCENDENCE workshop is designed to help you approach life from a higher perspective, release subconscious blocks and face your challenges with more ease, grace and resilience. The workshop will assist you to create a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

We start on Monday 14th June and there are only a few spots available. READ MORE

We leave you to reflect on this profound extract from  "The story in between the story" below.

We wish you the courage to commit to live the life you desire. May love light your way always.

Christine and David

The story between story by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
“I am in between stories. The old one is gone, and the new one is just beginning to take shape. When we already have a story, we are heavily identified with, whether we appear to like this story or not, it is difficult to stay awake, to watch our thoughts and feelings without letting them dictate our actions.

This in between time is not a trial to be endured, although at times I admit I have found it difficult to simply stay with no story and no self... This gap in my story allows me to see how I am not what I do, allows me to create and play within new stories, new roles, without identifying exclusively with them.

Going back to sleep, exclusively identifying who we are by the story we and our culture have co-created and being unable to wake up to full awareness of who we are and why we are here can be painful.

Our failures open us to truly receiving the grace that gives us this existence so we can hear the voice of the Beloved that calls, as Rumi wrote, saying...
"Come, come again and still again, even if thou hast broken thy truth a thousand times."

"Deep down inside we all know we can fly"


Upcoming Events and Services

Transform your relationship to fear, uncover its many gifts and develop a confident approach to life's constant uncertainty.

Webinar Starting
June 14th to July 19th
Weekly 7pm SAST |  12pm EST | 5pm GST 
In the comfort of your home
More Information

“If there is fear in your life, if there is confusion in your life, it is because of lack of commitment.”
~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

We are all healers the memory of this lies within our Soul
Usui Reiki Level I - II
Residential Workshop
Dates 17 -18 July
Growthpoint Training Centre

Reiki is an amazingly simple technique that anyone can learn, irrespective of age, colour or creed.
When we understand that everything that exist is energy, then it makes sense to learn a practical and profound energy modality that helps restore harmony to our lives on a mental physical and spiritual level.
"It was a phenomenal experience and most enjoyable, I treasure every magical moment. Thank you for making a difference in such a wonderful and dynamic way. I truly appreciate your loving hospitality, I am honoured to have met you."  

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” 

~ Albert Einstein

Read More

Dates Saturday 31 July
Growthpoint Training Centre
Early Bird Registration Fee Ends 30 June

From where you are to where you want to be!

Entrepreneurial Mentoring

Our school and university do not teach us to be entrepreneurs. 

Every smart business person who is serious about being successful has a mentor
Book your appointment call
David  +27 82 414 7434


Coaching with Christine
A holistic approach to every aspect of your life

"Just like your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment , you perform better when yout thoughts feelings, emptions, goals and values are in balance."  - Brian Tracy
Book Your Appointment call
Christine +27 83 334 6509



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