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Face to face Meeting

It has been a while but our next Friends meeting will be face to face. A chance to see if peopel do have legs rather than pearing at them on a screen. It will be on Tuesday 15th June at 7pm in the Wood, Details below. We also have a litter pick session this coming Sunday at 4pm meeting in the Orchard near the kiosk. Our wonderful gardeners have been active - we hope you appreciate their work - see some photos below. Lots of things to report back on so I hope that you can make it to the Wood next Tuesday evening.
Friends of Cherry Tree Wood

Next Meeting:

Tuesday 15th June


Where: Meet by the Kiosk near the tennis courts in the Wood.

Hope to see you there:


1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Minutes and matters arising from last minutes (Attached later in this newsletter)
3. Progress in recent months.
* Funding expenditure
* Playground
* Flooding
4. Kiosk - we are trying to get the latest update for the meeting
5. Plans for the future - all ideas welcome
6. Any other business
Litter pick this coming Sunday

13th June 2021

Meet at 4pm near the Orchard/kiosk

Pickers, gloves, bags, provided.

Do join us to find out the delights of what lurks in the undergrowth of Cherry Tree Wood.
We now have a quite detailed history of Cherry Tree Wood if you want a read. Find it here:
Friends of Cherry Tree Wood                                                         
Registered Charity No. 1060923

Tuesday 16th March 2021 on Zoom
Present           Roger Chapman (Chairman), Andras Szabo (Vice Chairman), Nigel Linton (Treasurer), Debbie Linton (Secretary), Kate Brown, Yali (Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery), Geoffrey Steinmann, Sarah Ereira, Mary Hogbern, Pauline Crilly, Frank Edwards, Itay Greenberg, John Smedley, Jane Howard, Harriet Copperman, Sarah Humphries, James Davidson, Carol Whittam, Hilary and Mike Farnworth, John Attree, Sandy Wilheim, Peter Hale, Shani Hermoni, George Outen, Mary Poulter, Jeffrey Poulter, Heather*, Steve Duttine, Aron Lewis, Ian Cormack, Mark Lauber, Linda Edwards.   
Apologies      Charles Lewis, Alison
  1. Introduction and welcome
The meeting opened with a welcome and introductions.
  1. Minutes from the last meeting and matters arising
The minutes from the AGM on 12th January 2021 were ratified. No specific matters arising, with any particular issues to be discussed during the meeting.
2. New Green Space Officer
Martin Thompson had been extremely helpful but had now left the department. The Friends were liaising well with a new short term officer Nichola Cross. She had previously worked on major projects (for example sports courts) and had been with the Council for nineteen years. A new officer from the Operations team was also expected perhaps in April.
3. The Playground – Time for a New One?
A local resident updated on concerns about the playground. That after visiting many play areas it was felt that the one in Cherry Tree Wood (CTW) was in need of updating. Some equipment was rarely used (ariel hand swing) and others seemed dull by comparison to other playgrounds. That deep puddles formed on ground surfaces after rainfall, with mud then surrounding the site for long periods of time. Discussions were then about what exactly was needed; a complete revamp or a clean-up and modification? That an audit could be carried out firstly to ascertain any possible repair/replacement work? That the older play area alongside should also be considered, and underlying issues concerning drainage (below). That the whole of the wood could be considered for play; including using more natural materials (similar to Regents Park). In this endeavour East Finchley group, Friends of Market Place, had recently involved an independent expert Tim Gill. That CTW could take a similar approach? To conclude it was proposed that a smaller Playground Group work together to consider changes in CTW. That in terms of funding there was possibly more funds available via CILs, and other sources could also be considered.
  • Interest in helping a new Playground Group; Shani, Pauline, Yali, James, Sarah, Aron and Steve. Debbie to set up a zoom meeting within next two weeks.
4. Picnic Area Issues
Residents from Shakespeare Gardens had been experiencing problems for a long time from picnic area beside the kiosk. Antisocial behaviour included; camp fires, litter, partying and loud music late into the night especially (but not exclusively) during the summer months. It was noted antisocial behaviour must affect residents in Cherry Tree Road and Fordington Road. The problem had been raised with the police and relevant departments in the council but had not been highly prioritised. It was updated that the local PCSO was aware of disturbances in the area.
As a simple solution, it was suggested that the picnic benches could be relocated away from houses in Shakespeare Gardens - perhaps in front of the kiosk and tennis courts? In addition more greenery could be introduced around the back of the picnic benches, which had become sparse with numerous footpaths. That this was perhaps a good location for a Tiny Forest? That the hedges along the main path further secluded the area and could perhaps be reduced in some way, even removed?
It was noted that residents along Cherry Tree Road are also disturbed by similar antisocial behaviour and noise in the middle of the wood at night. It was queried whether the wood generally could be more properly secured at night? The Friends had raised a successful petition a couple of years ago to keep the wood locked at night, and it was updated that there were no plans in the short term to stop locking it. It was queried if there could there be a time limit/curfew imposed? With signage with short term police enforcement? Also that health and safety issues that could highlighted? It was all further complicated by the two boundaries in CTW (Haringey and Barnet).
  • Roger to discuss further with; Green Spaces Dept., East Finchely PCSO Jan Lovell, Fordington Rd Residents Association, Cherry Tree Road and Shakespeare Gdns. To formulate a plan.
  • Roger to raise the issue at the next Barnet Green Spaces Network; to ascertain how any (similar) areas deal with anti-social behaviour at night.
5. Flooding Issues
This had been a problem for many years. It was noted that the wood is in a river valley, at the head of the Mutton Brook (culverted underneath CTW) and as such in a flood plain. However, the past winter and spring had been especially bad (similar to many spaces across Barnet after heavy rainfall). Roger had been in touch with the Environment Agency and Thames Water to appraise the flooding situation. This had included a recent online meeting with the Senior Drainage Engineer for Barnet, with whom discussed the local drainage plan was discussed. There were 33 critical areas being dealt with, and though sympathetic, CTW was not on the critical list. The subject of SUDs (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) was raised. This is a method used by developers to control water in a more natural way; to slow water movement down. One possibility for CTW could be to put in a bid for funds - to carry out a 6-9 inch deep scrape. This would be sited in the wood particularly along the backs of houses along Cherry Tree Road (which becomes very wet). It was described as quite a common solution (e.g. Queens Wood). It could trap water and also allow for a waterside habitat.
Regarding drainage, it was outlined that there is a drain travelling under CTW (from Fordington Road towards the High Road). That whilst the tennis courts were recently resurfaced workmen had found the drains heavily compacted with silt. As they have probably not been cleared for decades the drains were most likely adding to the flooding problems? Parch marks were also noted to be clearly visible last summer, alongside dangerous 6-9inch gaps on the playing field.
It was agreed that the water issue was a long term issue but that there could be some relatively simple solutions in the short term. That there had been concerns about the water for dogs and other animals especially whilst it is able to accumulate. As ever issues with boundaries were highlighted. Some of the area was covered by Thames Water and another by Affinity Water, making bids for funds and solutions a little more complicated. It was suggested that in the short term the Friends could undertake its own audit; locating drains and clearing them relatively inexpensively. Also suggested was the planting of willow trees to help drain the area. The heavy footfall was also noted as making the ground very compacted, and that there may be ways to alleviate this and to help aerate the soil. It was noted again that CTW is in a river valley so expectations would need to be realistic. This was not seen, however, as a reason to do nothing. That the water problem seemed to be worse year on year and it was no longer possible to enjoy the playing field.
  • Roger and James to work together on some of the above issues, for example, auditing drains.
  • If anyone else knows a drainage engineer or has expertise in this area please to get in touch.
6. Area Committee Funded Items
As reported previously at the AGM nearly £20,000 CILs funding had been obtained by the Friends (12th January 2021). An update was provided on these ongoing projects. A new pathway alongside the playground had been delayed due to cold weather but would be completed in the next 4-6 weeks. A new noticeboard with the logo ‘welcome to cherry tree wood’ had arrived and was awaiting to be installed. Three new litter bins had been installed. Two portable overflow bins were also currently onsite. Contractors for the courts were now able to rebuild the front flowerbed by the kiosk, the plants would be salvaged where possible. The nature trail was to be aimed at children aged 9-11 years; with the Martin Infant School currently being liaised with. The new tennis and basketball courts were now nearly completed, with the hoops agreed at a height of 10 foot. The aim was for the courts to open on 29th March. Some concerns were raised about seams/zip joints in the resurfacing. On another note, in the area of the old pavilion building ten willows had been planted. The aim was to use willow and hazel to create some natural fencing to protect, for example, bulb planting. Lastly it was updated that a bat monitor was soon to be purchased.
  • Roger to investigate any seams/zip joints in resurfacing of the courts, and how many layers.
  • Anyone interested in maintaining the noticeboard, with any design skills for materials, to get in touch please. Anything about the ecology would be interesting.
  • Anyone with interest in or ideas for the nature trail to get in touch please.
7. Post Covid Events – Time for a Reboot?
Over the past few months Duke of Edinburgh Award students had been helping litter pick, as had people on an individual basis. It was hoped it would be possible to start events again, for example, regular litter picking on the second Sunday of each month. A deep clean was also felt necessary. The rule of six would make events easier at the end of  March, with social distancing. The gardening group was keen to restart. It would also be possible for Good Gym to start helping with projects again, for example, repainting the gates. It was felt that it would be nice to start thinking about some larger events again when possible, for example, the Big Lunch or an equivalent Big Picnic. Roger also updated about his research into the history of CTW. This had gradually taken a number of years, going back to the Bishop of London’s hunting park and beyond. It was soon to be placed on the website.
  • Anyone with any ideas for community events in the wood to get in touch please.
  • Roger to put link on the history of Cherry Tree Wood in next newsletter
Questions were raised about the kiosk and whether there had been any progress with the new tenants. It was updated that the prospective tenant had met with the Friends, however, that there had been delays with the council over the past six months or so (now possibly with the Legal Dept). Monkey Puzzle updated about that their forest school activities in the wood (five days per week). Also that they are looking for ideas for improving the High Street entrance area near the wood. That parked cars had been dealt with, one idea was to introduce a skate park? The new sapling in the old pavilion site was noted and appreciated, it was updated that it was a private memorial tree for a local resident. The works by the gardening groups, for example, by the tennis courts was very much appreciated. It was felt that CTW needed to rejuvenate its entrances and volunteers were offered to help with this. The subject of rats was raised, particularly the wooded area affecting houses along Cherry Tree Road. That the problem was also unhygienic for visitors to the wood. It was updated that local Ward Councillors were aware of the problem. It had been raised with officers, from whom a response  was awaited. The need was felt to deal with the problem appropriately, to protect other animals and pets from poisoning. That perhaps visitors could also be educated not to feed squirrels and birds excessively. Also that reducing some very overgrown areas could help bring the rat population. A response was awaited from the council.
  • Any questions about the forest school or ideas or questions about the area by the High Street please get in touch with Yali, Monkey Puzzle.
  • Roger to keep updated about the rat issue
8. Dates of next meetings for 2021
  • Tuesday 15th June 7pm
  • Tuesday 5th October 7pm
  • Tuesday 11th January 2021 7pm
Copyright © Friends of Cherry Tree Wood All rights reserved. 2021

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