
AMA's Funders

US Dept of Justice
St. Paul Cultural Star
St. Paul STAR Program
Minnesota Lynx
National Endowment for the Arts
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Dept of Health
Wells Fargo
Minnesota Dept of Employment & Economic Development
City of Minneapolis
Headwaters Foundation

AMA Announcements 

 Summer Training Opportunities

a.  8-session series on Social Media Management

 Every Monday and Wednesday from June 21 - July 19, 2021, 10:00am-11:00am CST
PLACE: Online Zoom, Register Here
Join us to explore social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, and how to increase your site traffic, with our very own social media guru, Celine Chieu!
*No Session on Monday, July 5th

b. SPNN Studio Training

Asian Media Access will host 2 Studio Training for BIPOC youth on:

DATE/TIME: Sunday, July 11, 2021, 1:00-5:00pm    
PLACE: IN-person Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) Studio Production, 550 Vandalia St #170, St Paul, MN 55114

DATE/TIME: Sunday, August 8, 2021, 1:00-5:00pm    
PLACE: IN-person Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) Studio Production, 550 Vandalia St #170, St Paul, MN 55114

For More Info:

Coming Up Community Performances

a. Generation Z Project – Gen K Showcase

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 8:00pm CDT
PLACE: Online Event -

Bringing the show to you! Delivering 7 amazing
K-Pop cover performances right in the comfort
of your own home.

We have dance and vocal acts accompanied by Q&A sessions for you to find out more about our performers, with lively intermissions by our emcees with games and conversations.

b. Hmong Family Celebrate Your Parks Day (In-person)

DATE/TIME: July 31st, 2021, 1:00-4:00pm
PLACE: Central Park, Brooklyn Center, 8440 Regent Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN 55443
Free Pfizer Vaccination (12+ years old), register at the Google Form HERE.
Everyone who registers ahead will receive a 25lb Rice Giveaway and Asian Food Box on the spot

An event to welcome Hmong families from the north metro to Centennial Park in Brooklyn Center to explore opportunities for recreation and healthy living. 
Some activities include:
  • Asian Food Giveaway
  • Biking
  • Health Information
  • Martial Arts Demonstration
  • Reading + Free book giveaway
  • Yoga Session
  • Vaccinations for 12+ year old (Pfizer vaccine for those who preregistered) Walk-ins welcome (Johnson & Johnson Vaccine)

Vaccine Information:
1st Pfzier dose - Saturday, 07/31/21 1-4pm at the Hmong Family Community Day event site - 1st floor of the Constitution Hall at the Centennial Park, 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy. Brooklyn Center, MN  55430

2nd Pfzier dose  - Saturday, 08/21/21 1-4pm at 2nd Floor of the Constitution Hall at the Centennial Park, 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy. Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

c. Asian Wave at the Park

DATE/TIME: Sunday, August 1, 2021, 6:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Roseville Central Park Frank Rog Amphitheater, 2540 Lexington Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113

d. National Night Out

Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 5:00-8:00pm
SAINT PAUL: COMO AVE between Dale-Grotto in front of Overcomer's Victory Church at 663 Como Avenue, St Paul, MN 55103
MINNEAPOLIS: Farwell Park, on Sheridan Ave

Join your neighbors with food, performances, games, bounce house, and much more for your whole family to enjoy!!!

National Night Out is an annual nationwide event that encourages residents to get out in the community, meet neighbors, and partner with police.  Events can be simple gatherings to large community events. National Night Out has participation across all 50 states. 

We encourage, ask for and appreciate ALL Minnesota residents to participate on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 for the 38th Annual National Night Out! Neighborhoods include everyone: homeowners, renters, retail and all businesses are needed to help make our city "the most livable place in America!"  Hosting a block party or an event of any kind, large or small, provides a way for people to meet one another and discover how they can keep their neighborhoods crime free and high quality for all who live, work and play there. National Night Out has proven, time and time again, to help people work together to improve the safety of their surroundings.

Program Updates

71.3% AAPIs vaccinated in MN!!!!!! 


Source: MDH Vaccination Data, 06/19/2021

Asian Media Access likes to thank all our Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) families in MN - our communities have reached the benchmark of 71.3% vaccination rate before July 1st national deadline!!!!

While Asian Pacific Minnesotans celebrate this good news of reaching 71.3% of adult populations receiving at least one vaccine dose as of June 19th, ahead of the national benchmarks (see Fig. 1 and 2 below), we are still facing more obstacles.  New Delta Variants of COVID-19, with greater transmissibility and aided by the severe inequality of Vaccination Access between the rich and poor countries, is contributing to a faster spread of COVID in 62 countries as of now.  
About one in five people in Asia have received a single vaccine dose, doubling since early May, but still remain behind the 37% vaccination rate in Europe and 40% vaccination rate in North America.

Since first being identified in India, the Delta Variant has spread quickly in Asia - China, Indonesia, Taiwan and Malaysia have all seen new outbreaks in recent weeks, while Thailand is battling its worst surge of new cases. Cases like Taiwan, which used to be the best example in preventing COVID-19’s spread, now confronts a COVID Flare-Up; although their border controls had shielded it from the worst of the pandemic, new variants and slow vaccinations gave the virus an opening.   

On June 22, 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci openly declared at the Whitehouse News Conference that the Delta Variant is the greatest threat to eliminating COVID-19, due to:
•    Transmissibility greater than wild-type SARS-COV-2 and Alpha variants;
•    Association with increased disease severity (hospitalization risk) compared to Alpha variant; and
•    In lab tests, association with modest decreased neutralization by sera from previously infected and vaccinated individuals compared to wild-type and Alpha.

Now the Delta Variant has hit the U.K. and the States hard. Dr. Fauci showed that, according to recent data, the Delta Variant has dominated new COVID-19 cases (over 95%) in U.K. (see Fig. 3).  

The Imperial College of London, which did a study including over a hundred thousand homes, found that youth were driving the U.K. Surge – with 5-fold higher positivity rate among children (5 to 12 years) and young adults (18 to 24 years) vs. people 65+.    

In the US, we are following the same pattern regarding the Delta Variant, with a doubling time of about 2 weeks, increasing from May 8th from 1.2% to 2.7% to 9.9%, and to mid-June with 20.6% (see Fig. 4) infection rates.   

The good news is that COVID-19 Vaccines are effective against the Delta Variant – research showed that 2 weeks after the 2nd dose, the Pfizer vaccine was 88% effective against symptomatic disease from the Delta Variant and 93% effective against Alpha Variant. When we look at hospitalizations, again the Pfizer vaccine is 96% effective against hospitalization from the Delta variant after 2 doses. 

With this mounting evidence, Dr. Fauci called for immediate vaccination among under-vaccinated people and under-vaccinated regions of our country, particularly among the young adults 18 – 26 years old, in order to crash the Delta Outbreak.   

Therefore, Asian Media Access is teamed up with our partners to support a Vaccination Event on July 31st (Sat) from 1-4pm at the Brooklyn Center’s Centennial Park at a family-friendly festival to invite Asian families to come for fun, and to bring their younger ones to get the vaccines before school starts again.  

We will have interpreters in Cantonese, Hmong, Mandarin and Vietnamese at the event. CUHCC Clinic (U of MN) will provide vaccination support to this event. Pfizer vaccine will be available for 12 years old and up.  Everyone who registers ahead will receive a bag of 25 lbs. Rice Giveaway and Asian Food Box on the spot. ☺  

Vaccination Registration at

For more information for this family event, please contact Asian Media Access at 612-376-7715 and

Collaboration with Hmong Shaman and Herb Center

Asian Media Access has taken on the initiative to support the mental wellness for Asian American communities during the pandemic.  Collaborating with Hmong community leader - Txiabneeb Vaj, who has established the Hmong Shaman and Herb Center back in 2019, AMA has planned several major projects to honor and recognize the Asian American Cultural Healers in support of the community well-beings.

Working with Hmong Shaman and Herb Center, we hope to call a movement to value and support the cultural healers more.  Often Hmong Shaman have served as as Hmong community's frontline mental health healers, but seldom receive the recognition nor state compensation for their services. Shamanism is a form of holistic healing and can be extremely diverse. It combines the use of natural remedies with supernatural spiritual involvement. The Hmong people is one of the better-known groups who practices shamanism.  

The Shamans have many responsibilities as a chosen healer. They must know and understand natural remedies, they also need to sometimes negotiate with the spirits for a patient’s soul or wellbeing.  In Hmong shamanistic culture, all adults are responsible for their relationships with spiritual energies, including those of their home environment (geography, animals, and plant life), their ancestors, their own personal helping spirits, and Spirit, the creator force.  However, the shaman is unique in that he or she not only has increased facility for traveling in supernatural realms, but also uses their spirit relationships to create changes that will manifest in the physical world, for the healing of individuals or the community.  

Historically, holistic healthcare practitioners have been unfairly discriminated by the mainstream American healthcare system, and assessed only through Eurocentric perspectives. Shamanism and the field of mental health have one common major goal - to alleviate emotional suffering, to liberate and to blossom the self. Almost all ancient civilizations had a strong belief in god(s), soul, and spirituality and well laid-down means and methods through which spiritual enlightenment could be attained. In the 1930s, the inventor of structural anthropology, Claude Lévi-Strauss, had already argued that Shaman role in its cultural community, equals to Western Mental Health Therapist, particularly, that his theory of shamanism provides a key to the therapeutic action of symbols upon the body as well as to the broader social function of therapy in general.   
Therefore, working with the Hmong Shaman and Herb Center is our intent to further putting the theory into practices, and seeking all levels of endorsements and supports for the holistic practices through Shamanism and Herbal Medicine in order to better support Hmong community’s health and mental health well-beings under COVID19 pandemic.

A new web blog will be created to further the actions and discussion, please stay tuned! 
Photo Courtesy: ANNA MV

Community News

Camden Farmers Market

DATE/TIME: Saturdays, 10:00am-2:00pm
PLACE:  4150 N Dupont Ave, Minneapolis, MN

This year, theNEWmpls is partnering with Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church to host our 12-week season in their parking lot. Rain or Shine.

Somali Independence Day Celebration

DATE/TIME: Thursday, July 1, 2021, 4:00pm
PLACE:  Jensen Lake Trailhead 1398 Carriage Hills Dr, Eagan, MN 55123, Register

Community Journalism: Create Better Videos Workshops

DATE/TIME: Thursdays, July 1-August 19, 2021, 6:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: IN-person Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) Studio Production, 550 Vandalia St #170, St Paul, MN 55114

We partnered with the UpTake to offer eight workshops in July and August. If you have wanted to learn more about how to do community journalism, shot composition and editing to tell a story- these free classes are for you! 

July 1- Introduction to Community Journalism- Learn more about community journalism in this introductory class. 

July 8- Video Shots and Composition- Learn more about framing your shots to create certain emotions.

July 15- Community Journalism: Relationships and sources

July 22- Livestream Production- Learn about equipment needed and tips from independent journalist Georgia Fort. 

July 29- Audio Reporting- learn the basics of audio journalism.

August 5- Recording Audio- learn tips on how to get great audio. 

August 12- Developing questions, interviews and more- 

August 19- Editing to tell a story- This class will cover theory and techniques to convey mood through editing. This class is software agnostic.

Sign up for one or all of these free workshops and improve the quality of your media pieces!

Antisemitism & White Nationalism 101

DATE/TIME: Thursday, July 1, 2021, 7:00pm-8:30pm
PLACE:  Register
Join us as we dissect the the history and structure of Antisemitism and White Nationalism, and how both fuel racism and threaten democracy. This webinar is meant to be a 101-style introduction to these concepts and no prior background is required.

Antisemitism is an essential piece of the machinery that perpetuates white supremacy, class hierarchies and other forms of oppression. That’s why are are holding monthly trainings on how to combat antisemitism and white nationalism. These sessions are free, and open to members and allies.

Event Website:[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D&bbeml=tp-ESIIsLHTC0WNRxV3-towZw.jTcRrPxGxTUa4sxHM6LPu0w.rV8dgOX1pjUCWavLwpG5pkw.lIIVWyfla30S5gES8h6CRkQ

Red Lake Nation Independence Day Celebration 2021

DATE/TIME: July 6-8, 2021, 12:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE:  Redlake, MN 

Community Feast
Pow wow

Northpoint Community Food Shelf

DATE/TIME: Fridays, July 9, 23; August 13, 27; September 10, 24, 2021, 9:30am
PLACE:  1835 Penn Ave N, Minneapolis MN 55411, parking lot at Plymouth & Oliver.
Don’t miss Free Fresh Food Fridays this summer! Tons of fresh fruits, vegetables, community resources, and more. Select Fridays now through September at the corner of Plymouth & Oliver. Rain or shine, 9:30 a.m. until supplies run out!
Monthly food supply - Several day supply of food once per calendar month
Non-food items -  Miscellaneous nonfood items with food request
Baby food/diapers - Several day supply of baby food and/or diapers, with a food request

For COVID-19 safety, you are encouraged to remain in your vehicle and masks are required.

For more info, call 612-767-9500 or visit

Thai Sunday Night Market

DATE/TIME: Every Other Sunday starting July 11, 25; August 8, 22, 2012, 11:00am - 9:00pm
PLACE: Wat Promwachirayan, 2544 Highway 100 S, Saint Louis Park, MN 55416

Wat Promwachirayan and the Thai Cultural Council of MN are excited to bring back Thai Sunday markets this summer! The Thai Sunday market mimics the vibrant markets of Thailand and Southeast Asia. This will include local vendors, Thai souvenirs, and with traditional Northern Thai-styled Khan Tok tables spaced throughout the lawn you can enjoy the many Thai street food and Thai desserts available!


疫情下歸僑的台灣生活 Online Presentation

DATE/TIME: Sunday, July 11th at 7:30PM Central Time
PLACE:  Online. Please Email for the link.
CAAPAM Upcoming Online Seminar

藉著線上視頻 Maria 將以退休華僑的視角,與大家分享在疫情期間長住台灣的生活與旅遊經驗。

食衣住行篇 (如何自在又便利的在台過中、短期生活)、環島旅行、台灣好好行、有效運用信用卡/現金及醫療與保險。

陳慶儀 Maria Arrowsmith,早期從台灣嫁做洋人婦移民美國,生根於明州後,在家相夫教子洗手做羹湯,同時經營管理出租屋為儲備退休金,並在社區擔任義工,輔導新移民通過公民考試。她長



This seminar will be presented in Chinese in its entirety.

Please join us on Sunday, July 11th at 7:30PM on ZOOM for the online seminar.

This seminar is free and open to all. Sponsored by CAAPAM.

Bridge Bash 2021- The Bridge for Youth

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, July 14, 2021, 6:30 pm

We’re excited to invite you to save the date for Bridge Bash 2021! It will be an inspiring evening as together we celebrate the resiliency of youth.

Save the date now and join us virtually at 6:30pm-7:00pm on July 14, 2021. Inspire and educate your friends about the mission of The Bridge and invite them to save the date as well.

Event Website:[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D&bbeml=tp-ESIIsLHTC0WNRxV3-towZw.jTcRrPxGxTUa4sxHM6LPu0w.rV8dgOX1pjUCWavLwpG5pkw.lPyl74___VUyU_aphmFQIWw

Twin Cities Pride Festival

DATE/TIME: July 17 – 18, 2021 10:00am-6:00pm
PLACE:  Loring Park, Minnesota
The movement for LGBTQ rights in the United States dates at least as far back as the 1920s. The LGBTQ+ community celebrates PRIDE in June in recognition of the Stonewall riots that began on June 28, 1969, which are seen as a focal point for the Gay liberation movement. Learn more about LGBTQ+ inclusion at the Human Rights Campaign.

Locally, the Twin Cities Pride Festival is a celebration of the LGBTQ+ Community. The 49th annual Twin Cities Pride Festival will be held at Loring Park on July 17 – 18, 2021 (due to COVID delays). All LGBTQ+ people and allies are welcome! 


The Night Market

DATE/TIME: July 17, August 21, September 18, 2021, 5:00-9:00pm
PLACE: Mayo Civic Center Riverfront Plaza & Rochester Art Center
Night Markets are a part of daily life and entertainment across Asia, and we're bringing it to Rochester!
Enjoy a night outdoors filled with food, boba tea, games, arts, handmade products, and fresh produce with a strong emphasis on Asian and BIPOC vendors

Event Website:

CAAM Summer Camp 

DATE/TIME: (Two Sessions) July 19-23, 2021, 9:00am-5:00pm or July 26-30, 2021, 9:00am-5:00pm
PLACE: 1399 Eutis Street North Saint Paul, MN 55108, Register:
We feature professionally trained and exceptionally talented members of the Chinese community who want to share Chinese culture, language, and the arts with campers. In addition to exploring Chinese dance, campers are introduced to various aspects of Chinese art and culture, with new programming each year. Last year’s theme was Animals!  Campers enjoyed arts and crafts, martial arts, dances–including lion dances, and stories and songs about Chinese animals. Our 2019 theme is tentatively titled Tea! and carries forward the themes we explored in our 2019 Annual Lunar New Year Production. There will still be plenty of arts and crafts, martial arts, cooking, and dancing! We will also continue our very popular field trips to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, interviews with Chinese elders, and camp performances.

Campers range in ages 5 to 16. Older campers are given opportunities to mentor others. In many cases CDT can offer teacher:camper ratios of 1:10 or even smaller. No prior dance experience is necessary. CAAM CDT offers optional Chinese Language Immersion activities, but one does not need to speak Chinese to attend the camp. Summer camp is also a great option for kids who’d like try Chinese Dance before committing to regular classes!

Event Website:


DATE/TIME: Saturday, July 24, 2021, 12:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE:  Art Us 1221 Marshall Ave St Paul, Minnesota 55104

We are excited to announced the continuation of hosting our health and wellness festival called V-Fest. 
V-Fest is a health and wellness festival celebrating healthy living. At this festival we are utilizing art, wellness and physical activities to improve health outcomes. 
By visiting V-Fest, you are committing yourself, family, and community that you will fight for health and food equality. Food justice is essential for everyone to live their best life. Come visit us this year as we party, learn, and share under sun that health is wealth.


Hindu Temple of MN Monthly Health Clinics

DATE/TIME: Sunday, July 25 2021 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE:  Hindu Society of Minnesota, 10530 Troy Ln N, Maple Grove, MN 55311, walk-ins only

t's time for in-person health clinics once again!
Join us this Sunday at the Hindu Temple of Minnesota in Maple Grove for a return to in-person health clinics! These clinics are free of charge and do not require preregistration. Simply walk in and select your services!

There will be free, confidential consultations with physicians. Also, this Sunday only, there will be Johnson & Johnson vaccines available!

Services Available: Medical Consults, Nutritional Consults, Chronic Disease Management, Medical Referrals, Blood Pressure Measurement, ECG Testing, Glucose Testing,A1C & Cholesterol Testing, Flu Shots, J&J Vaccines

Gen-K: K-Pop Talent Showcase

DATE/TIME:  Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 8:00pm
PLACE: Online, Youtube

A production highlighting the talents of the Gen Z K-Pop Community in Minneapolis. Featuring dance cover teams and vocalists from across the Twin-Cities, we invite you to join us on Wed., July 28th, 2021 (8PM CST) on YouTube!  Learn more about us at View on your desktop for best experience. Connect with us! or Email (

Wells Fargo Beyond College: 2021 Webinar Series A young man watches a webinar on a desktop computer.

Covering a wide variety of topics from personal finance to professional development, the 2021 Beyond College Webinar Series may help better prepare you for what’s next after college

DATE/TIME: July 29, 2021, 4:00-5:30 p.m. ET
PLACE: Online, Register here
TOPIC: Wells Fargo careers and internships.
Recruiters from Wells Fargo share information about internships and full-time career opportunities, including how to apply.

DATE/TIME: August 26, 2021, 4:00-5:30 p.m. ET
PLACE: Online, Register here
TOPIC: Digital Native: Social media smarts.
Join a discussion about how social media can promote or destroy your personal brand.

DATE/TIME: September 23, 2021, 4:00-5:00 p.m. ET 
PLACE: Online, Register here
TOPIC: Success strategies for managing student debt.
Learn new ways to manage student debt and real-world budgets.

DATE/TIME: October 21, 2021, 4:00-5:30 p.m. ET
PLACE: Online, Register here
TOPIC: Building responsible credit: Why your credit matters.
Gain tools and resources to take charge of your own finances and reach your financial goals with tips on building credit.

DATE/TIME: November 4, 2021, 4:00-5:00 p.m. ET
PLACE: Online, Register here
TOPIC:  Mentors and sponsors: Your personal board of directors.
Many believe that to be successful in your career you must build your own personal board of directors. Learn about mentorships and sponsorships, including how to leverage each successfully.

Link to full site:

FLOW Northside Arts Crawl

DATE/TIME: July 29–31, 2021
PLACE: North Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN 55411

Since 2006, FLOW has become both a community celebration and the premier art event in North Minneapolis. FLOW is a non-juried, self guided tour of studios, galleries, theaters, commercial and vacant spaces over a mile and a half of the West Broadway corridor. From b-boys to ballet, graffiti to graphite, rap to rhapsody, fine artist to arts, practicing to professional, FLOW showcases the great art being made every day on the Northside. FLOW is a program of the West Broadway Coalition that showcases over Northside artists of all ages and experiences at various locations around the community with an exciting weekend of indoor and outdoor activities.

FLOW 2021 marks our 16th celebration in North Minneapolis! Event Website:

As we all know, FLOW 2020 scaled back to prioritize the health and safety of our community. Since we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, we are again adapting to the possibility of having a more in-person experience for FLOW 2021!

Hmong Family Celebrate Your Parks Day

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, July 31, 2021, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
PLACE: Centennial Park, 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy. Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

An event to welcome Hmong families from the north metro to Centennial Park in Brooklyn Center to explore opportunities for recreation, walking, biking, and healthy living.

Celebrate Diversity with the Twins

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, August 5, 2021, 5:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Target Field, 1 Twins Way, Minneapolis, MN 55403

Minnesota Twins 10th Annual Diversity Celebration

Traditional Wacipi

DATE/TIME:  Friday-Sunday, August 6-8, 2021, 1:00pm-7:00pm
PLACE: Granite Falls, MN 56241

Come to Granite Falls and experience the Upper Sioux Community's Pezhutazizi Oyate Traditional Wacipi Powwow.
Event Website: and

IndiaFest 2021

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, August 14, 2021, 11:00am-8:30pm
PLACE:  St. Paul Capitol Grounds, 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard St Paul, Minnesota 55155

India Association of Minnesota (IAM) cordially invites you to participate in 
IndiaFest on Saturday, August 14, 2021, at the St. Paul Capitol Grounds, from 11 AM - 8 PM. IndiaFest is the joyful celebration of the diversity, rich culture, and heritage of India in Minnesota. Let us come together to heal ourselves and our loved ones back in India. We hope you will join us and leverage the opportunity to participate in IndiaFest in the following ways

Over the last year the community has experienced COVID-19 challenges. Together once again WE show Great Responsibility and Power to keep the community together during these difficult times. Let’s come Together for India once again, to bring a new level of hope and support to recover from the devastating situation.

Health Clinic at Sikh Society of MN

DATE/TIME: Sunday, September 26, 2021, 11:00am-2:00pm
PLACE: Hindu Temple of Minnesota, 10530 Troy Ln N, Maple Grove, MN 55311

Join us at our resumed in-person health clinics! They are free, do not require preregistration, and open to all. Walk-ins only! No preregistration required. You will need to fill out a form upon arrival with your name, phone, ZIP code, and services you wish to receive.

Free, confidential consultations and referrals with a physician are available. Other services available are:
Blood pressure testing, Blood glucose testing BMI testing, Cholesterol testing (nominal charges apply), A1C testing (nominal charges apply)
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