
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
The first ever C-IPTp learning meeting, held virtually 1-3 June, brought together over 150 Ministry leaders from across Africa, community representatives, partners, researchers and donors with the aim to share, learn and plan further for scale up readiness.  During that meeting I was inspired, as I heard from multiple countries: C-IPTp affords pregnant women greater opportunity to not only protect herself from malaria but also receive the comprehensive care she needs throughout her pregnancy.  This is a win for mothers and their babies!  This newsletter is dedicated to the community health care workers, like Kihoni in DRC and Manual in Mozambique, who work tirelessly to ensure eligible pregnant women get the malaria prevention they need: seeking out a pregnant woman where she lives, providing her with education and counseling, referring her to antenatal care and giving all eligible pregnant women access to intermittent preventive treatment.
Voices from the Field
“For me, it is a great joy and we will always continue to follow these TIPTOP training to give the best of ourselves and for our communities and the whole population to end maternal and child mortality in our homes."
--Kihoni Bamba, CHW, Kazamba Health Area, DRC
A Day in the Life of a TIPTOP CHW
Photo Credits: Karel Prinsloo
Meet Manual Matheos Majuta, a TIPTOP CHW in Nhamatanda, Mozambique.
Each day Manual travels around his health catchment area, going home to home identifying pregnant women.
When Manual finds a pregnant woman, he counsels her on the benefits of IPTp and ANC and encourages her to take steps to have a healthy pregnancy. 
Manual captures important data that will help track IPTp doses and ANC visits for each pregnant woman and writes up a referral slip for the pregnant women to attend ANC where she can receive comprehensive care.
At the end of the day, Manual rides his bike home, ready to start over again the following day.  A TIPTOP CHW's job is never done!  

Meet our TIPTOP team members

Andritahina Razafiarijaona

Country Program Manager, Madagascar
I knew I wanted to work in global health when: the first time I knew that a life has been saved because of the work I did, I felt that global heath is special for me.  I always want to do more, to reach more pregnant women and help them to protect their own baby. 

Hailey Cox

Program Officer, Jhpiego
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: the data generated from TIPTOP will be used by experts and world leaders to make decisions that could greatly improve the lives of pregnant women.

Laia Cirera

Health Economist, ISGlobal
My role on TIPTOP is: as a health economist, I am leading the economic evaluation of the project, in order to assess whether adding C-IPTp to malaria prevention in pregnancy is a cost-effective strategy in Sub-Saharan Africa. 
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