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Newsletter June 2021
Welcome to our June Newsletter << First Name >>.
With the easing of travel restrictions in Spain, it’s been interesting to hear reports from quite a few of our congregation who have been able to get away for short breaks in the region. There has also been an encouraging sign that things are slowly returning to ‘normal’, as we have recently had the pleasure of welcoming a few visitors from further afield, at some of our services!
Quite a few discussions about starting our Church social gatherings have taken place – but it’s clear, that care is still needed in how we proceed during the weeks ahead. As we would normally finish social events towards the end of June, it does seem sensible to now plan re-starting our gatherings after the summer heat, in September. There has already been talk of a Christmas Fair at the end of November, so it’s good to know that plans are beginning to take shape. There’s a small group of ‘crafty people’ who are planning on re-starting the Craft Group, meeting at Los Boliches soon. Just have a word with Jen Sutton in you are interested.
Meanwhile, our Bible Study Groups are still taking place via Zoom and you are most welcomed to join either at any time. We are also starting the occasional Sunday afternoon Zoom Service, with chance to chat with friends from across the Chaplaincy. I hope you will be able to join us.

Fr Nigel
Bible Study Groups
You are most welcome to join our Bible Study Groups at any time….
Both the Coastal and inland Groups would welcome new members. For more information about dates, times, please contact the leaders directly:
John Sutton
or Caroline
Charity of the month
Our Charity of the month is now Let the Children Live

A charity of last resort - whose aim is that the forgotten children of Colombia may have life; life in all its fullness.
(There will be retiring collections at each church to support this work)

Let The Children Live! is a charity that works in Colombia with children from the streets and shantytowns of the city of Medellín. These children were once called ‘the disposable ones’ and they are at high social risk from the violence that they experience in the streets and shantytowns of cities such as Medellín.  Most of the danger in the shantytowns comes from the many gangs (or bandas) that control them.  Let The Children Live! is at present working with 500 very vulnerable boys and girls in this city. For most of them it is their last hope. Their ages range from six-year-olds to teenagers and they are often unloved and unwanted; even beaten, robbed, raped and sometimes murdered. By the rest of the world they are either unknown or forgotten. The charity aims to safeguard the lives of these children from the poverty and violence of the streets and shantytowns, and to make their lives worth living by giving them love, education and a future.
The charity was founded in 1992 by Fr. Peter Walters, an Anglican priest. He first became involved with the street-children in 1982 when they helped him after he became temporarily stranded in Colombia. It is a charitable (not-for-profit) organisation and does not engage in political activity. “We recognise that the phenomenon of the street-children is the product of complex social problems to which there are no easy answers. Our aim is to support the Colombian people as they take the initiative in caring for the most disadvantaged of their children,” says Fr. Peter. “They are making the most of their limited resources, but they need support from abroad for this work to continue and grow. Because the children have no one, they really belong to us all. Unless we help them, these children will remain ‘disposable ones’: throwaway kids with no future at all.”
Let The Children Live! is a Christian charity. We believe that no human being is ‘disposable’ and that every person is precious to God. We are concerned to ensure that each child is cared for as an individual, with his or her own special needs and can experience life ‘in all its fullness’. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, the lives of many children have already been preserved and made worth living through the provision of love, care, education and training.
Let The Children Live! does not run its own projects directly, but uses most of the funds it raises to support Fundación ¡Vivan Los Niños!, which is known as Funvini, for short. Based in Medellín, Funvini was set up in 1994 to be the main partner of Let The Children Live! in Colombia and to enable it to finance new initiatives for the children there. It has been granted legal recognition as a charity by the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar. Funvini is currently helping some 550 children through its various programmes.
For many people the name Colombia conjures up only negative images but that is unfair to this beautiful country and its people. Geographically the country is very diverse. Bordered by the Caribbean Sea on its Northern coast and by the Pacific Ocean on its Western coast, it also has the Andes mountains running down its western side, the llanos (plains) to the east and the Amazon jungle to the south. Its people are warm and friendly, with many skills and talents, and the country can boast the best emeralds in the world. Tragically, more than 40 years of guerilla warfare and the violent drugs wars have brought huge suffering to many of its people and their resilience can only be admired. A democracy, Colombia is struggling to overcome its considerable problems and to present a more positive face to the rest of the world. 
Ways you can help:
Please be generous in your donation on Sunday – or using the Just Donate Button on our website…
Support us with your prayers! This, after all, is God’s work and first and foremost we need His help, so your prayers are extremely important.
Pray for all the staff and pray for the children and all the children in the streets and shantytowns.
For a copy of their latest Newsletter go to:

The life of the Trinity – an invitation….
On the last Sunday of May, we celebrated Trinity Sunday – and as the rest of ‘Ordinary Time’ is also measured in the ‘Sundays after Trinity’, it’s worth pausing again and thinking about what this really means for us today. The Trinity is of course, a way of speaking about God, drawn principally from Jesus’s farewell discourse to his friends at the Last Supper in St John’s Gospel.
Here, Jesus tells them that he’s going to his ‘father’, and when he does, he will ‘send the comforter’ or ‘strengthener’ — and this is meant to be good news for his friends! The comforter will lead them into all truth. The implication is that they aren’t there yet. This, despite their knowledge of the scriptures (our Old Testament), in which God appears as a creator, a father, wisdom, and the spirit, not to mention the references it contains to the arrival of Jesus.  Perhaps it is easier to use the doctrine of the Trinity as a reminder of what God is not. God is not a man in the sky. It is so easy to fall lazily into that human image which William Blake sent up as ‘Nobodaddy’.
God is not an object. From then, it’s a short step to making God an object in our own image. (What other image could we create ‘him’ in?)
And from then, it’s fatally easy to ask daft questions like: ‘How could God do x when he’s supposed to be loving?’ or ‘What will God do to me if I do y?’ — questions that imply that God is a human being with human capabilities and reactions, just bigger and more powerful than most.
Jesus invites us to call God ‘abba’ or ‘father’ — not because God is any sort of a man in the sky, but because God is an intimate, loving presence. Jesus equally promises that his spirit will be with us as ‘the comforter’ — another personal image intended to give his friends hope and joy. Jesus calls himself most often ‘the Son of Man’, without contradicting those who accused him of equating himself with God. He promises his friends that he is going to Father in order to draw them into that loving relationship, too — that their joy may be complete.
Rublev’s famous icon of the Trinity conveys many Christian truths. Most excitingly, its composition leads the eye around the flowing circle of the three persons’ gestures of love until it rests in the space into which the beholder may come to join them at their table. The eternal flow of love between the three mysterious figures surely, lovingly invites us into the mystery of God who is beyond creaturely com­prehension.
(Terence Handley MacMath)
Annual General Meeting 2021
It was encouraging to have members from each congregation attending our AGM the other week, when we were able to review and give thanks for the work of the Chaplaincy during 2020. It was a bit strange, as we only had the AGM for 2019 last October, but it was still good to meet and review the strangest of years that was 2020!
As usual the Reports were made available on line, making things a bit easier for those who could not attend, and also enabled the meeting flow smoothly and not take too long. Concern was raise about the finances of the Chaplaincy and the fact that for every person on the Electoral Roll, we are ‘charged’ for the Diocesan Share payment, Deanery Synod fees and by FEREDE fees plus a charge levied for each worship centre. This roughly works out at more than 1€ per person, per week, before we do anything as a Chaplaincy. A sobering thought….
Jen Sutton was re-elected as Churchwarden – and we would like to thank John Brown for his year in Office, as he decided not to stand for again this year. Jen is also taking more responsibility on as our Treasurer. AS we now only have one churchwarden, this is not ideal as it does increase the pressure and commitment needed for both posts. So we would encourage other members of our congregations to think seriously about helping out. The Treasurer’s post can be essentially a ‘book keeper’ as things are now set up to allow for banking to be carried out by others. If you are able to help, please have a word with Jen.
Sunday Evening Zoom Service
As many people from across our Chaplaincy and beyond, appreciated and valued our Zoom social gatherings and services during the time of travel restrictions, it seems a good idea to continue using this means of communication, from time to time.
Please join us on Sunday 13 June and Sunday 11 July at 5pm
for a short service and chance to chat with friends from across the Chaplaincy – and hopefully we will also be joined by some of our Swallows!
Just use this link for both services:
Meeting ID: 573 442 0030
Word Search – Cheeses of the World
Here’s a little something to keep those little grey cells working, as you enjoy an odd glass of Cava (or something), while the staff prepare your evening meal…

Can you find the words listed in the grid?
They may be written in any direction.
You can also down load this as a PDF
A reminder...
For those who continue to self-isolate or are unable to attend church, we still produce a  service sheet to email out to you. If you would like to receive this, please drop a line to and we will gladly add you to the mailing list.
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