This year during Pride 2021, Well Beings celebrates the individuality and diversity within the LGBTQ+ community by highlighting some inclusive mental health resources.
Check out these comprehensive mental health resources supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Share your favorite LGBTQ+ mental health resources with us this Pride Month using our hashtag #WellBeings on social!
If you are a person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, the Mental Health Coalition has a resource guide for those seeking mental health support in the LGBTQ+community.
Use #WellBeings on social media posts to contribute your story, messages of encouragement, and favorite mental health resources to Well Beings Community Story Wall.
Support for the Well Beings Youth Mental Health Project is provided by Otsuka, Kaiser Permanente, Bank of America, Liberty Mutual Insurance, American Psychiatric Association Foundation, One Mind, Movember, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Dana Foundation, Dauten Family Foundation, The Hersh Foundation, Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission, John & Frances Von Schlegell, Sutter Health, Robina Riccitiello, and Jackson Family Enterprises.
Partners include CALL TO MIND at American Public Media, PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs, WE Organization, Forbes, PEOPLE, Mental Health America, National Council for Mental Wellbeing, The Steve Fund, and The Jed Foundation.