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Delivered from Despair

John 20:27-2
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

Jesus’ disciple, Thomas, will always be known for his doubt. He had followed Jesus faithfully, seen all the miracles, and watched His friend die on a cross. For some reason, Thomas was not present on the evening of the resurrection when Jesus appeared to the others and showed them the physical marks of His crucifixion. When they told Thomas what had happened, he said, “The only way I will believe again is if I can see His scars for myself!” Thomas only asked for the same proof the others had seen. History calls Thomas a doubter, but what I hear is the same depth of despair they all had wrestled with. Jesus didn’t criticize Thomas, but simply showed him His scars and said, “Stop doubting and believe.” We, like Thomas, can be faithful followers of Jesus and still find ourselves wrestling with doubt and discouragement. When that happens, take your questions to Jesus, and He will help you increase your faith.

Do you sometimes find it hard to put aside your skepticism and believe that Jesus wants to help you increase your faith? Consider all the times He has delivered you from despair, then thank Him for His faithfulness to you.

Heavenly Father, when I take You at Your Word, doubt flees and despair retreats. Forgive me for my divided heart: partly listening to my circumstances, partly listening to Your Word. Give me singleness of heart and action. In my belief, help my unbelief! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Pastor Allen Jackson
World Outreach Church
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