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Opening Prayer

Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever.   Amen.



Letter to the Parish from
Priest Doyle

Dear Parish Family,

We had a beautiful Eucharistic Celebration on Pentecost Sunday thanks to a number of our brothers and sisters who worked behind the scenes to make this possible.  Our ushers Hutch Gibb and Ron Keith and our greeters Leslie Clark and Sandy Keith helped organize the logistics and help people to their seats, keeping track of all of the details.  Hutch set up the chairs at the crack of dawn, and Ingo Rencken and Leslie Clark helped him to put things back together after the service with Tom Allen and Ron Keith carrying things back and forth.
Sandy Keith set a beautiful altar in the outdoor setting after Charlie Buff and Ron Keith had worked very hard to spruce up our grounds and the Memorial Garden area, with the help of our sexton Sam Garcia.  Barbara Klingbeil and Mary Field arranged beautiful flowers with vivid colors highlighting the festive tone of our gathering. 
Jackie Senter and Mark Kratz provided the wonderful music helping us give our praise and thanks to God for the gifts of our Lord.  Karl Mutch used his very helpful technical skills on sound for the event and coordination with our Zoom community.  We thank Bobbiejo Maggard, our Parish Administrator, for keeping track of reservations and for making sure we had all the materials we needed.
The very great gift of having our church family together in-person for the first time since a year ago last March was an overwhelming experience provided by all of you who came to worship together.  To see yourselves, our people, gathered together where we could see and hear each other in body and spirit was absolutely amazing!  It felt like a miracle!  Thank you all so much for your presence and the joyful worship we participated in together.
I am so grateful for you all.
May the Peace of the Lord be with each of you and your families and among you corporately forever.  Alleluia!  Alleluia! 
Priest Doyle



This Weekend's
Zoom Service

Sunday, June 6, 2021at 9:30AM: Second Sunday after Pentecost

Click here for the Zoom Invitation for Second Sunday after Pentecost.
Click here for the service leaflet.



St Patrick's
Virtual Worship


Sunday, June 6, Second Sunday after Pentecost, 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, June 13, Third Sunday after Pentecost, 9:30 a.m.



Regular Weekday Worship & Education


Compline Service, Every Tuesday at 4PM

See New Zoom Invitation and Service Leaflet Links for June 8, 2021.

Click here for the Zoom Invitation for June 8.
Click here for the service leaflet for May 18 through June 8.

Bible Study

Our Parish Bible Study has been on break and will resume on Wednesday, June 9 at 9:00 a.m.

The readings for June 9, 2021 will be the First Letter of Peter  3:1-5:14.



Opening Hymn Second Sunday After Pentecost


Bishop Megan Traquair's Message

Dear Friends in Christ:

As you likely know, Governor Newsom recently announced that effective June 15, the State of California is lifting most COVID-19 mask and social distancing restrictions. In light of these upcoming changes, I am creating a task force of clergy, lay leaders, and public health professionals to provide me with insights and recommendations on how to move forward as a diocese.
Throughout the past year, I have advised our churches to:
  • Develop a regathering plan,
  • Follow all Federal, State, and local guidance,
  • Adopt and maintain protocols that ensure safe environments for our employees and parishioners.

To date, our parishes have done a stellar job of fulfilling these objectives. I am thankful to the clergy and lay leaders of our diocese who have helped to protect the most vulnerable among us. 
I am asking the task force to convene next week to discuss their recommendations. Together we will review the latest research and create updated guidelines for you to follow. It is my hope that we will report our recommendations to the diocese before June 15.


Priest Doyle's Vacation

Priest Doyle is currently on vacation and will return June 7.  Father Ed Howell will be filling in for Priest Doyle while she is on vacation, including worship services and pastoral care.  Please let the church office know if you need to speak with him.


A Message from the Planned Giving Ministry

Won't you consider joining the Legacy Circle?
To join St. Patrick's Legacy Circle, please request and/or mail in the Donor Intent Form. 

The Planned Giving Ministry members include Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey, Chair, Laurie Boone-Hogen, and Ann and Alec Peters.


Pop-Up Food Ministry!

Below is Elanor Albon's thankful note and a recap of Tuesday's Pop-Up Food at St Patrick's Church.
Thank you to our Pop-Food Ministry team for all your hard work in serving those who are in need!

Thanks to Susan, Pam/Larry, Kerin, driver Chris (new to most of us), and REFB rep, Arturo. With absolutely wonderful weather, we distributed food to 36 households/104 individuals!  Whereas we see many repeat clients each distribution, there continues to be new people.  The numbers are dropping, which hopefully means the needs are decreasing.

I took food to the Kenwood fire station and the station on Calistoga Road.  I knocked on every door and window at the Oakmont station, but had no response!  A fireman (a really tall dude - his belt buckle was at my eye level!) at Calistoga, for whom I waited while they backed in a fire truck, said the Oakmont guys were likely on a call.  

It continues to be a blessing to me to see our dedicated volunteers interacting with clients and each other. I bet the Holy Spirit is having a good time, too!



Guess Who?

From left to right Brian Shinoda, Carla Bryant, Rich & Betsy, Rosie Speight

Brian and Carla attend Christ’s Church Episcopal, Castle Rock CO.
Carla, Brian and Rosie would love to hear from you!
All three of them were very active at St Patrick's Church when they resided in Sonoma County.  Carla and Brian volunteered with Coffee Hour and Rosie with Altar Guild. Rosie made a memorial gift to add protective film to the Narthex windows in honor of her husband, member & Usher J.C. Speight.

Visiting friends keeps them close in heart and mind. They also live to take the role of your guide!!

During our trip we visited several points of interest such as Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs and the Denver Museum of Natural History where Brian is a Docent.
Oh yes! They also took us to Red Rock and Golden and we dined at The Fort with amazing game on the menu. A vacation to remember!

Look up a friend and renew the acquaintance.

~Submitted by Richard Randolph


Blessing Bags

On May 1, Rich and I delivered to Redwood Gospel Mission 113 Blessing Bags!  That is a remarkable achievement from St. Patrick's, the Emmaus Congregation and Kenwood Community Church.  Redwood Gospel Mission was very grateful and planned to distribute them that night.  Some hungry people who needed a little hope were fed physically and spiritually, thanks to all of you.
We'll do another delivery in early June so please bring the Blessing Bags to our house by June 11.

Our address is 8399 Oakmont Dr., Santa Rosa, 95409.  Please call me at (408)981-2024 if you have any questions.

  Pack the quart bag (stretchables are easier) with:
  A pop top of canned pasta with meat
  Crackers with cheese or peanut butter
  Juice box
  Granola-type bar (with nuts for more nutrition)
  Paper napkin and sturdy plastic fork
  Short phrase or sentence of encouragement

Thanks again for helping our neighbors in need.  God Bless you all!  
Betsy Randolph


Richard Rohr
Daily Meditation

An Evolving Faith Includes Doubt 
Theme: An Evolving Faith
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Brian McLaren  


An Evolving Faith

An Evolving Faith Includes Doubt
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

In my mind, one of the markers of an evolving faith is an ability to integrate doubt—to hold the tension between what we’ve been taught and what we’ve come to know as true. When grounded in an experience of Love, doubt does not represent a step backwards, but is a necessary condition for any movement forward. CAC teacher Brian McLaren speaks of his personal journey with doubt as the essential ingredient in the evolution of his faith from “orthodoxy” or right belief to “orthopraxy” or right way of life. 

Before doubt, I thought that faith was a matter of correct beliefs. My religious teachers taught me so: that if I didn’t hold the right beliefs, or at least say that I held them, I would be excommunicated from my community, and perhaps, after death, from God’s presence. They taught me this not to be cruel but because they themselves had been taught the same thing, and they were working hard, sometimes desperately, to be faithful to the rules as they understood them. I tried to do the same, and I would still be doing so today if not for doubt.

Doubt chipped away at those beliefs, one agonizing blow at a time, revealing that what actually mattered wasn’t the point of beliefs but the clear window of faith, faith as a life orientation, faith as a framework of values and spirituality, faith as a commitment to live into a deep vision of what life can be, faith as a way of life, faith expressing itself in love.

For all those years, when I said, “I believe,” I thought I understood what I was doing. But more was going on, so much more. . . .

Looking back, I now see that underneath arguments about what I believed to be true factually, something deeper and truer was happening actually. 

For example, whether or not the creation story happened factually as described in Genesis, I was committing myself to live in the world as if it actually were a precious, beautiful, meaningful creation, and as if I were too. . . .

What mattered most was not that I believed the stories in a factual sense, but that I believed in the meaning they carried so I could act upon that meaning and embody it in my life, to let that meaning breathe in me, animate me, fill me. . . . Whether I considered the stories factually accurate was never the point; what actually mattered all along was whether I lived a life pregnant with the meaning those stories contained. To my surprise, when I was given permission to doubt the factuality of my beliefs, I discovered their actual life-giving purpose. . . .

Doubt need not be the death of faith. It can be, instead, the birth of a new kind of faith, a faith beyond beliefs, a faith that expresses itself in love, a deepening and expanding faith that can save your life and save the world.

Brian D. McLaren, Faith after Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do about It(St. Martins: 2021), 206, 207, 212.

Story from Our Community:
These have been extremely challenging times and, though difficult and often dangerous, inside each of them lay opportunity. I can enmesh myself in ego (my own and of others), yet I do my best to awaken to Christ consciousness. Everything is for the sake of spiritual evolution. It’s all about love for the sake of more love. Each of us has been Divinely granted yet another day to recognize the only real force—LOVE. —Robert L.

Image credit: Chaokun Wang, bamboo 天竹子 (detail), 2015, photograph, Wikiart.
Image inspiration: The capacity of bamboo to grow mirrors our own potential for inner unfolding. As long as there is life, there is evolution. As long as we have breath, our faith can continue to grow.
Click Here for more Richard Rohr Daily Meditations

Oakmont Arts & Crafts Faire
June 19, 2021

Arts and Crafts Faire, Saturday, June 19, 10 a.m. to 3p.m.

Berger Parking Lot

On a spring day in June, check out the displays of local artisans, listen to the music and snack on food from the vendor as you stroll through the spaces in the Berger parking lot.

Any Oakmont artist or craftsperson is eligible to enter the Faire to display and sell his/her wares.

Anything loosely considered art or craft, such as paintings, photos, jewelry, quilting, knitting and anything else you might like to display, is considered eligible.

If you would like to enter the show, pick up an entry form at the OVA Office, or contact Carolita Carr at 595-3401 or

You can also print the form below and mail it Carolita Carr, 180 Mountain Vista Place, Santa Rosa CA 95409.

Click Here to Download/Print the sign-up form.

Beloved Community Resource Newsletter
May 2021

There are several items in this issue we wish to highlight:
  • Bishop Curry’s statement on the violence in the Holy Land and an Action Alert telling Congress to take action to stop the violence
  • The Racial Justice Audit of Episcopal Leadership and webinar dates
  • 5 tips for forming a Sacred Ground circle
  • Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Month
  • Information about a Land Acknowledgement that the Indigenous Ministry Task Force is working on
  • The Immigrant Day of Action on May 25
  • Episcopal Bishops will mark the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder on May 25
  • From the Pew to the Public Square resource booklet which covers 5 ways Episcopalians can make social change
We hope you find the information in this newsletter useful.  We always welcome your comments and feedback.
Miriam Casey and Lynn Zender, Co-chairs
Karen Nolan, Sacred Ground Coordinator
Jo Ann Williams, Editor
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Episcopal Diocese of Northern California 
Office of Government Relations Gender-based Violence, Police Reform & Advocacy

The Keeping Women & Girls Safe from the Start Act expands the ability of the US government to prevent gender-based violence & provide early interventions at the onset of humanitarian emergencies. 

While a great deal of police reform occurs at the local level, the House of Representatives passed the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021, a bill that would set national standards and attempt to bring about lasting change to the ways that police departments operate. Now that legislation is in the Senate, and bipartisan talks are underway to come up with a bipartisan police reform bill that will become law. 

OGR Advocacy Newsletter May 2021 The first few months of a new presidential administration are often a time of great activity as the new administration seeks to set a new tone and signal priorities. The beginning of a new Congressional session is also a time of increased legislative activity, when meaningful bills are introduced with a higher likelihood of passing. The past several months are no exception. Read on to learn more.

- Episcopal Public Policy Network of California

COVID-19 Updates from City Connections
City of Santa Rosa

Vaccination Update

As of Wednesday, 58 percent of Sonoma County's 12 and older population is now fully vaccinated, and 70 percent has received at least one dose which includes more than 300,000 residents. Vaccination clinics are offered at schools for students and families age 12-plus, and the vaccine is readily available and being administered to all eligible individuals at mobile clinics throughout the County with walk-up and online appointments available. Use the following link to schedule an appointment: website for more options.

Sonoma County Officially Aligns with California's Guidelines for Facial Coverings

The Sonoma County Health Order Officer issued a Health Order on May 24, officially aligning Sonoma County with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines on face coverings. The Health Order says that all individuals in Sonoma County must continue to comply with the state's Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings issued by the CDPH on May 3, 2021. READ MORE

Updates to State Framework for June 15 Reopening

The CDPH updated the Beyond the Blueprint Framework for California's June 15 reopening. On June 15, industry and business sectors may return to usual operations with no capacity limits or physical distancing requirements, with limited exceptions for mega events. The full guidance and Q&A are available on the CDPH website. READ MORE

More COVID-19 News

Click the logo below to learn more about updates within our Community.



Alan Jackson - Blessed Assurance (Live)


Closing Prayer

Let us pray.

The Dance of Freedom
One of the primary themes of the Hebrew Scriptures is that of liberation. God frees the Jewish people from enslavement, exile, and suffering. In the Christian Scriptures, Jesus continues to do that work through his Gospel of love and forgiveness. Perhaps it’s not very surprising, then, that the therapeutic model Dr. Edith Eger developed over her four decades of practice is based on freedom. She calls it “Choice Therapy, as freedom is about CHOICE—about choosing compassion, humor, optimism, intuition, curiosity, and self-expression.” [1] In this practice, drawn from her Jewish faith and tradition, she encourages us to find freedom through conscious choice.
In the Haggadah, the Jewish text that tells the story of liberation from slavery in Egypt and teaches the prayers and rituals for seder, the special Passover feast, there are four questions that the youngest member of the family traditionally gets to ask—the questions it was my privilege to ask at my childhood seders, that I asked the last night I spent with my parents in our home. In my therapeutic practice I have my own version of the four questions . . . [so patients] could liberate themselves from their victimhood.
  1. What do you want? This is a deceptively simple question. It can be much more difficult than we realize to give ourselves permission to know and listen to ourselves, to align ourselves with our desires. How often when we answer this question do we say what we want for someone else? . . .  
  2. Who wants it? This is our charge and our struggle: to understand our own expectations for ourselves versus trying to live up to others’ expectations of us. . . . It’s our responsibility to act in service of our authentic selves. Sometimes this means giving up the need to please others, giving up our need for others’ approval.
  3. What are you going to do about it? I believe in the power of positive thinking—but change and freedom also require positive action. Anything we practice, we become better at. If we practice anger, we’ll have more anger. If we practice fear, we’ll have more fear. In many cases, we actually work very hard to ensure that we go nowhere. Change is about noticing what’s no longer working and stepping out of the familiar, imprisoning patterns.
  4. When? In Gone with the Wind, my mother’s favorite book, Scarlett O’Hara, when confronted with a difficulty, says, “I’ll think about it tomorrow. . . . After all, tomorrow is another day.” If we are to evolve instead of revolve, it’s time to take action now. . . .
I’ve never met a person who would consciously choose to live in captivity. Yet I’ve witnessed again and again how willingly we hand over our spiritual and mental freedom, choosing to give another person or entity the responsibility of guiding our lives, of choosing for us. [2]

Experience a version of this practice through video and sound.

[1] Edith Eva Eger, The Choice: Embrace the Possible (Scribner: 2017), 173.
[2] Eger, 242–243, 246.
Image credit: Chaokun Wang, The creatures dream 生灵之梦 (detail), 2017, photograph, Wikiart.
Image inspiration: A single deer under gray skies stands in a seemingly hopeless position. And yet . . . it is grounded, positioned to face what is before it, leaning forward into the wind. How have contemplatives who have come before us remained grounded and active in the face of oppressive systemic evils? How do we? 



Please Support Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church Ministry

Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.

Thank you!!!


If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.




Priest Doyle Dietz Allen Contact Information   
Parish Office Phone: 707-833-4228
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452
2021  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

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