The Zoom event, an ambitious live call from the remote banks of the Sunde River in Gache Gache, southern Charara – was intended not only to connect with our affiliates, but to share with them our work, insights and a small part of the vast Zambezi Valley landscape.
Prior to the broadcast, we had spent some time in Mana Pools, filming with ZEF founder, John Stevens, hearing his bush stories and creating virtual safari experiences to share with our viewers. Behind-the-scenes on the big day was the pre-requisite technology – cables, cameras and computers – but also the all-important rangers, their camp, equipment and deployment vehicle, in the strategically placed anti-poaching fly camp from which we were broadcasting.
We might have achieved a wild authenticity out there in the middle of nowhere, (what could be wilder than James leaping up mid-session to greet the returning rangers?) but unfortunately the upstream feed just wasn’t good enough to connect without frustrating our, thankfully, sympathetic audiences in the UK and USA. So, the bush broadcasts will now take on a different form – a hybrid, if you like – of pre-filmed wild stories, live discussion and audience participation, all from the safe confines of our Harare fibre-fed office!