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Carpentries Clippings, 3 June 2021

Tweet of The Week

Peter Steinbach @psteinb_
It's hard to let go, but it's super comforting to see a community's gratefulness.…

I guess I learned the lesson that @gvwilson talked about at @CarpentryCon 2018.

NB: How many emotions a pull-request can create?! Crazy times & thank you @thecarpentries
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Community News & Updates from Our Committees / Task Forces

Formalising The Carpentries Community Roles & Structure
Carpentries Executive Director Dr. Kari L. Jordan and Carpentries Executive Council Chair Lex Nederbragt recently wrote a blog post on recent efforts and actions by The Carpentries to Formalise Carpentries Community Roles and the justifications and explanations involved

Invitation to Become a Discussion Host in The Carpentries
Discussion Hosts in The Carpentries are community members who facilitate our hour-long community calls, known as community discussions. These community discussions are a recurring space for instructors and helpers to ask questions and exchange ideas around the teaching Carpentries workshops, and to debrief after teaching. They also serve as places for networking and for peer mentorship between experienced and new instructors. 

All community members interested in serving as discussion hosts are invited to an onboarding session on  Wednesday, June 9 at 12noon UTC ( see the start time in your time zone)

Please sign up to attend the onboarding sessions in our Community Discussions Etherpad. More details are available in this blog post

Culturally Relevant Education in Environmental Data Science (CREEDS) workshop
As we shared in the last edition of Carpentries Clippings, The Culturally Relevant Education in Environmental Data Science (CREEDS) Workshop​ dates a​re​ August (August 10th and 17th).

We are pleased to share the workshop application with you.

The application deadline is June 4th and invitations will be sent by June 14th.

Highlights from the Community Calendar

Community Discussions and Themed Discussions in The Carpentries are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on community calls that may pique your interest and are in a befitting hour depending on your timezone and schedule. You can also watch some of our recorded community calls on our YouTube channel.

  • Carpentries Community Discussion with Sarah Stevens: 8 June, 14:00 UTC

  • Themed Discussion for All Interested in Becoming Discussion Hosts: 9 June, 12:00 UTC

  • Carpentries Community Discussion with Angelique Trusler: 14 June, 10:00 UTC

What You May Have Missed on The Carpentries Blog

Reflecting on the first round of Lesson Development Study Groups
In this blog post, Carpentries Core Team member Toby Hodges highlights what was learned from the inaugural round of lesson development training.

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From research to final product: the path to the design for the next lesson template
Emily de la Mettrie, the designer of the new Carpentries lesson template, shares her process behind the design of the next iteration of the lesson template

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University of the Western Cape’s first Data Carpentry Workshop of 2021
Originally posted on the University of Western Cape's eResearch website, this blog post highlights lessons learned from UWC's first Data Carpentry Workshop of 2021

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Teaching Tips from The Carpentries Instructor Trainers

From Raniere Gaia:

When teaching bash or git I use the split terminal - - You can even configure to have two different sessions with different colours (background and font) to simulate the interaction of two users with a remote git repository.

The Incubator Lesson Spotlight

The Incubator Lesson Spotlight is a regular feature in The Carpentries blog and Carpentries Clippings newsletter, highlighting the great work our community is doing to develop new lessons in The Carpentries Incubator. Developers of any lesson in the Incubator are encouraged to submit details about their material for inclusion in the series.

This edition’s featured lesson is Bash and R for Metagenomics
Learn more about this lesson

If you would like to increase the visibility of your lesson and encourage Carpentries community members to contribute to its ongoing development, fill in this short form.

Community Opportunity Postings

Toolshed (Posts from Our Past)

In May 2020, Carpentries community member Sarah Stevens published the blog post, Running a Virtual Social Carpentries Meetup in UW- Madison, highlighting learnings from before, during and after a virtual social session.
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