
2021 Newsletter Term 2, Week 9

Parkes Christian School

A Message from the Primary Coordinator

Look at us now!

Last week Kindergarten hosted the Primary assembly, presenting a play, playing a number game, explaining what they have learnt in both Science and Geography and showing their art work in a parade. Watching each of the Kindergarten students speak into the microphone and remember their lines was a great testament to how far they have come in one semester of school. It wasn’t that long ago that 25 shy...

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School News
K-2 Forbes Eisteddfod
It was a different eisteddfod that K-2 headed off to on Friday morning. We performed in front of the adjudicator and some family supporters, without any other schools. This was because of the COVID scare in Forbes. K-2 have spent weeks preparing their songs and according to the adjudicator we performed them very well. He told us he could hear every word we sang and he enjoyed the contrasting pieces we had chosen. K-2 were able to get their singing results straight away and were so happy to win first place. Thank you Mr Brown for accompanying us!
The Year 2 choral speaking group, did a marvellous job when they hopped up to recite 'What Can You Here?' by Kathryn Blowen and 'The Triantiwontigongolope' by CJ Dennis. They not only performed beautifully, but they and the rest of K-2 were a credit to the school with their exceptional behaviour.
Late on Friday afternoon Mrs Greenland received the exciting news that Year 2 have also won their section. Congratulations K-2. You should all be very proud of yourself and all your hard work!
Yr 3 and 4 Shire Library Visit
Years 3 and 4 went to the Shire Library on Tuesday afternoon after such a long time. Adjectives that described the Shire library to the PCS Stage 2 students were: Beautiful!Amazing! Awesome! New - look! Welcoming! Bright! Gorgeous! Inviting! Grand! Enticing! Ideal!.... and it keeps on coming. The Shire library is totally transformed and we love the new look.  We were taken on a library tour by Mrs Brown and got to see all the new and updated resources that we have in the library.  We borrowed books at the end of the day and we are looking forward to the next library trip next term.
Working Creatively With Digital Technology
During Term 2, Year 5 have been finding ways to express themselves using various forms of digital technology.
On their Chromebooks, Year 5 have been learning to use Scratch. Scratch is a coding platform that allows people to make simple games and applications by linking lines of code together. Year 5 have been using this platform to develop games where they can code a winning condition and losing condition. They have also had fun drawing their avatars, sprites and backgrounds. This has been a challenging process and it has been very encouraging to see Year 5 apply their problem solving and numerical skills to optimise their code.
Year 5 have also been using iPads to develop stop motion videos. Stop motion is a form of animation where a camera is pointed at an object. After a photo is taken, the object is slightly changed before taking another photo. Once enough photos are taken, they can then be combined into a single video that makes the object appear as though it is moving. Year 5 have had a lot of fun using Lego as a basis for creating their animations. They have had to build sets, operate cameras efficiently and work out how to make their character's "movement" look fluid and real.
It has been encouraging to see Year 5 work hard with different types of technology and it is exciting to see how their finished projects will look.

This year’s PAINT THE TOWN REaD theme is “RHYMES” - both traditional nursery rhymes, more contemporary ones, made-up ones: all things rhyming.

The Annual Community Reading Day will be held on Friday, 10th September.

We are delighted that once again it will all happen in Clarinda Street and Cooke Park

Year 7 History
Both Year 7 History classes finished their Introduction to the Ancient World by researching and creating a replica of an artefact of their choice. The students produced some great pieces of work - Saxon shields, Maori Weapons, pieces of art and currency as well as chariots, sculptures and a manger. Well done Year 7!
Miss Harris and Mrs Milne 
Year 9/10 Multimedia
Our Year 9/10 Multimedia class worked on free-choice projects throughout Term 2 this year. They came up with a fantastic range of projects with students showing their skills in photography and editing, video creation, animation, digital art and website design.
The students are currently working on a series of short films to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the school next year, and will then learn how to design their own video game before completing another major project to finish the year.
Following are some examples of the work completed by students for their first project this year.
The Little Mermaid Jr
PCS is proud to present Disney's The Little Mermaid Jr next week. Miss Harris and the huge cast have been working hard for the past couple of months and are ready for the season of four performances. The show is a junior adaptation of the highly popular Disney cartoon, which means that the show is shorter and simpler than the Broadway version.
However, it still features all the famous songs like Under the Sea, Kiss the Girl, Part of Your World and Les Poissons, plus some fantastic new songs that were written especially for the musical.
We are very proud of all the students involved in the production, particularly Chelsea Day as Ariel in her first ever show, Luke Hall-Matthews as the dashing Prince Eric, and seasoned performer Eric Paterson as Sebastian.
The performances are on this Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, with a matinee on Sunday. Tickets are available from by searching for "Parkes Christian School Little Mermaid" or by following this link
PCS Staff
Name: Belinda Westcott. 
Your Role at School: Administration and Enrolments Officer... I smile and say good morning or good afternoon.
Favourite School Memory: Design and Tech, our teacher was Mrs Margaret Gould.
Fun Fact: I played tenor horn in the school band and I've just started the parkrun.
The Best Thing about Working at PCS: The morning coffee run!
Favourite Quote/Verse: I love being encouraged by those I work with as we walk out our faith at PCS.
Name: Paul Cowie. 
Your Role at School: Maintenance and Bus Driver.
Favourite School Memory: The school athletics carnival.

Fun Fact: I always wake up with a positive attitude.
The Best Thing about Working at PCS: The staff and the students.
Favourite Quote/Verse: What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Mark 8:36
Clothing pool
If you are after any uniform items from our clothing pool, either summer or winter, please email with the item of clothing you are after and the size.
Check our facebook page to see more images and videos from our newsletter!

Monday 14 June
  • Public Holiday
Wednesday 16 June
  • The Little Mermaid Rehearsal Performance - Dress Rehearsal (11am)
  • Sport; Golf & PCYC - Yrs 7 and 8 (1:30pm - 3:00pm)
  • Sport; Lawn Bowls & PCYC - Yrs 9 and 10 (1:30pm - 3:00pm)
Thursday 17 June
  • The Little Mermaid Performance (7:00pm - 8:30pm)
Friday 18 June
  • Sport Day - Kindy to Yr 6
  • Primary Assembly (2:20pm - 3:00pm)
  • The Little Mermaid Performance (7:00pm - 8:30pm)
Saturday 19 June
  • The Little Mermaid Performance (7:00pm - 8:30pm)
Sunday 20 June
  • The Little Mermaid Matinee Performance (2:00pm - 3:30pm)
to see more calendar dates for 2021, click here...
High School Assessments

Wednesday 16 June

  • Year 9/10 Multimedia - 40 Year Anniversary Doco
Thursday 17 June
  • Year 7/8/9 Mathematics (Mrs Nunn) - Mini Test
  • Year 9/10 Commerce - Running a Business
  • Senior Music - Task 2 - Core Performance - Elective 1
Friday 18 June
  • Senior Engineering Studies - Group Engineering Report
  • Senior Visual Design - Theatre Program and Publicity Design

Monday 21 June

  • Senior Mathematics Advanced - Timed Task

Wednesday 23 June

  • Senior Engineering Studies - Timed Task
Students in the Community
Waste 2 Art Competition.
On Monday 31 May the winners of the Parkes Waste 2 Art Competition were announced and PCS students Mila, Charlotte and Elodie Ballantyne were thrilled to be one of the winning entries. Well done to everyone that entered the competition. For those interested, you can drop by the Parkes Shire Library to have a look at all the entries until Saturday 26 June, before the winning entries get shipped to Coonamble for the regional exhibition.
Well done Ballantynes on your beautiful creative artwork!
Junior Lucky Draw Prize Winner.
PCS student Jaxson Miller was a Junior lucky draw prize winner of the Find A Book Challenge for the Shire Library and Information Week. Tricia Trim from the CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope Visitors Centre presented the prize pack, generously sponsored by the Dish. Parkes Radio Telescope worked collaboratively with Parkes Library during Library & Information Week.
Congratulations Jaxson!
Upcoming School Events
Click here to book your tickets to see The Little Mermaid JR
Community News
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