Rivers Run Through This
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June 10th, 2021

Rivers Run Through This


Possibility of fracking wastewater to move along the Three Rivers

Mil­lions of gal­lons of briny, toxic, waste­wa­ter from shale gas drill­ing and frack­ing op­er­a­tions could soon be loaded onto barges and pushed down the Al­le­gheny, Mo­non­ga­hela and Ohio riv­ers.

A loose net­work of river tank ter­mi­nal and barge com­pa­nies has floated plans to be­gin ship­ping waste­wa­ter con­tain­ing pe­tro­leum con­den­sates, can­cer-caus­ing chem­i­cals and ra­dio­ac­tive ma­terial, be­tween as many as seven river ter­mi­nal sites spread out over hun­dreds of miles of the re­gion’s ma­jor wa­ter­ways.

Click here to learn more. 
Catfish survey instrumental in the Monongahela River 

For a long time, biologists didn’t know much about catfish in Northern West Virginia’s Monongahela River. They do now.

For two years, they plied the river in boats, shocking the water to bring catfish to the surface where they could be weighed, measured and released. What they found out caused them to ask for a change to the river’s fishing regulations.

Click here to learn more. 
PFAS found in 1/3 of Pennsylvania water tests

What’s in the water? For 1/3 of testing sites in Pennsylvania, the answer is chemicals known as PFAS, or ‘forever chemicals.’

The state’s Department of Environmental Protection tested a random sample of more than 400 sites across the Commonwealth.

The DEP found only two results above the federal government’s threshold for contamination, but more than 100 with some level of chemicals detected.

Click here to watch the full story. 
No-wake zone coming to Monongahela River 

In 2014, a West Virginia legislative rule established a no-wake zone at the Morgantown Waterfront.

The no-wake zone is "on the Monongahela River at the Morgantown waterfront beginning 500 feet downstream from the Westover bridge extending upstream to the Morgantown lock and dam, " according to West Virginia DNR Lt. Brad McDougal.

Click here to learn more. 
Elizabeth Township concerned over gas-fired power plant 

Residents in Elizabeth Township are fired up about the push for a gas-fired power plant.

The Allegheny County Health Department held a public hearing on the proposed plant on Tuesday. People in the township are concerned about their way of life if the plant goes through.

“It’s going to be less than one-third of a mile from us,” said Cathy Anderson of Elizabeth Township.

Click here to learn more. 
Morgantown Utility Board installs river monitoring pontoon 

As part of its mission of treating and distributing clean water to the Morgantown area, Morgantown Utility Board has installed a floating monitoring station along the Monongahela River. Located about two miles upstream of the water treatment plant main intake, the station will monitor and provide real-time data to MUB staff.

“This floating station is part of our overall Source Water Protection Program,” said MUB Director of Communications Chris Dale. “Because 80% of our drinking water currently comes from the Monongahela River, having a device such as this to monitor its quality is of obvious importance.”

Click here to learn more. 

3RQ Updates 

Targeted Study Highlight: Captina Creek 

After years of 3RQ monitoring, trends of rising bromide and total dissolved solids (TDS) have been observed in Captina Creek, a tributary to the Ohio River near the town of Armstrong Mills, OH. By analyzing monthly data from 2012 through the present, we learn more about these trends as we continue to monitor this site in the future.

To learn more, click the links below!
View Fact Sheet 
View Story Map

Grant Info

Water Resources Research Act Program National Competitive Grants FY2021 

Proposals are sought on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation’s water supply and availability, and promoting the exploration of new ideas that address or expand our understanding of water problems. Specific research areas include: socioeconomics and water use, water related hazards and public health, and advancement of our understanding of harmful algae blooms (HABs). 

$1,500,000 is available for for an expected 6 awards. The preferred project start date is September 1st, 2021. Proposals exhibiting substantial collaboration between the USGS and the applicant are strongly encouraged. Collaborative proposals should describe in detail the respective roles of the USGS and the applicant in the proposed work

Intent to submit applications were due on May 27th. If one had been submitted, remember that completed applications are due in a pdf form by 5:00pm on June 10th, 2021 via email: You must include USGS104g in the subject line.  

Website Link
RFP Download Link 
Water Resources Research Act Program: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) Substance Competitive Grants FY2021

The challenges and opportunities of understanding the impact of per-and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) substances on water resources are poorly understood, despite the real and growing impact of this group of man-made substances on water quality. Research is needed to better understand these interactions and guide management decisions that will improve water resources at the regional scale or national scale.

An estimated $1,000,000 is available for an expected 4 awards. The preferred project start date is September 1st, 2021. Proposals that include a strong educational component (student support) are encouraged, as are proposals from faculty beginning their careers.

Intent to submit applications were due on May 27th. If one had been submitted, remember that completed applications are due in a pdf form by 5:00pm on June 10th, 2021 via email: You must include USGS104g in the subject line.  

Website Link
RFP Download Link 
Water Resources Research Act Program: Aquatic Invasive Species Competitive Grants FY2021

The challenges and opportunities of understanding the connection of aquatic invasive species and water resources are poorly understood, despite the real and growing impact of numerous aquatic invasive species on water quality and quantity. Research is needed to better understand these interactions and guide management decisions that will improve water resources at the regional scale. 

An estimated $1,000,000 is available for an expected 4 awards. The preferred project start date is September 1st, 2021. Proposals that include a strong educational component (student support) are encouraged, as are proposals from faculty beginning their careers.

Intent to submit applications were due on May 27th. If one had been submitted, remember that completed applications are due in a pdf form by 5:00pm on June 10th, 2021 via email: You must include USGS104g in the subject line. 

Website Link
RFP Download Link 
Growing Greener 

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Growing Greener grant rounds are now open and will close on June 25th, 2021. More than $34 million has been awarded to fund 149 projects to clean up waters in Pennsylvania through DEP’s Growing Greener program.

In order to submit your grant you must reach out to Dr. William Brogan to schedule a meeting to discuss your project. Please contact him at the email below to schedule at your earliest convenience. 

Website link
Contact William Brogan III, PhD, Watershed Manager, for more information.
Phone: (412) 442-4338
AML Pilot Program 
The Office of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation (AML) has created a program to help projects located on or adjacent to mine sites that ceased operations prior to the signing of the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) on Aug. 3, 1977.

West Virginia coalfields have been donated over $130 million since 2016 through the AML Pilot Program. To view a map of AML in the state of West Virginia, click here.

To sign up for the 2021 round of grant finding, click the link here! Make sure to submit completed applications by July 31, 2021.

Website link
Contact Travis Parsons, Planning Administrator, for more information.
Phone: (304) 414-1185

For more information on available grants, visit our 3RQ website here, or click the button below!

Grant Information
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3RQ Funded by: Colcom Foundation
3RQ REACH 4Schools Funded by: PADEP and EQT

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