Your weekly injection of tech news from the Doctolib team
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Happy Tuesday!

The 8 curators of this newsletter come from 5 different countries. This is indicative of the tech team at Doctolib where people from around 40 nations work together.

And although Covid-19 has been hindering mobility of talent over the last year and a half, we still have new colleagues joining us from other countries and continents regularly. You’ll find a link to an upcoming session of our Ask Us series in the Docto Tech Life section of this newsletter: learn about the experiences from 4 of our expats this Thursday!

The rest of today’s content is every bit as diverse: custom “cops”, self-organizing teams, leadership tips - we got it all!

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Javascript / React

Introducing Utopia

Utopia is an online design and coding environment where "design and code update each other, in real time." Make sure to click on the "Play with Utopia" button in the top right to try it out, it's a very cool project.


Did you know you could add snippets in the "Sources" panel of Chrome DevTools? This github repo has a few needed ones that can help you analyse and debug the website you're currently working on.

Directionally aware CSS Buttons in React

... and lastly we have quite a fascinating CodePen for you that shows off some CSS magic to make it look like a button you're hovering knows from which side you were hovering it. Very neat.
Ruby / Rails

Custom “cops” for RuboCop: an emergency service for your Ruby code

RuboCop is the de facto standard for style-checking and code formatting in Ruby. It comes with lots of built-in rules (aka "cops") covering code style, metrics, naming, and many more. But did you know you can write your own cops, and make RuboCop even more useful than it already is?

 Performance, Stress and Load Tests in Rails

The Rails community has always had a focus on testing and most Rails applications come with a decent to very solid test suite. However, most of the time, we developers focus on unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing... but how do we even make sure that our app will sustain the production load? Well, guess what: that can be tested too! ⚡️

Always use RESTful routes

In the development world, there are a few famous (endless) arguments: tabs or spaces? Windows or Linux? Vim or Emacs? And I could go on, and on. And well, the topic of this blog post could be added to the list: how do you handle non-RESTful actions in your controllers? Do you create custom actions, or do you try and stick to RESTful actions no matter what? Developers from "the Gnar company" have an opinion about this. (did the link title give it away?)
Engineering culture & tech tools

Designing a great onboarding process

There is a lot of focus on how to recruit for engineering teams, but what happens when those people join? Notion describes their process for onboarding new members of staff quickly and efficiently.

The art of self-organizing engineering teams

You've probably worked at least once where everyone just seems to know what they are meant to do, the team works well together and you smash your project goals. With hindsight you are never quite sure how that came to be. In this article Tom Sommer gives us ideas on how to create self-organizing teams!

Feature flags for tiny bits

Feature flags/switches are useful, not only for teams of hundreds of developers working on a huge codebase. This article highlights how even a team of one can benefit from using feature switches.
Docto Tech Life

Ask Us: Expats on maintaining a cultural identity abroad

Join Vivian, Kristi, Tevin and Edgardo as they explain and discuss the cultural challenges and learnings of moving abroad for work. Each will share their take on cultural identity when it comes to moving, living and working in a foreign country. Grab your free ticket in order to ask your questions!

Engineering Manager: Being a servant leader

In this blog post, Matthieu shares his tips to be a good servant leader and explains the peculiarities of engineering management at Doctolib.

Twitch: CodeBrawl on DoctoTechLife

Join us for a new session of CodeBrawl this evening at 6pm!

What did you think of this newsletter?

With your feedback, we can improve Docto Tech Life. Let us know what you think!
TechLife is brought to you by our editors:
Hélène Droal, Charlotte Feather, Eva Stolz, Tara Matthews,
Tevin Otieno, Tobi Poel, Alexandre Ignjatovic & Pierre-Adrien Buisson.

Thank you, everyone, for sharing awesome content with us and contributing to TechLife.
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