From the Headmaster

Dear Parents

As we move towards the end of the academic year, I am tempted to count my blessings. I am not going to follow the example of an excellent public school that, in October 2020, congratulated itself on managing the school through the first half term with no COVID cases, only to be decimated in November and December. Our good fortune at having just about all of our children currently here is no more than that and I only hope that this will remain the case by the time you read this article.

I do, however, count myself blessed in the way that this whole community has responded to difficult circumstances this year. Everyone has raised their game and made the best of a bad lot. While we have missed so many things that are a part of normal life at Cargilfield, everyone had done well to plug the gaps, to keep the teaching and learning going, and to make the most of what we have been allowed to do. A cheerful good sense has characterised my dealings with so many colleagues, parents and children and I remain proud to be part of that excellent Cargilfield community.

Before I indulge in too much congratulation, however, I have in mind the words of a boy in P1 who told me yesterday that his mummy was very sad that she could not come to watch him at Sports Day. I know he was also disappointed that she wouldn’t be there. Children (and parents) have missed a good deal this year and we must be determined to bring things back towards normality as soon as we can, albeit we shall also make some changes to learn from what has gone well in the last year or so.

I can only imagine that having to keep your child home while a sibling has a test or endure another period of isolation because of close contact with another positive case is extremely frustrating. For the Taylor family, this has meant two occasions where our children could not come home from school or university because of the potential risk to the school in which we live. These sacrifices and other efforts to abide by the wider rules, even when they don’t seem to be entirely logical, are helping us to stay at school and will help us do more in due course.

I intend to write to all parents on that theme at the end of term and to update everyone – probably in early August – when a much clearer picture of what the return to school can look like is apparent.  In the meantime, I do hope that the summer will allow families some holiday, an opportunity to see friends and family who have been neglected during the pandemic, and a chance to count your blessings in these difficult times.

As always, you can keep up to date with things here at Cargilfield by following our various social media channels which are constantly updated; the links to these are at the bottom of this newsletter. Our news page on the website is updated daily and can be accessed here.

Rob Taylor

New Homepage

In addition to all of our very active social channels, our school website is updated everyday with news of what is going on at Cargilfield. Do have a look at our newly updated homepage which showcases all the latest news, blogs and podcasts!

Click here to see it.
Pentland Round 2021

Despite continuing restrictions on what we can do, and after missing out last year, we are determined to to do the Pentland Round this year if at all possible. Sadly, it will be without parents, but we know that children will still enjoy the challenge whilst also raising money for our three school charities, SuperTroop, Penumbra and Dogs for Good.

Click here to donate.
Asian Culture afternoon

A post-exam treat was in store for Form 6 following their busy week of school exams, in the name of Asian culture afternoon. After a quick costume change, they transformed into an array of colourful clothes and traditional Asian dress; they looked fabulous! They tried their hand at some henna painting, which demosntrated some fabulous artistic skills, and had a go at some pop art, focusing on key Hindu deities.

Read more here.
Music Theory Success!

Well done to the eight children who have passed Grade 5 Theory this academic year. Achieving a certificate at this level (and in most cases with Merit or Distinction) is a very significant achievement and represents the concerted effort the children put into these extracurricular classes. This is the highest number of children to pass Grade 5 Theory in one year at Cargilfield, so definitely worth celebrating!
Beach Days

With no boarding weekends or camps  possible this year, Mr Pike thought it a great idea to have  a beach day for each year group after half term. Minibuses packed with children, beach toys and BBQs have headed over to Yellowcraigs Beach over the past two weeks, and fortunately the sun has shone and lots of fun has been had playing in the sea and being with friends! 

Read more here.
P3 Measuring!

Measuring weight in P3! We have been learning how to use a balance scale to weigh different objects. We have also been learning about the language we use to describe the weight of objects that we are comparing.

Read more here.
P1's got Talent!

P1 chose a wide range of different talents to show their friends, all of which were well rehearsed and great to watch. We had magicians, singers, musicians, linguists, stand-up comics, dancers, animal impressions, gymnasts, sportsmen and poets to name but a few. The audience were fabulous; they listened carefully then clapped and cheered in all the right places!

Read more here.
Swimming Ducklings

The nine newly hatched Nursery duckings had their first swim this morning. The children were extremely excited to see them ducking and diving under the water and to see their webbed feet in action!

Read more here.
Religious symbols

As part of their RS work on religious symbols and identity, Form 4 have been finding out about the Five KS, symbols worn by practising Sikhs. All the children enjoyed looking at them and trying them on.

Read more here.
1stXI win a thriller!

Having returned from camp just the day before, a lot of weary bodies arrived to play the Grange CC in what was just the second 1stXI game of this truncated fixture.  It turned out to be a real nail biter as we successfully chased down our imposing target of 150 runs to win with just three balls remaining! Very well played, boys!

Read more here
Classics fun!

8D have been learning about the Roman Empire and the individual provinces that it encompassed. To show off what they learnt, each group was given a quarter of the Empire to replicate. Here is the final result!

Read more here.
Form 8 Camp

Form 8 headed down to the Lake District for their traditional camp, based near Keswick,.  As usual, they took part in a wide range of activities with various water sports taking place at Derwent Water as well as tackling Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England.  As ever, it was a hugely enjoyable week: the children were fantastic ambassadors for the school and enjoyed making some special memories together.

Read more here and here.
P3 Saturday extravaganza!

Unfortunately, we were not able to run our traditional P3 camp this year, so instead, P3 came in to school last Saturday to have a fun filled day which included learning to put up a tent for when they are allowed to camp again, a conservation hands on talk with Donald the Explorer which had meant to take place down on the beach but the rain meant it took place in the Sports Hall instead, and to finish the day off, there was hot chocolate and marshmallows in the woods whilst the Headmaster read a story.  What fun!

Read more here and here.
P1 Mindfulness

Mindfulness with P1 on Fridays. They have really enjoyed it and are learning all about their amazing brains!

Read more here.
Common Entrance results

Many congratulations to Form 8 for a wonderful set of CE grades!  They really have worked so hard over the last two years and have had to cope with two Lockdown terms of remote learning as well.  There were a whole host of top grades to some highly selective schools, and yhey head off to 16 different schools right across the UK.
Tours of the School

Our school film, giving prospective parents a glimpse of life at Cargilfield was recently updated and can be seen here.

Do encourage any friends you have who might be considering the next stage of education for their children to have a look at it, and get in touch if they like what they see. We are now offering tours of the school in person, following Government guidelines, so please spread the word! Thank you.

'Cargilfield Talks' Podcasts

In our third 'Cargilfield Talks' podcast, the Headmaster talks to Mrs Parker and Mrs Fidelo, our P1 teachers, and to Mr Walker and Mrs Dholakia, members of the English Department in the Upper School, about the importance of reading, how to encourage good reading habits both at home and at school, and what we are doing at school to nurture that love of a good book. Given two terms of remote learning and constant screen time, the importance of finding time and space to read cannot be underestimated!

Search for 'Cargilfield Talks' using your usual podcast provide, then listen and subscribe!
Calling all Former Pupils!

We are keen to reconnect with our former pupils and parents. There will be a drinks reception for FPs and parents at the New Club in Edinburgh in June as we start to look forward to Cargilfield's 150th anniversary in 2023. Please do pass this Newsletter on to any former pupils or parents and ask them to update their contact details; we would love to get back in touch!

Click here to add contact details.
The Week Ahead 

Monday 28th June
P1 and F5 Pentland Round
F6 Evening Activity 
Tuesday 29th 
P2 and F7 Pentland Round
Form 5 Evening Activity 
Wednesday 30th 
P3 and F6 Pentland Round 
Form 7 PSHE and Evening Activity 
Thursday 1st July
Form 5 Beach Trip
Form 4 Evening Activity
Friday 2nd July
P3 Move Up day to F4
F4 Marine Animal Workshop with Wildside Nature
P1-P3 Move Up afternoon 

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Cargilfield Prep School, 45 Gamekeeper's Road,
Edinburgh, EH4 6HU
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