Friday, June 25 | Walk in the Spirit
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Verse of the Day

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7 am

Countdown from 6:45 am
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Meeting ID: 865 2017 4173
Available for 100 participants
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7 pm
Sing-Along at 6:45 pm
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The Process
Colossians 2:6,7

How does this “walk” actually play out in our experience? The reality is, Christianity can be tough sometimes, and failure can seem to come easier than success. How do we walk successfully with Jesus?
There's a Seat for YOU in the Studio Audience!
Check it out! The Primary program for ages 7-9 has nine episodes! Final two episodes release on Friday and Sabbath!
View All Kids & Teens Programs!

If conference tents were no longer available to rent, would you...

Camp Meeting Survey

Praying Forward...For Schools

by Craig Mattson, VP for Education
Praying for Teachers – Join us in praising the Lord for the true heroes in Adventist education. It was not uncommon this year for teachers to be teaching in a classroom where some students were in-person, some were zooming in from home, all while staying masked and physically distant from their students. Teaching is already a hard job, but this year the Adventist teachers in our conference went far above and beyond the call of duty.

We praise Jesus for their heart for teaching our children about Jesus where at all costs. Let us all pray that our teachers find deep and restorative rest over the summer, and that they feel the gratitude and support of a grateful conference.
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Praying Forward...for Community Outreach

by Colette Newer, Outreach Ministries director
Ministering in Neighborhoods – Our communities have many humanitarian needs, and volunteers associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church seek to make a meaningful difference in the lives of their neighbors.  These ministries are as varied as the communities they serve. The good news: anyone can be kind to a stranger or neighbor in need. When you see a ministry need or opportunity, step in to fill the gap. Transform your community by God's grace. Pray for God to give you His eyes, ears, heart, and hands to make a difference for Him.
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Moving Forward...with Hydration

by Donna Manier, MSN/ED
Curated by Elida Jerez, Health Ministries Director
It's supposed to be an extra hot weekend in the Pacific Northwest and faith community nurse educator Donna Manier has some tips for staying well hydrated. Also: shout out for National Hydration Day on June 23!
Watch Now!
Wrap up your day with prayer...whether with your church family, at home, or online. Take a moment to reflect: What did God speak into your heart today?

Read and pray your way through the book of Ephesians or your choice of biblical books about the early church. See what parallels you see between the early church and the church today. What can we learn and do as we walk forward with Jesus, together, toward heaven?

Afterglow Gathering on Zoom
Approx. 8:30-8:45 pm following the Evening Gathering
Hosts: Randy Maxwell and Friends
Zoom Meeting ID: 841 9487 7901
Available for 100 participants
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