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A Prayer for Independence Day 

Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this
country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the
torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and
all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our
liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our
Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. 

To encourage all members of our diocese to become vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus, the Office of the Bishop is sponsoring the Bishop's Max the Vax Campaign. The parish with the highest percentage of congregants vaccinated will be treated to a BBQ dinner prepared and served by Bishop Megan Traquair and the staff of the Office of the Bishop!  For Epiphany to qualify to win, be sure to enter your household information (all information confidential) -->
COVID VACCINE CLINIC at Epiphany:  There will be a vaccine clinic on Friday, July 9th from 4-5:30pm at Epiphany. It will be the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, so only one dose is needed!  
We will continue in-person worship THIS Sunday, with an 8am Rite I service (please keep in mind this service is for our older members and those in higher-risk categories) and a 10am Rite II service. 

We will still be wearing masks and socially distancing during Sunday worship.  

if you'd like to receive communion but are still worshiping from home, be sure to come by the church Sundays between 9-10am, and we can give you consecrated bread for your use during online worship. 

Planning on attending worship in person this Sunday? Be sure to watch this video so you'll know what to expect!

The 10am service will be live streamed every week on Epiphany's Facebook page:

and on our YouTube Channel
Sunday Coffee Hour: 
We're still meeting Sundays at NOON on Zoom, so be sure to join us! 
The Zoom link:
COFFEE HOUR:  We'll have second coffee hour this Sunday after the 8am service and BEFORE the 10am.  If you're interested in helping out, please contact Emma Green.  Even if you're not into brewing the coffee, setting up, etc...we can definitely use food/snack items (individually wrapped).
Kid's Church:  Our Sunshine Eucharist is on Saturday, July 10th at 9am at Alamo Creek Park, 1550 Alamo Drive: Our Epiphany kids (and their families) are invited to an outdoor church service, with some singing, an activity, and some snacks as well!  
From the Diocese: Safe Church is Upgrading!
We're excited to share that our Safe Church partner Praesidium is upgrading to a new training system! Praesidium’s Armatus Learn to Protect System, is now becoming Praesidium Academy.

In the coming weeks, Praesidium will update this page with further details that you and your learners need to know ahead of launch. Make sure to keep an eye on your emails as well for notifications regarding the updates!

Safe Church Training is required every five years for all church employees,  Sunday School Teachers, Office Assistants, Vestry Members, LEM's, Eucharitic Visitors and EfM Leaders. If you have taken this training in the past four years, you will receive an email from Armatus in July that you need to respond to. This will be the link to the new Praesidium Academy. Please bookmark this link so that you have it for future reference. When the change over has been completed, you will be notified when you need to take a class.
A Memorial Service for the Rev. David Cavanagh will be on Friday, July 9th at 11am, Grace Episcopal Church, 1405 Kentucky Street, Fairfield CA
Be sure to check out the Stewardship page on Epiphany's website.

Please don't forget to mail your pledges and offerings to the church
or use PayPal on Epiphany's Website.

April Treasurer's Report from Ben Smith

2020 Annual Report 
 You can submit prayer requests on Epiphany's website! 
The Prayer Team will be notified ... 
Start your day with Deacon Cookie! (Morning Prayer)
8am, Monday through Saturday on Epiphany's Facebook page.
End your day with Compline! (Night Prayer)
8pm, Monday through Saturday on Epiphany's Facebook page. 

Our mailing address is:
Church of the Epiphany
300 West Street
Vacaville, CA 95688


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