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Weekly Update Newsletter

June 18/2021

Market Update

Market update for this week can be found here. 


In The Media

Maine lawmakers approve ban on aerial spraying of herbicides in woods, continue reading.  

Next Tuesday, June 22 to June 25, the standing Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship will hold hearings on Glyphosate and other herbicide use in New Brunswick.  Find out more.  To view archived webcasts of the Legislature sessions, click here.  

Why are lumber prices so high?  Canadian Forest Service explains here.  

Lumber prices have reached historic levels, but they are beginning to drop, see June 16th pricing here.  

The Atlantic Salmon Federation has released an article on Forestry Impacts, here.  

Forest Management

As you can see from the updated picture, the white spruce seedlings are looking much better, and we still have lots of free white spruce seedings available for woodlot owners.  Call the office (506) 433-9866 or stop by Monday-Friday 8am-5pm for pickup.  


GIS Mapping

GeoNB is a great tool for owners to search a woodlot by PID or address. 

Many owners and producers currently use Avenza Maps, a free application that can be downloaded on your smart phone, to upload georeferenced maps for navigation in the field.  

Owners and producers can now create a PDF map in GeoNB, that can be uploaded to Avenza maps.  This can be done in the field on your smartphone, or beforehand on your desktop computer.  

Avenza maps doesn't require phone service, so this application can come in handy when working in remote areas without cell service. 

The PDF maps from GeoNB are created by zooming to the area of interest (can type in address or PID).  You can upload different basemaps, and environmental constraints (watercourses, wetlands).  Once you have the map ready, it can be exported to a PDF map by selecting "Print".  For step by step instructions click here.  If you have any questions please contact the office (506) 433-9866
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