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A protest in Haiti. (AP)

A stalled referendum. On June 27, Haitians were slated to vote on constitutional reforms allowing for consecutive presidential reelection and abolishing the Senate. But the vote was postponed and a battle continues over whether President Jovenel Moïse's term has already ended. Read about the political tensions, deepened by soaring gang violence and the lack of a vaccine rollout.

Chile's crowded field. The country takes its first steps toward picking the next president in the July 18 primaries. With Daniel Jadue on the left and Joaquín Lavín on the right considered frontrunners, take a look at how hopefuls poll in our tracker.

Think big. Kamala Harris' recent trip to Latin America was a step to control spiking migration, but it's not easy to repair the structural causes. As AS/COA's Eric Farnsworth writes in the Miami Herald: “What might make a difference: increased trade and greater investment.”

A win for institutions. In Mexico's midterms, the ruling party lost legislative seats, gained governorships, and split the capital. But who won? The electoral agency, INE, which, even with threats against its very existence, oversaw the country's largest elections in history, argues AS/COA's Carin Zissis in World Politics Review.


— Hugo Torres, former Sandinista guerrilla, who was arrested June 13. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega had at least 16 opposition figures, including former revolutionary allies, arrested this past week.


Which Latin American countries are—or aren't—making strides in the fight against corruption? AS/COA and Control Risks just published the third Capacity to Combat Corruption (CCC) Index, scoring countries on 14 key variables, from judicial independence to the strength of investigative journalism. Learn more in the 2021 CCC Index, featured on the cover of seven regional newspapers.


Of Panamanians who made their first online purchase during the pandemic, the highest rate in Latin America, which had a regional average of about 7%.

ICYMI from Americas Quarterly: The case for an international anti-corruption court. AMLO already got what he wanted. One-man crusades against corruption in Latin America aren't working.

Quedándonos en casa con… Collective Isolation in Latin America, a series of dramatic images spanning the region from Havana to Lima to São Paulo, offers a visual record of Covid's impact on Latin American lives that captures at once the importance of community and the dread of isolation. View the online exhibition, curated through collaboration by Harvard's David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.

Take cabbage, pineapple, and a dash of AI technology and you get something much like milk—at a molecular level. One Chilean startup is making vegan milk that tastes, cooks, and froths like cow's milk, but with a much lower carbon footprint.
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