Sunday, June 20 | Walk in Light
World Refugee Day - Did you know Washington in the fourth most welcoming state for refugees in the United States? The number of refugees entering the United States is anticipated to uptick this fall. Nonprofits and churches are making plans to provide aid and support to our new neighbors. Check out the ministries of Impact Hope and World Relief. Plus connect with Refuge Church to see how you can be a part of local refugee ministry.
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Happy Father's Day!

Thank you, Dads, Father Figures, Mentors, and Spiritual Leaders
for investing in the spiritual growth of the next generations.
Verse of the Day

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7 am

Countdown from 6:45 am
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Meeting ID: 865 2017 4173
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7 pm
Sing-Along at 6:45 pm
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Sunday - Before You Walk, You Gotta Stand
Galatians 5:1-6,16

Freedom from sin is not something we achieve, but rather receive. According to the gospel, we are already liberated in Christ. All we need to do is stand in that liberty in order to experience its power to walk forward into a future of righteousness by faith that works by love.
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Comcast and Centurylink had numerous internet outages on Saturday morning and afternoon. This likely contributed to much of our streaming connections to churches and homes. Thanks for your prayers and patience! Saturday night's program was significantly more stable.
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Praying Forward...For Schools

by Craig Mattson, VP for Education
Principal teacher Greg Reseck and the scholars of Cedarbrook School in Port Hadlock loved every opportunity for learning outside this school year, including their favorite activity of releasing salmon they raised during the school year.

Praying for Small Schools – The education department praises Jesus for Greg Reseck, Adria Hay, Michelle Noonan, Judelle McCormick, Rita Callahan, Byron Schurch and incoming teaching principal Connie Mitzelfelt. These brave leaders are all managing one teacher schools in our conference. Serving as full-time administrators and full-time teachers, they are truly heroes in the ministry of Adventist education. 

We praise the Lord that due to the growth in enrollment in Poulsbo, who will be moving from a one teacher school to a two teacher school. We also praise Jesus for the reopening of our school in Bellingham next school year.  After a three year break in operations, Baker View Christian School will reopen as a one teacher school. We pray for strength, wisdom, and endurance for all of our small school leaders.
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Praying Forward...for Church Growth

by Tyler Long, Evangelism & Church Growth Director
Church Planting – During a global pandemic, God continued to bless us as we plant new churches. We have started 12 new churches representing multiple language groups over the past few years in the Washington Conference. Church planting during a pandemic may seem crazy, but have you considered that a church plant is in survival mode every week. With the Lord’s help, they are prepared to take on any challenge, even a global pandemic. Pray for these new plants as well as where the next church plants should take place.
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Moving Forward...with Healthy Food

by Heather Reseck, R.D.
Curated by Elida Jerez, Health Ministries Director
Your summer garden is likely to have an abundance of broccoli and kale soon. Or maybe your favorite farmer's market has big, beautiful heads of broccoli and bunches of kale. Or maybe you really like the broccoli kale salad mix and wished there was a way to make the dressing in a healthier way.

Registered dietician Heather Reseck dissected the familiar broccoli kale salad that often appears at potlucks and family gatherings and now shares her heart-healthy, plant-based recipe for Broccoli Kale Salad.
Broccoli Kale Salad Recipe
Wrap up your day with prayer...whether with your church family, at home, or online. Take a moment to reflect: What did God speak into your heart today?

Read and pray your way through the book of Ephesians or your choice of biblical books about the early church. See what parallels you see between the early church and the church today. What can we learn and do as we walk forward with Jesus, together, toward heaven?

Afterglow Gathering on Zoom
Approx. 8:30-8:45 pm following the Evening Gathering
Hosts: Randy Maxwell and Friends
Zoom Meeting ID: 841 9487 7901
Available for 100 participants
Afterglow Gathering
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