
CSF Research Update No. 4

Good afternoon,

In this monthly newsletter we are sharing a round up of research and analysis that are important for aid actors in Sudan to better understand the complex contexts in which they are working and improve the impacts of aid.

We will also share occasional selected articles from the CSF Knowledge Hub archive that can help to provide background, history and lessons learned. All the publications below can all be found in the CSF Knowledge Hub.

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Top Picks

Towards Development Solutions to Internal Displacement: A Political Economy Approach June 2021

Laura Hammond, UNDP and the School of Oriental and African Studies, June 2021

This report considers the ways in which political economy analysis can be used to understand the drivers, dynamics and implications of displacement for development processes. It argues that political and economic interests guide political will, including commitments to uphold the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, the Responsibility to Protect and the InterAgency Standing Committee Framework on Durable Solutions. The report provides a synthesis of empirical research carried out through four case studies in Sudan and also Bangladesh, El Salvador and Iraq.

Sudan Struggles to Control its Parastatals

Suliman Baldo, The Sentry, May 2021

Following the publication of a “preliminary list” of the public companies and corporations owned by various state institutions that was published by Sudan’s Ministry of Finance, this briefing explores how government institutions, donors and civil society might secure more comprehensive transparency, robust reforms and oversight controls of all parastatals, particularly security sector companies.

Improved climate resilience through better seasonal forecasts

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), June 2021

As a result of climate change, pronounced periods of drought and rainfall are causing human suffering and major economic damage around the world, including in Sudan. This article describes how a research team have using statistical methods to improve global forecasts. Weather services and official institutions from Sudan have already adopted the new statistical methods from Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) in order to be able to base their local actions on sound knowledge.

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2020 Conflict Analysis: Central Darfur, Sudan

Hassan Alattar Satti, Danish Refugee Council, October 2020

This report presents the findings of a baseline conflict analysis in Golo, Central Darfur that was commissioned by Danish Refugee Council Sudan in August 2020. The conflict analysis aimed to highlight the major drivers of intercommunal conflicts in Golo and the main actors who contribute to these conflicts negatively or positively. Developing recommendations for a conflict-sensitive presence for DRC in the area as well as for proposing activities for tackling the roots causes of these intercommunal conflicts was a main purpose for this baseline.

Podcast & Webinar

What’s Driving Sudan and Ethiopia Apart?

The Horn podcast, International Crisis Group, May 2021

On this episode of The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Annette Weber, senior fellow with the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, to talk about deteriorating Ethiopia-Sudan relations, the risk of a regional crisis and EU policy in the Horn of Africa.

Reimagining the Security Sector in Sudan: Sudan Webinar Series

African Center for Strategic Studies, March 1 – April 26, 2021

This webinar series explores the lessons learned of the roles of the security sector and national security strategy development during times of transition from military to civilian rule. The webinar series will provide an opportunity to share evidence-based insights and experiences and their implications for Sudan during its challenging transition to a civilian-led, democratic government.

The Conflict Sensitivity Facility (CSF) does not attempt to verify or substantiate any claims made within these publications. The opinions found therein are the responsibility of the authors themselves, and do not necessarily reflect those of the CSF.

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