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Estonia Dreams of Becoming Smoke-Free

Eight Estonian MP’s submitted a new bill, modifying the Tobacco Act to the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu). The proposed amendments seek to clarify regulations regarding alternative nicotine products. The aim is to reduce smoking rates in Estonia, improve the safety and accessibility of less harmful nicotine products for smokers. Estonia ranks third in Europe in terms of smoking deaths. One of the bill’s initiators, MP Tarmo Kruusimäe expressed particular concern that the majority of previous amendments to the Tobacco Act, have not only led to an increase of smoking and increased health risks, but unintentionally created a burgeoning black market.


UK-Wide E-Cigarette Trial to Help Homeless Quit Smoking

The project, which has received a £1.7 million grant from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), is led by Dr Sharon Cox (UCL Behavioural Science & Health) and Professor Lynne Dawkins of LSBU, and is supported by seven other academic partners: King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London, the University of East Anglia, the University of York, Cardiff University, the University of Stirling and the University of Edinburgh. About 70% of people who are homeless smoke tobacco – far higher than the UK average of 14.1%. E-cigarettes are the most popular method used in a smoking quit attempt, with some studies suggesting they are more helpful than nicotine gum or patches and much less harmful than smoking tobacco. For people on low or no income, however (...)


Study: Smoking Cessation Behaviour in Lung Cancer Patients

According to a 2014 Report of the Surgeon General, continued smoking after a lung cancer diagnosis is associated with an approximate 50% median increase in mortality. Dr. Conor Steuer, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University in Atlanta, and colleagues performed prospective assessments evaluating the patterns of tobacco use and cessation and the effects on outcomes. The first comprehensive, prospective study of smoking habits in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) revealed that there was a high rate of smoking reduction and cessation following study entry. The researchers found that of those surveyed, 90% reported a current or previous history of cigarette smoking, but (...)


Global Forum on Nicotine: Experts Call for Worldwide Access to Safer Nicotine to Reduce Deadly Smoking-Related Harms

People smoke to obtain nicotine, a comparatively low-risk substance, but are harmed by thousands of toxins released when tobacco burns. GFN director Professor Gerry Stimson, emeritus professor at Imperial College London, said, “Up to 98 million consumers worldwide have already made the switch to safer nicotine products. In England, health authorities support vaping to quit smoking and vapes are now the most popular quit aid. Tobacco-related mortality in Sweden, where snus has almost replaced smoking, is the lowest in Europe. And in Japan, cigarette sales have dropped by a third since heated tobacco products came to market. Manufacturers must now ensure safer alternatives are affordable to people in LMIC, not just consumers in high income nations.” Professor Stimson continued (...)


Experts Convene to Discuss Role of Safer Alternatives in Fight Against Smoking-Related Death and Disease

People smoke to obtain nicotine, a comparatively low risk substance, but are harmed by thousands of toxins released when tobacco burns. Experts at the Global Forum on Nicotine will discuss an approach called tobacco harm reduction; people who cannot quit nicotine are encouraged to switch from dangerous combustible or oral products to safer nicotine products including vapes (e-cigarettes), pasteurized snus, non-tobacco nicotine pouches and heated tobacco products. Compared to continued smoking, all are significantly less harmful to health. Despite an estimated 98 million adult smokers having already switched to safer nicotine products worldwide, public health and tobacco control remains deeply divided on the role of tobacco harm reduction. The Global Forum on Nicotine gives (...)


GFN – The Future For Nicotine

Since the start of the pandemic, the world has lost an estimated 3.75 million people to COVID-19; a devastating figure that remains under half the annual death toll from smoking. Every day, 1.1 billion smokers still light up around the world, a figure that has stalled for over 20 years despite decades of tobacco control efforts. Eighty per cent of the world’s smokers live in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), least able to cope with the disease burden of smoking, and in higher income countries, smoking is a major cause of health inequalities. People smoke to obtain nicotine, a comparatively low risk substance, but are harmed by thousands of toxins released when tobacco burns. Experts at the Global Forum on Nicotine (...)


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