Special edition newsletter: Acknowledgement of the land we are on, Celebrating Stephanie, Our Essence page, June is Indigenous History Month, Old growth forests and trees, Indigenomics, Our first CENTENARIAN on an Alinker and useful links
Land acknowledgement for Canada and for the USA
We come through 7 generations and in our lives, live such that the next 7 generations can live healthy and together
Celebrating Stephanie's birthday
Her new website launched!
Back in 2020 Stephanie decided to do her campaign to get an Alinker at a point in her life she describes in her campaign as follows:
"I’ve been through a lot the past months, including leaving my home of 30 years and finding myself on my own for the first time in 20 years. It’s been hard, but I refuse to let my setbacks define me and keep me from enjoying my life. I am a huge believer that the energy we put out into the world is reflected back to us. The universe responds to my energy, and I try my hardest to only put out positive vibes so that I can attract positive back".
Then she became the 100th campaign to complete and at the very moment BE happened to be at Selma's place for a photo shoot, so they made a huge surprise phone call to Stephanie. Watch that emotional live video
Not only did her life change with the Alinker, she also became one of our Alinker team members after we go to know each other and learned about all her experiences and skills.
But above all she does with the Alinker, Stephanie is an artist, and in celebration of her birthday on 16th June, she launched her brandnew website, with new collections of her stunning jewelry.
Have a look at her beautiful website www.SpiritArtDesigns.com
send her some birthday love and share her website far and wide

Essence page
and what we can do
The news about the unmarked graves of hundreds of Indigenous people is happening in Canada, the residential school system was practiced in many more countries, and is still going on in many countries. It should be history, but it lives on in a world that only measures in money, and others certain groups of people.
Often people feel overwhelmed and powerless to do anything against the pile of injustices in the world. But maybe it is not what we do, but who we decide to be, that brings us together, and bridges toward a future that is kinder and just.
Acknowledging what is happening, is the first step, then choosing who you want to be in this world. Part of the systems that abuse people, or choose kindness and in everything you do be congruent in your kindness.
On our Essence page we share links what to read, links to historical backgrounds, many of which are still alive and felt today
We honour Indigenous Women owned ventures
We invite you to learn about these women and buy their products
photo: Ontario Principals' Council
BE's hive
Our essence
With deep grief, we have to change the amount of children graves found 215 Kamloops, BC, 104 Brandon, MB, 35 Lestock, SK, 38 Regina, SK... 392 and rising... … and will have to do many more times in the next few months.
We need to be prepared to stay present to all the grief and mourning our #Indigenous friends are going through…
Every find will cut deeper and as we know, there will be thousands of children in unmarked graves….
We mourn with you and use our voices to make sure the Indigenous History Month, can in fact be a month about history… and a month in which we can celebrate the wisdom and values of #Indigenous people in this world.
We stand together and stretch our arms around you to give space for mourning and togetherness
Old growth forests
In the same time protect the last old growth forests we still have, we need to plant trees in an effort to replenish what we have destroyed in order to keep a liveable planet.
At the Alinker we care for our environment, so we make an effort to be more than carbon neutral and so far planted 39.827 trees! It does not replace old growth forest, but it does make us more than carbon neutral as a company.
There is no reason not to plant trees, and it is simple.
You can plant a few trees in our forest with Treesisters
Just add what ever amount to our campaign (directly goes to TreeSisters: women seeding change) who employ women in the lungs of the world, to plant the trees.
Any amount! And add a personal message, we do read them, and see you!
Super timely conference to broaden our horizons and challenge our western, capitalistic concepts for economics and recovery especially after the pandemic: INDIGENOMICS
The Indigenomics Institute invites Indigenous leaders, businesses and organizations, government, policy makers, educational institutions, private industry and corporations to the 2021 Taking a Seat at the Economic Table | Indigenomics by Design Virtual Forum.
This forum, on June 22 - 23, 2021 will focus on the path towards Indigenous economic freedom, and will be an opportunity to come together to advance the vision of an annual national $100 Billion Dollar Indigenous economy.
Our first centenarian
This is Kaye, the first centenarian to try out an Alinker here in the UK. Kaye is over 100 years old and still trying new ways to #keepmoving
Kaye said: ‘the Alinker is a marvellous invention’
What a wonderful attitude!

Useful links
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