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News for the living.

"This film honors the mystery of what we experience, what we want to know, and what remains to be learned."  —Maurice Frank
Events over the past year have brought death to our doorstep. Our work here at the When You Die Project has become even more important. Whether we wanted to consider the possibility of our own death or not, the pandemic, the rise of mass shootings, and the over-all global chaos of war, displacement, and suffering have brought home our mortality. I know this all sounds like a giant bummer, but spoiler alert, we will all die. And because of that, we also must live! For that reason, let’s engage the wonderful human trait of curiosity.
So what happens when we die? Does consciousness continue, or is it lights out? That’s the question we explore in our most recent documentary, In the Realm of Death & Dreaming, which is now available to stream on our website here. Click here to check it out >>

We are also delighted to announce it is available to stream
on CGOOD-TV here >>

Please help us get the word out! We are partnering with a number of groups and organizations to screen In the Realm of Death & Dreaming, including University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, The New York Open Centre, University of Vermont College of Medicine Doula Certificate Program, and spiritual groups like the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, and The Sufi Way. If you are part of a group or organization that might be interested in partnering with us to show our documentary, please contact
Please share! We need all the help we can get, so please do share this link to In the Realm of Death & Dreaming on your social platforms or more personally to all your friends. We are very grateful for any help you can provide.
Deathbed Visions: More Common Than You Think

In the Realm of Death & Dreaming explores, among other subjects, deathbed visions.
Often people don't want to bring up the fact that dad was talking to his dead brother before he died, but this occurrence happens more often than we think. Research on the subject shows that more than 80% of us will have this experience. In addition to hearing what our experts have to say in our film, you can also read some findings in articles like this one, offered on our resources page
Read the Article
How Talking About Death Has Changed My Life 
By Kelley Edwards


Talking About Death Won't Kill You (and just might make your life better). Death is sad. Death is hard. But death is coming. One of our When You Die team members reflects on how talking about death has given her a better life.

Read the Article
Look Who’s Talking Now

The role of a funeral director is all-encompassing and ever-changing. But when you are part of a small community, you not only provide the services required, but you also grieve with those left behind. Check out our most recent podcast as funeral director Andre Roupp talks about his life in the death business.  
Listen to the Podcast
Giving Space to Grief
In Ghana, Funerals Are A Party. But My Dad’s Couldn’t Hold My Grief.
Lessons for the Living from the Dying
From every loss in Amanda Carr’s life has come a deeper understanding of the dying experience and a greater appreciation for life. Read More >>
Grief Speaks
Each culture has its own traditions, rituals and ways of expressing grief and mourning.
Follow us on Instagram for your daily dose of mortality. 
The When You Die Project is created in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people. May it be helpful to the world. 
Copyright © Centre East Media, All rights reserved.

Get in touch!
Sovereign Place 5121 Sackville Street, Suite 601 Halifax, NS B3J 2V3

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