The Common Roots Farm logo, a person made up of a leaf and a squirt of water holding vegetables and a sunflower.

July 2021
New date for ribbon-cutting celebration 
Please join us on Saturday, September 25th, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to celebrate our new Seed to Salad accessible garden and farm path! We are moving the date from mid-August to September as a result of the construction delays that everyone is experiencing due to the pandemic.

We hope you will join us to celebrate this milestone, meet our farm team, shop at our farm stand, and try a few tasty treats prepared by Ada’s Cafe!

A very special thank you to Helpers Community for their patience as we navigate the impacts of COVID-19 on construction, materials acquisition, and labor.

We look forward to seeing you on September 25th!

Note: Parking will be limited so we strongly urge carpooling. A tip: Weekend public parking is allowed in the city's lot at the corner of Golf Club Drive and Hwy 9. We are a short walk under the train trestle from there, at 301 Golf Club Drive.
(Re-)introducing Peter, Pan, and Tinkerbell
Well, after giving it lots of thoughtful consideration, our friend, Hannah, has decided on names for our lambs. We are happy to re-introduce you to Peter, Pan, and Tinkerbell, or, as our little black female is now known, "Tink!"
Hannah posing with the sheep in the background.
Hannah and the sheep.

Peter and Pan, our twin males, are growing quickly and are responding really well to their training on a lead. Tink is also getting the hang of walking on a lead and is becoming less shy every day. All three love sweet cob, their training treats offered as incentive by our sheep gentling volunteers, Joanna and Bella.

A volunteer taking a sheep for a training walk.
Sheep training.

Hannah told us why she chose these names: “I chose these names because my favorite ride at Disneyland is Peter Pan, and I love Tinker Bell who appears during the ride. And they are perfect for two boys and a girl! I also think people will remember those names.”

We look forward to Hannah and her friends talking farm walks with Peter, Pan, and Tinkerbell in the future. Thank you, Hannah, for welcoming our lambs to Common Roots Farm with their new names!
Jump Through Time film now showing
YDFA actors pose at the farm.
Our readers will remember Youth Drama For All, an inclusive drama group that quickly pivoted to making a video production when its usual stage performance was impossible due to COVID-19. Well, YDFA has now released its latest production on video and you can view it on their website. Jump Through Time was partially filmed here at the farm, and we are delighted to say our farm team enjoyed watching it together on our big screen.

Don‘t miss this uplifting movie, and kudos to our friends at YDFA for all you did to make this production possible!

Introducing our newest seasonal volunteer
by Nina Vukićević
Farm Manager
Lara and Annabelle posing with bags of produce.
Lara and Annabelle.

Our second seasonal volunteer arrived earlier this month, joining Annabelle, whom we welcomed last month. We are excited to introduce you to Laura McFarland, a recent graduate of UC Berkeley, where she studied environmental policy and sustainable food systems. Arriving shortly after our CSA season began, Laura was thrust into the daily rhythm of farming instantly and so far seems to be adjusting well!

Laura wants to eventually work in agricultural policy or law, so she decided the best place to start was on a small farm, and says her mind immediately went to Common Roots. “I’ve had the wonderful fortune of knowing Heidi and Philippe for most of my life, and seeing their work come to fruition over the past five years has been incredibly inspiring. I love how inclusive and accessible their mission is, and I believe they’re doing really important community work for Santa Cruz and beyond. Being by the beach is also a plus!”

When asked what she’s looking forward to learning during her time on the farm, Laura says she’s really interested in sustainable agriculture’s ability to mitigate climate change and create healthy, equitable food systems. “In the field, I love learning about soil health and organic management. On the policy side of things, I hope I get to learn what it takes for small farmers to get funding, work with different land management organizations and agencies, and operate as a nonprofit.”

When she’s not bent over strawberry beds or feeding sheep, Laura loves to read, spend a lot of time outdoors, go to the beach, see live music, and eat lots and lots of good food. Laura says that after being here for just 3 weeks, she’s eaten her fair share of strawberries and agrees they are the best! “I would love to have fresh organic strawberries of my own someday, so I’m really excited to learn the technique to hopefully use in a home garden later.”

We are so glad to welcome Laura to Common Roots Farm and thank her for sharing with us her commitment to small farms and good growing practices.
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