
2021 Newsletter Term 2, Week 10

Parkes Christian School

A Message From the High School Coordinator

Musical Theatre - A Life Changing Experience!

I know that people have probably heard enough about The Little Mermaid at this point, but I really can't write an article about the school without talking about this fabulous production.
If you haven't been along to see the show already, you really should grab a ticket fast! I have been involved in many musicals over the years and directed a number of shows involving high school students here at the M&D and...

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School News
Year 6 
This Term has been a whirlwind of activity in the Year 6 classroom. We have been learning Bible verses and discussing what they mean and how to apply them to our lives. We have studied the life of Joseph and noted his trust in God and his ability to forgive his brothers which has encouraged us to trust in God more and forgive. We have been reading and analysing different text types and understanding their purposes and how they influence the reader. We have been converting between units of length, working with fractions, decimals and percentages, reading maps, giving directions, identifying diagonals and axis of symmetry and calculating word problems involving speed, distance and time. We have been learning about Asia’s natural and human features as well as trying to memorise the names of all the Asian countries. We have also completed science and creative arts projects as well as practicing our volleyball and tennis skills.
But our highlight would have to be writing procedural recounts. Before writing these, we made Tim Tam Slammers, warm gooey chocolate yumminess which was immensely enjoyed. Some students decided to make their own freezing cold sweet vanilla ice cream in a bag which was a chilly experience and after our delicious experiences, writing procedural recounts proved to be very engaging. 
Mrs Berry
Forbes Eisteddfod
PCS had a very exciting and rewarding few days of competition at the Forbes Eisteddfod. After the successful results of our infants group performances on Friday, a number of students performed individually in instrumental, piano and speech and drama from Friday evening until Tuesday afternoon. Congratulations to violinist Peggy Swift, pianist Zoe Bilsborough and speech and drama performers, Chelsea Ray, Maddison Hartwig, James and Heidi Barker, Kenzi Lees, Russell Willding and Georgina and William Greenland. They all performed beautifully gaining a number of first and second places as well as a swag of highly commended.
Year 7/8 Technology
The year 7 & 8 girls have started a materials project in Technology this term that will result in the construction of a lolly dispenser. Students have explored Timber and their properties and characteristics as a design material. Students will create an orthographic drawing of the project before engaging in the making process. Students will learn about workshop safety as well as the tools and processes used to markout, cut, join and finish timber. Students are approaching this project motivated for the lollies that will be dispensed.
Mr Wynstra
During Term 2 the SLR students focussed on First Aid and Sports injuries. They really enjoyed this topic while learning about CPR and the different ways to save someone's life.
Students had to assess a sports injury by making use of TOTAPS and STOP. This would have determined whether a player can continue to play or sit out the rest of the game. 
For the term assessment, students had to complete a first aid course. The theory section was done online and Tod Healey came and assessed them on the practical part of the course. They all passed with flying colours. 
I am super proud of them. Keep up the good work! 
Mrs van Wyk
Year 9/10 Music
This term, Stage 5 Music Elective has been looking at Music of Film, TV and Multimedia. Student's have looked at the reasons for using music, and explored different areas where it has been used. Students have examined how music can represent characters and places in film and TV, using examples from The Lord of the Rings to Postman Pat, as well as its use in computer games. Additionally, students have been using their practical time to learn themes from films such as Forrest Gump and Up, TV shows such as the Simpsons and Spongebob Squarepants, and games such as Tetris, The Legend of Zelda, and Super Mario Bros.
Don't Miss Out on Seeing this Amazing Show!
With only two performances to go the cast of The Little Mermaid Jr are excited to showcase their final performances this weekend!
Don't miss out on this fantastic production, featuring amazingly talented performers from Kindy all the way through to Year 12. Some of our major characters have never performed on stage before but you wouldn't know it as they do a wonderful job.
There are still tickets available for the shows from tonight (Saturday 19 June at 7pm) through to Sunday (20 June at 2pm), at, or tickets can be bought at the door.
We hope to see you all there!
PCS Staff
Name: Glen Westcott.
Your Role at School: Principal and helping wherever needed - including teaching, bus driving and emptying mouse traps!
Favourite School Memory: Thinking I was an instant millionaire after finding gold on our excursion to Hill End in Year 3.
Fun Fact: I'm a police officer in the movie Superman Returns.
The Best Thing about Working at PCS: Having fun on excursions with our great students!
Favourite Quote/Verse: Micah 6:8 - And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
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Wednesday 23 June
  • Canberra Excursion - Yrs 5/6 (leaving 6:30am)
Friday 25 June
  • Sport Day - Kindy to Yr 6
  • Footy Colours Day + BBQ + Mini Olympics
  • Canberra Excursion Returns - Yrs 5/6 (returns 7pm)
  • Last Day of Term 2
to see more calendar dates for 2021, click here...

High School Assessments

Monday 21 June

  • Senior Mathematics Advanced - Timed Task

Wednesday 23 June

  • Senior Engineering Studies - Timed Task
Upcoming School Events
Students in the Community
Gold for Lilee!
Well done to Lilee Bell on receiving a gold medal and judges choice at her first gymnastics competition today at the PCYC Parkes Invitational Gymnastics for All Competition!
Lilee competed in Division B and took out Gold in the Vault/Tramp, Bars and Beam sections with a Silver in the Floor section.
Congratulations Lilee, what an outstanding result!
Community News
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