The Valley Patriot 

Making the 6th District Great Again! 
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Dear Friends and Fellow Republicans

The Difference Between Us and Them - Leftists are Hateful People

This past weekend, when Ben Cline was in Strasburg at our Mayfest/Independence Day Parade, I had to split off to be with the Strasburg Town Council contingent.  Several members of the local Democratic Committee walked by us - and started showing off their signs.  Fine that's perfectly reasonable.  One of my neighbors, a radical leftist who we'll call JS, well I got to meet his daughter a few nights before.  Trying to be polite, after he stuck his Democrats sign up towards me, I let JS know that I had the privilege of meeting his daughter, and that she seemed like a lovely lady.  Now most normal people would acknowledge this and move on.  However JS seemed to be rather offended by this - and responded by getting near me and waving his sign in my face - in a rather odd manner.  

Other members of the Shenandoah County Democratic Committee saw this and did similar things.  And the one Democratic candidate who was marching with them, seemed to find the entire thing funny.  These are angry people, incredibly angry people whose bile is spilling out of every one of their pores.  

Last week, Jennifer Lewis, who may be running against Ben Cline come next year - posted something rather bizarre on social media.  Remember this is the same Jennifer Lewis who was called out for doxing her own constituents in Waynesboro - saying that all of her allies should give conservative owned businesses n reviews on Yelp and other ratings outlets.  She says that everyone of our candidates (and thus us) is openly racist.  

Well in her FB rant, she talks about the need to teach Critical Race Theory in the schools and that candidates for School Board and Board of Supervisors should be supportive of taking away parental rights. 

Quisha King - of Duval County Florida, says it best here:

The political establishment is now going after parents of kids who are against being taught that every white person is an oppressor and every non white is oppressed.  Quisha calls them out beautifully.  

Local Candidates

At the end of the day, it is our job as GOP and conservative activists to take back the Governorship of Virginia and have a sweep at the top of the ticket.  That is not enough however - we need to get each candidate for the House of Delegates inside CD 6 elected, and also each candidate for local office as well.

People like Sabrina Von Schilling of Waynesboro (Commissioner of the Revenue), Scott Guise - Kerr's Creek candidate for Rockbridge County Board of Supervisors, Morgan McCown - running for School Board in Kerr's Creek Distirct in Rockbridge.  Vicky Cook who is running for the Board of Supervisors in Warren County (Fork District).  Matthew Robertson is the incumbent Sheriff in Staunton and will need our help as well.  Earlier today I wrote 2 checks for $250.00 each to local candidates, and ask that each of you do the same.  

There are dozens upon dozens of different people who will be on the ballot this November inside CD 6.   If there is anyone I am missing - please email me about them and I'll gladly add them to the list of candidates here.  Just remember that I am focusing on races which are challenged - so if your candidate on the ballot in November is unopposed.....

A Few Other Thoughts

Leftists now say that it is not enough to not be a racist.  That we must oppose racism openly and loudly.  And that we must not only be opposed to police violence but must call it out with all that we have.    Never thought I'd say this but I tend to agree.  It is not enough for us not to be not racist.  We need to oppose with all of our being the racism being forced upon us by the educationists who are trying to turn us against each other by saying that each white person was born a racist!  We need to oppose the teaching from the left that it is good to disrespect our police officers and go after them violently and call out the nutty proposition that Defunding the Police is a good thing!   We need to be teaching our kids that respect for law enforcement is important to a civil society!   The leftists need to be shamed for what they are trying to do this Republic.  

We are the party of the common man and woman.  If our country was so racist, why would so many hundreds of thousands of non white immigrants try to enter each year.  It's not because we are racist, it's because we're welcoming to all.  I call on the leadership of the Democratic party at all levels to stop the systemic racism inside their own party which has been prevalent since the days of slavery and Jim Crow and now CRT.  Saying that all African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans and all other descendants of immigrants are oppressed is the ultimate in racism.  It says they're not capable of doing on their own - the ultimate put down.  And this must be called out at all times and by each of us.  

Thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Chair.  Together we will take back Virginia

I remain

your servant


S John Massoud
6th District Republican Party Chairman
Upcoming Events:

July 8 2021 - Grand Opening of the Youngkin HQ in Roanoke.  Start time is 5 PM 300 1st Street SW

July 8 - Lynchburg City GOP Meeting - 701 Thomas Road - 6 30 PM

July 8 - Glenn Youngkin for Governor Fundraiser - home of Ken Greenawalt.  6035 Suncrest Drive Roanoke Va.  6 30 PM - Tickets are $250.00 Sponsorships are available.  For more information or to RSVP, please contact Caitlin Collins at 570-713-9781 or

July 10 - Make Virginia Red Again Rally - Noon to 4 PM.  Peaks View Park Field 1 - register here:

July 12 - Roanoke City GOP Meeting - 6 30 PM - 1st Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Jefferson Street SW Roanoke.  

July 27 to 31 - Augusta County Fair - Augusta Fairgrounds - SEE YOU THERE!!!!

July 30 - Shenandoah County GOP Fundraiser - 5 30 PM.  Cave Ridge Vineyard located at 1476 Conicville Road Mount Jackson Va.  

Single $50/Couple $75
Friend $150 - (2 reservations & special recognition as a Friend)
Sponsor $300 - (3 reservations & special recognition as a Sponsor)
Patron $500 - (4 reservations & special recognition as a Patron)
Host $1000 - (6 reservations & special recognition as a Host)

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