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 Judy Lipson's Newsletter for Transformation

Finding Your Light to Remember and Become Who You Really Are

Reflections on Death and Grief
(Grief, Near Death Experiences, Death Doulas, d/D Death)

As a reader of my newsletter, you know that I am a fan of the work of Karla McLaren and her writings about emotions. A client recently brought one of McLaren's articles to my attention, and after reading it I found I had a lot of reflections. I hope that you will read the article, and then my reflections.

I believe the river of souls is that deepest place of ourselves, of each of us, the part that we all have in common: that depth in each of our souls. That part that knows, and feels, and experiences.

In the article she also mentions the river of tears. I suspect this is a metaphor for that place to which all grievers go. That very deep, dark, hard place where you feel heavy and the best you can do is drop. And wail. However, most of our society does not allow that, let alone nurture and support it.

I do like the idea of the altar, especially for complicated and complex grief, because it can be so incredibly overwhelming and all-consuming for the body and the being. And I don’t think she means to insinuate that grief should be over in a matter of a couple of months. But I think her technique, and suggestions for this altar, could be helpful so that the being knows that the intense grief happens here, ceremonially and in real time. And this would allow for the option that when some time passes and you want to live life, while still grieving, you have a way of knowing that this is the place where it can take place safely.

It gives permission to really let the body and the feelings completely release, which is how grief heals. She talks about the need to really go down. To that place that most people don’t want to go to. That place that many in grief have found themselves in, numerous times. That place where so many are terrified to be, to feel. And it seems, within our culture, that to experience this depth, in the days and weeks after, would be so much easier, because our culture might accept a deep grief response, but not after a "given time".

And then to Ceremonially release the process, by taking down the altar and repurposing the photos and mementos, and by possibly burying or burning some part of it to acknowledge to the being - the self - that this process, depth of process, has now completed.

My greatest take-away from this article is the reminder to all of us that grief is hard, and hurts, and it’s painful, and it’s really really scary. But when you grow up in a culture where you are allowed to wail, wail freely, and wail safely in the circle of loved ones, and the process has the potential of not being nearly so frightening, then everyone has seen that it has an endpoint because everyone has witnessed others do the same.

I found these personal reflections after reading this article quite meaningful. I remember being a kid and either overhearing adult family and friends, or reading in novels, about people who experience that intense grief, and wailing, and being given medicine to be numb to it all. I remember fearing that someday I would be in that intense place of feeling, and that it would be taken away from me. I think that is why this article was something with which I really resonated.

NDE (Near Death Experience)
I had the opportunity to hear the personal story of a friend's NDE that occurred when he had an adverse reaction to a medication. While being treated at the hospital he slipped into unconsciousness. While his wife watched the medical staff work on him, she witnessed the challenges that his physical body experienced - shaking, unconsciousness, etc. When he returned to consciousness she immediately asked him, "Where were you?" (She knew she didn't want him to forget.) He spoke of his awareness of being in a space of light. He had no sense of his body in this space, and in fact he could not describe the space itself as he didn't sense any dimensionality to it. He sensed that the light had no source, yet it was all around, everywhere. He knew he wasn't seeing any of this with his eyes. He felt great peace.

He has always had a strong sense of the soul/spirit, and wonders if he had the opportunity to observe the presence of his own soul/spirit, particularly without the joint awareness of the body. 

Was this an out of body experience (OBE)? Was it a NDE? We can't know for sure, but a large group of medical personnel were working rapidly to stabilize him when a known blood test/marker was beyond dangerously low. Many patients describe seeing their bodies and hearing their doctors, but this was not this gentleman's experience. Yet, what seemed far more profound for him was getting to recognize his a separate entity from his body. You know what they say (and especially since he is alive to tell the tale)........ PRICELESS! 

What? You're never heard of this? Well, I hadn't either. Years ago I attended a conference by Jewish Hospice and Chaplaincy about death and grief. It was a profound day, and I was intrigued to learn about death doulas. I was fascinated by the concept and wondered if in the future I might join hospice or become a certified doula. But I had enough on my plate personally and professionally and decided that "there was always the future". 

I had previously heard about birth doulas though not until after my three (now adult) children had been born. The role of the birth doula is also intriguing to me and is to support the mom and the birth process, helping individuals to transition into life. 

Similarly, death doulas help with the dying process. 

This past April, my 92 year old father passed away. We were blessed to have the presence of hospice workers to support his process and our family. (And I highly recommend that if you currently, or in the future, are dealing with the death of a loved one that you bring in a hospice team. They help the patient to die with dignity, and in comfort, and they are amazingly supportive for the family members.) 

On the night that my dad died I called for a hospice nurse to see him. She was such a blessing. She took his vitals, observed him, and explained to me that his time was drawing near. She drew my attention to how he looked outward and beyond without focusing in the room. She explained that he was hovering between the realms - this one where his body was, and "the other side of the veil" where I knew his soul/spirit was going. She gently touched him, and called his name, and gave him permission to go to those whom he saw on the other side who were waiting for him. I recognized then that as a hospice nurse her role was also that of death doula, supporting his process for him and for me.

But there is actually more to this story. You may know that I do a lot of energetic, meditative, journey-work. I'm realizing that much of it is shamanic in nature. During the last weeks of my dad's life it was very hard to communicate with him and I began to talk to him soul-to-soul and also in light language.

In those last days of his life, as my dad's time drew to an end, I found myself engaging in energy work, non-traditional communication, and shamanic journeys to facilitate his transition. It was a profound experience for me and our relationship, and I really believe that it was profound for him as well. I am very appreciative that Spirit provided me the necessary guidance so that I could be his death doula. 
Recently I wrote about T/t trauma and explained that most people think of the more traditional explanation of trauma (T) that includes assault, war, accident, etc.; and that Sensitives experience (t) traumas daily when their sensory experiences create a physiologic effect that is similar to those who experience T trauma and PTSD. Read more about T/t Trauma here
While talking with a colleague recently about death, transformation, the work that I do as a therapist, and my recent role as death doula, we realized that the process of dying and death can also be explained with a ‘D’ and a ‘d’. 
Death with a D is the more obvious and traditional, referring to one’s transition from this life on Earth including one’s release of the physical body to cross the veil. 
Death with a small d can refer to all those things that one releases during one’s lifetime, including but not limited to: expectations, prior beliefs, ineffective patterns, relationships, and old ways of defining oneself. One experiences a small d death process when they retire, leave a job, become empty nesters, etc. Interestingly, one also processes the small d death process when they head off to college, marry, start a new job, have children, move to a new home or any other significant change. As we do each of these things we have the opportunity to release our old patterns and definition of self in order to shift to our new experience, and thus have a fuller awareness of Who We Really Are. 
I invite you to look at the puzzle of your life up to this point. How many ways have you redefined yourself in relationship, in work, or even in your inner experience? And how many of those old patterns are you still carrying with you? Do they drag you down? Drag you back? Author Carolyn Myss cautions us that if we continually look into the rear view mirror of our life, then we will be led by our caboose (our past) rather than our engine. I invite you to release your old patterns as well as your previous definitions so that you can embrace Who You Really Are now. 
As a result of all these reflections, I now understand the more expansive definition of the death doula’s role. S/he is one who helps others to release their old, tired, and ‘dead’ patterns, and to assist in true transformation. 

That might have been a lot for you to read and process. How are you doing? I would love to hear your stories, and your reflections.

If you are interested in learning more about talking soul-to-soul you can read the article Soul to Soul Communication that I wrote in 2004. I will write about Light Language in the future.
Q:  Judy, I am fascinated by all that you do. Can I learn more? 

A:  Absolutely. Part of my mission is to help others to develop their own intuitive gifts and to better use these gifts personally or within their profession. Follow the APPEARING portion of my newsletters to see where I am speaking. For a more personalized approach to your work, I would love to talk with you to see how I might support your personal or professional journey. Please contact me for a consultation.


Q: I would love to know more about recognizing and working with energies. 

A:  And I would love to teach you. I hope that you will continue reading my articles (nearly 100 on my website about various topics), attending my presentations, and that you will contact me for a more personalized approach.


My Newsletters for Transformation contain all types of information and typically focus on Sensitives, autism, anxiety, ADHD and education. The focus of this newsletter was grief and dying. Last month's was T/t Trauma. As a result of a pattern that I am seeing in my practice, next month's newsletter will focus on the challenges experienced when a child or adult has (speech and) language difficulties including:

  • What to look for
  • The many ways that a SpL therapist can help
  • Selective mutism
I have several clients who experience social anxiety and I have been consulting with my colleagues to determine how expressive or receptive language might be involved. I certainly don't have all the answers, but I'm learning when to professionally raise the questions. I hope that you will join in.

Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give, but cannot. All of that spent love gathers in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go. 
Jamie Anderson

Things don't really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together and fall apart again. It's just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy. 
Pema Chodron

The Peace of the Wild Things 
When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come in the presence of still water, And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Wendell Berry

It's the way things are: death and life inextricably bound to each other. One of my feelings about working the land [as a gardener] is that I am celebrating a ritual of death and resurrection. Every spring I feel that. I am never closer to the miraculous than when I am grubbing in the soil.
Stanley Kunitz


Listen NOW: Want to learn more about transformation? Here's the half-hour talk that I did for the West Bloomfield Rotary Club. 

Wed, Oct 27, 6:30-8pm: ADHD and Anxiety: Strategies for Stressful Times and Unique Learners for Novi Youth Assistance. Flyer and Novi location will be available next month.

Fri, Nov 12, 2-4pm: Address Emotional Dysregulation by Understanding Sensitives and Trauma for the MASSW 2021 conference at the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa.

Due to technical problems, I recently re-recorded my conversation on the Awaken Beauty Podcast with Kassandra Kuehl talking about Sensitives (particularly women) and ADHD.  Stay tuned for the recording link.

Pathway to Hope 2021 Resource Guide offered by Healing Complex Kids. The first 4000 copies ordered with an Oakland County zip code are free, due to a generous grant! If you are not in Oakland County, or are after the 4000, then they are $9.97 + $5 for shipping and handling. 

Nov 10, 11, 12, 2021: MASSW 2021 Conference, at Grand Traverse Resort and Spa

Henry Ford Sand Castles Grief Support Program:  313-874-6881

There are numerous grief support groups throughout your community. Google "grief support groups near me". You can also contact your hospice organization, physician, or religious institution. There are even specialty groups for bereaved parents, spouses, or children; and those who have been touched by suicide, cancer, dementia, etc.
Michigan Alliance for Families is offering several seminars this month for parents of students with IEPs or 504 Plans. Use this link for more information and to register
Judy Lipson, M.A.
Licensed Professional Counselor

Judy is a Licensed Professional Counselor who supports Sensitives of all ages - including ADHD, Anxiety, and Autism - in life, work and school.  She can also help you Remember and Become Who You Really Are. Judy offers Transformational Counseling, Educational Consultations, and Academic Strategies. Presentations and Workshops also available.
Parenting on the Go - Sensitives


"I just finished reading your Newsletter! It is PHENOMENAL!!!! I am so looking forward to watching the podcasts! This is going to be SO Helpful for SO many people and a great way to reach out to the community and the world! I am blown away on Every level with this newsletter!!!! It is BRILLIANT!!!!!"
- S.W.

"Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your newsy-letters and this one in particular.  Such upbeat, gracious, sweet advice. Hoping you are well, happy, and staying safe.  With appreciation for all you have done, all you continue to do, and all that you share with all of us."
- Terri S

"It worked!!! I have had numerous moments to test the outcome of the work that we did. It’s amazing. You are amazing. I hear everything. I care about it. I don’t have an emotional attachment to it. Before I saw you last week, I did not know that this was an option. Thank you so much."
– Elli A
"Thank you so much. Best meeting we've had all year! The message was perfect and timely."
- Cindy H and Debbie B

"Your ability to do guided imagery with me is so comforting and
reassuring and, even though you're doing the guiding, it still leaves me with the feeling that I can help myself when need be.  You're such a talented therapist!!  I hope you appreciate the impact that you have on so many people!" 

- Sue S

"Judy, your newsletter gets better every single month. Your information is so important, even to those of us who didn’t think we needed the counseling. I’m amazed at your vocabulary and the way you put together your thoughts."
- N.K.

"I just wanted to let you know I have received wonderful feedback about your services =) So glad we found each other through the networking services."
- Dana S. (referring therapist)
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