
Courageous Compassion
July 1, 2021

First, From the Heart

As we turn the corner on the first six months of such a monumentally intense year, it’s important to pay attention to what we can celebrate amidst all the grief, inequity, and exhaustion. We must find joy in addition to the suffering – and recognize that both are a part of life. Giving attention to positive emotions and perspectives, and reflecting for others the good we see in them, is nourishing to our weary souls.
In the US, this weekend marks the holiday of July 4 in celebration of our independence and freedom. It’s also the unofficial start of summer, even if people only get a three-day weekend off instead of a 4-week break. Taking time to savor any and all moments to laugh, play, rest, and connect is more important than ever.
It’s also a holiday to remind us to stay the course with intention and determination. Leading with courageous compassion enables us to overcome severe obstacles, to stay hopeful, and to call forth our individual and systemic capacities in service to the greater good. Trust your heart’s knowing to be your compass through the journey ahead. Happy July!

Best of the Blog

Courageous Compassion

We all recognize that compassion requires kindness. The research shows that compassion comes more easily to those who nurture instinctively. But if we stop there in our consideration of compassion, we miss out on some of the most important and powerful parts of compassion – those parts that exhibit courage and strength. Especially within organizations, courageous compassion is necessary. Read more.

Upcoming Events

Global Compassion Community Gathering
Attend online July 15

We invite you to celebrate our connection as a global community of compassionate friends and allies. We gather on 7/15 to align, inspire, and ignite our collective hearts and minds to birth a more compassionate world. Our guest presenter and practice leader is Scott Shute, Head of Mindfulness and Compassion at LinkedIn and author of the wonderful new book, “The Full Body Yes.” The event is co-hosted by Laura Berland, our co-founder of the nonprofit Center for Compassionate Leadership, and Monica Worline, co-author of "Awakening Compassion at Work," Stanford University researcher with the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. Please register for the free event to reserve your spot. Find out more and register now.

Practice Matters

Free To Be Me

No longer will you be driving through the quiet, pristine neighborhood where every lawn and garden is perfectly manicured. Dare we open the door, and visit with the parts of us that have been in storage for days or decades? We know it may get messy, raw, and oh so uncomfortable. But there is no more pretending that what has been hidden is no longer welcome in the living room.
When you are ready to enter, notice what is creating fear and limitation – likely old emotions trapped in your body as trauma. It can be painful to unearth what has been buried in the basement for so long. It takes immense courage and fierce compassion. It takes resilience and practice to feel it all. But know that all the wisdom you will ever need is waiting for you to bravely venture into this trove of trauma. Treat each difficult emotion as buried treasure. Handle with care and allow the trauma to surface into the light of love.
One by one, reclaim these isolated fragments, these parts of you that have ripped apart from your true presence. Now with intention, awareness, and compassion, we work to integrate our separate selves into an aligned whole. Only then are we free to be fully human. By daring to heal the internal barriers and separation, we can liberate ourselves and become the whole of who we are. And at last, who we are meant to be.
When can we practice? Always!

Upcoming Programs

Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training for Global Health Leaders
8 Week Course – Attend online Sept 28- Nov. 16

Leaders from around the world are already benefitting from the groundbreaking training program developed in partnership with the Focus Area for Compassion and Ethics at the Task Force for Global Health. We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the next cohort starting on September 28, 2021. Join your global health colleagues from six continents who are bringing their new compassionate leadership experiences and practices to work in their organizations and lives. Find out more.


Compassionate Leadership and Resilience Training for Business and Nonprofit Leaders
8 Week Course – Attend online Sept 29- Nov. 17

Join leaders from finance, technology, education, HR, healthcare, leadership development, and coaching as we build a more compassionate future together. Registration is now open for the upcoming cohort starting September 29, 2021. Our signature 8-week training program will build your compassion from the inside out and connect you with a powerful global peer community for ongoing growth, inspiration, and support. Find out more.
Leadership, Evolved.
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Issue #93 – © 2021 Center for Compassionate Leadership, All rights reserved.

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