From Dr. Randall's Forthcoming Book
Soul Doctoring


July 1997

Three days and three nights of the Sundance Ceremony pass.  The dancing and fasting from food and water in New Mexico takes its toll on my body during the hottest, driest three days in mid-July I can remember.  I surrender to the heat and release my consciousness to fly with the winds of eternity.
A vision gifts me…
Native American elders pass a talking stick around the circle and speak in their native tongue.  As one speaks, an image forms in the smoke from the fire that burns in the center of the circle: a woman sitting at a desk, working with pencil, paper, and a computer.  He passes the talking stick clockwise, to the next elder. The talking stick will go around until all have had the opportunity to speak. If they are not finished, they will continue passing it. Each elder discusses this woman seriously, as though evaluating her. 
She seems familiar, very familiar… then I realize the woman is me
                  The discussion goes on. After passing the talking stick for the fourth revolution, the elders seem to come to an agreement.  Symbols begin to appear in the smoke as the talking stick reaches each of the four cardinal directions. When the stick is passed to the east, an eagle appears as a golden sun blazes in the background. To the south, a wolf stands by a large, clear blue body of water.  To the west, a black bear walks in a lush green forest as the sun sets behind the mountains. 
                  Finally, the stick is passed to the north. A white buffalo appears on a grassy plain beneath large blue skies dotted with white puffy clouds.  The buffalo lies down and rolls, then starts to spin, its body becoming round, like the Medicine Wheel — the most sacred healing symbol in many Native cultures.  The Wheel changes into a blue green sphere slowly rotating in space. Our Mother Earth.
                  Finally, the sphere drops into my hands. It transforms into a book that carries the same sacred symbols on the cover. A book that, the vision speaks, the woman is to write.
                  That I am to write.
Visions come to us carrying deeper messages. It is our job to understand them, to see what they tell us about our lives, our health, and our way moving forward. This particular vision imbued me with discipline and scientific knowledge, while calling in all of my post-doctorate training. With that came the message to look within, one of the central premises of Soul Doctoring — the book I was tasked to write in the vision. 

The Sundance vision guided me to honor spirit, signified by the smoke in the center of the circle. It also reminded me to remember the importance of integrating ancient knowledge into modern health care, through the Medicine Wheel. The image of the earth depicted the global change in consciousness needed on our planet.  If you shift the consciousness of even one individual, it creates the potential for many to change.  That shift is even more crucial in today’s increasingly hostile world, in which we are in a climate change, healthcare, an active pandemic and toxic emergency. Mother Earth needs us to get it: we have about ten years to change our consciousness and our ways to save her.

In my vision, the woman arose from spirit smoke, guiding me to keep my spiritual practices for inspiration.  The elders discussed and then instructed me to write a book that integrated all I had experienced and learned, to teach others, but more importantly, to encourage all to bring it into their own self-care. My experience includes mastery in more than twenty healing modalities and approaches, built on my foundation as a medical doctor.  The vision laid out my work ahead: helping to unite ancient wisdom with modern knowledge, and then teaching the sacred hoop, the medicine wheel, as it applies to modern medicine.

Upon this realization, the words of my first Native teachers echoed in my heart and mind:
“Granddaughter, communicate from your heart, see with your heart, speak from your heart, use your mind for knowledge and your heart for wisdom. Honor the Good Red Road. Always remember the value of honoring spirit in treating the body and walking softly upon the earth.  Teach about honoring the planets and animals, and things. Do this, my grand-daughter, for all the planet!”    

I walk and follow these concepts every day in both my life and medical practice at Randall Wellness. They are an integral part of who I am, the very fabric of my nature and soul.  I walk them, talk them, live them, breathe them, and teach them. 

My teachers have guided me to view all aspects of the individual in my practice. Every aspect is so important in treating “dis-ease” and maintaining wellness — but often missed by doctors today, rushed as they are to make quick diagnoses and prescribe drugs. Their emphasis is on treating only the symptoms. I see it another way. We must consider the whole person, looking beyond the physical body and recognizing the centrality of spirit in any healing endeavor.  Thus, my clinical approach to wholism overlays the teachings of several modalities at a time, including the medicine wheel: the eastern or mental plane; the southern or emotional plane; the western or physical plane; and the northern or spiritual plane.

Which brings us to Soul Doctoring. This book is the amalgamation of ancient wisdom and modern medicine, and how we can integrate it into our own lives, as presented through my story, life and practice. The goal is to heal ourselves from any dis-ease, dis-order, affliction or challenge we face, and form the “shoulders” upon which the medicine of the future will stand. What I hope you will find in these pages is a new power: the power to participate fully in your own road to wellness. For that, I provide guidance by example and tools throughout this journey.
Soul Doctoring, Heal Yourself Heal the Planet... Coming Soon!
What is a Mediterranean Diet? Why is it so Good for You?
A Mediterranean diet is classically that of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean sea. Many studies have shown that it is associated with significant health benefits:
Lower cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, cognitive decline, obesity, osteoarthritis, cancer, hypertension and gastroesophageal reflux disease. In other words all the inflammatory based chronic diseases that result from the Standard American Diet (SAD).
The principal aspects of this diet include a proportionally high consumption of olive oil, legumes, unrefined whole grain cereals, vegetables, green leafy vegetables and fruits. A moderate consumption of red wine.  A moderately high consumption of fish, moderately low consumption of dairy, mostly yogurt and cheeses. And a low consumption of refined carbohydrates, sugary foods and red meats.
In contrast to the SAD diet which has a high consumption of red meats and poultry, high consumption of sugary foods and refined carbohydrates. Thus high saturated fat, high trans-fat, low fiber and vegetables.
When you break this down high amount of olive oil has high number of polyphenols which are incredibly important beneficial molecules for our bodies and our brains.  If grown in microbe rich soil they are abundant in certain foods  If the soil has been treated with chemicals such as glyphosates there are no microbes and therefore no polyphenols.  The other trick to polyphenols is our guts need to have a balanced microbiome to digest these large molecules into smaller metabolites so they can be absorbed and utilized.
The cereals fruits, vegetables and legumes not only have antioxidants but fiber well known to benefit health and reduce health problems, whereas saturated fat from animals is associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and cognitive decline.
Fish are healthy because of the omega 3 fatty acids. However the ocean is struggling now so it is important to know you don’t have to eat fish for omega 3’s. Most people can convert flax oil to omega 3, also omega 3 is in grasses like wheat grass and other and algae oil. 
Overall it seems to me that the health benefit of Mediterranean diet is undeniable the why is a little more elusive,  the high proportion of all foods containing polyphenols that protect us against the effects of stress. This diet has a great deal of red wine containing resveratrol, another polyphenol known to lengthen telomeres on the ends of chromosomes and associated with longer lives. Other  polyphenol rich foods include pomegranates, chia seeds and cacao. Studies show polyphenols are life-span essentials! People who consume more than 660 mg a day live longer. They just may be part of the key to the health benefits of Mediterranean diet. 

For more see my IGTV from June 25, 2021.


PLAY EPISODE 25>> MEHRAD NAZARI, Enlightened Negotiation

PLAY EPISODE 22>> NOAH ROTHSCHILD, Renowned inner child and recovery expert
PLAY EPISODE 21>> MICHELE HEBERT, Yoga and Meditation Guru
PLAY EPISODE 20>>BRAD SWAIL, The Cultivate Wellness Podcast
PLAY EPISODE 19>>RICHARD RADSTONE, Sidewalk Ghosts Podcast
PLAY EPISODE 18>> DR MIMI GUARNERI, Academy of Holistic and Integrative Medicine
PLAY EPISODE 17>> ANDY ROSENFARB, Holistic Chinese Ophthalmology
PLAY EPISODE 16>> SAM BERTRAM, Co-Founder of Willo Farm, Planet Friendly Vertical Farm
PLAY EPISODE 15>> RICHARD GREENE, Public Speaking Guru, The 7 Greatest Speakers in History
PLAY EPISODE 14>> AUDREY HOPE, Addiction and Trauma Medium
PLAY EPISODE 13>> LARRY GREENE, Genesis Performance
PLAY EPISODE 12 >> REBECCA MINK, Founder Mink Vegan 

Souliscious Black Bean Burrito

2 Cups Black beans, fresh tomato cilantro jalapeño salsa, Miyoko’s vegan cheddar cheese and corn. All organic and on a gluten free organic tortilla.

Cook 1 cup black beans until tender, let them cool down. Blend them with 1/2 cup cooked nice, add salt and sautéed mixture. Sautee onion, garlic in olive oil then add to beans when soft. Bring whole mix to a boil then it is ready. It is simple and good for several meals, on salads or dip. Enjoy!
Dr. Randall on Front Page Pass Podcast
 Check Dr. Randall out on INSTAGRAM LIVE
for special tips on health and wellness and a healthy planet.


🌿Check out Prior IG Live Shows: 🌿
Benefits of The Mediterranean Diet
-Change Your Diet Change The Planet
-Heavy Metal Toxicity
-Cognitive Decline 
-Let's Talk About Food Sensibly
-Cancer Prevention
-Randall's Rainbow Detox
-Probiotics, Health and The Planet

Find Out More
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