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Welcome to In an Auscape! What's an auscape? It's a word my friend Katie came up with that means "The sensation of a second stretching into a minute, a mile, or a year." Is that fresh or what? This newsletter is where I'll describe my (bi)weekly minutes, miles, and years. Thanks for coming along for the ride.
Summer Vacation, Y'all!
Friends, I've been traveling and working and working and traveling—all in the best ways and for the best reasons, but I need a little mental health break from some obligations for the summer.

It's July 4th—a day where we might think about "liberty" as a concept, and I'm thinking about liberation: collective and personal, and how to build room into our lives for more dreaming, more rest, more freedom for whatever is missing or lost or still in progress. 

In the meantime, I'll be thinking about what this newsletter wants to be: It started as a way to synthesize what I was learning in a broader context, share events I wanted people to come with me to, and create a space for reflecting on who I'm watching, how I'm making time for pleasure, and what I'm spending my time doing. 

I'm not sure what this will turn into, but I'm excited to find out. If you have ideas, feedback, critique, or, hey, compliments, let me know!
As you read this: I'm on a plane to Seattle!
Into this newsletter? Support it! I’m on Venmo @sklar-face

Big ups to Ana Alvarez—writer, designer, cat enthusiast, and coffee whisperer—for my logo. Hire her!

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