
We’re right at the halfway point of the year and I wanted to give you the six-month financial snapshot and update.
First, we’re incredibly thankful that in a year that started in the midst of the Covid pandemic, so many of you have been faithful and committed to the personal discipleship rhythm of generosity. We are truly appreciative. Second, we celebrate that God’s Kingdom has advanced and we continue to see Him move because of the response of obedience in His people. Ministry happens daily in and around RVCC because you are developing the culture of Biblical giving in your own lives and that translates to changed lives. Third, we still have a way to go. Our giving is lagging behind our budget at this point in the year, and our spending, while frugal, is still a little behind our giving as well, as you can see from the metrics below:

YTD Contributions  $705,610
YTD Expenses    $733,942
YTD Budget  $775,750

Our giving back to God for the work He wants to do in this world is a reflection of who He is in our lives. It shows our worship, discipleship and reverence for Him. Our giving doesn’t primarily fund the church budget or advance projects. Those are merely the secondary effects of what happens when we give to God’s work through the church. If you’re ready to grow in your heart for God, I would boldly and biblically suggest that finances are near the top of the list of issues to self-assess when furthering your walk with Jesus.

As we start the second half of 2021, will you consider automating your giving if you haven’t already? The recurring giving feature on our app and website makes it possible to prioritize our generosity in a simple and practical way. You can do that here.

Let’s review:

  1. Thank you!
  2. Let’s celebrate!
  3. Keep growing!

Alongside you in this journey,


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