Oil & gas, energy, and chemical industry insights from ADI Analytics

Where are oil prices headed in 2021?

With the burst of global economic demand, Brent crude oil reached a high of $75 earlier this month. There are several factors associated with this price rise but sustaining these price levels will be tricky. Read more >>

Critical minerals supply

Demand for critical minerals is expected to grow significantly led by clean energy technologies. However, their supply growth is challenged due to various factors . Learn more >>

The ADI Forum returns in 2022!

Why is renewable diesel capacity surging?
Watch here to see what Neville Fernandes, Manager, Renewable Jet Fuel at Neste had to say about some of the driving forces at ADI Forum 2020 >>

Small-scale LNG and energy transition

Access ADI's presentation discussing the role of natural gas and small-scale LNG, in particular, in the energy transition with UBS Energy >>

About Us

A consulting firm specializing in oil and gas, energy, and chemicals, ADI has served 150+ clients through 450+ projects since 2009. Download intro.

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The next ADI Forum will be held on February 24, 2022 in Houston, Texas. Learn more about the event and partnering with ADI.
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