
St Isidore Catholic Church

RCIA Newsletter

Week of June 27 - July 3 2021

I hope you have all enjoyed our summer video series: The Search. I feel so grateful for the opportunity to get together with you all every week and discussing what we are all searching for in life.

This week on Wednesday June 30, we are starting our 8-part series: Christopher West’s Introduction to Theology of the Body.

Can you guys do me a favor and bring a photo of yourself to our first class this Wednesday?

If you’re like me, you have a million photos on your phone of everyone else but yourself, and if you do have one it’s not flattering at all. But find one, any one will do, and bring it to class this week as we dive into this study together. I promise it will be worth it. Thank you!!

Based on Saint John Paul II’s revolutionary teaching and presented by world-renowned speaker and author Christopher West, An Introduction to the Theology of the Body: Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life, is a comprehensive system designed to lay a firm foundation for those who desire to incorporate the Theology of the Body into their daily lives.

This eight-part study is designed to give you a solid understanding of God’s plan for humanity - a plan stamped right into our bodies.

Most people have heard the “whats” of Catholic teaching, but very few have ever heard the “whys.” With profound insight, Christopher West demonstrates that the Church’s teaching on sex and marriage “makes sense”, and, in fact, is the “logic” of Christianity, because it corresponds perfectly with the deepest stirrings and desires of the human heart. This study is for everyone searching for their ultimate purpose in life.

An Introduction to the Theology of the Body Informational Video

I am so excited to start this study with all of you!

“An Introduction to the Theology of the Body, Discovering God’s Master Plan for Your Life”

Wednesdays, 6:30pm in the Assisi Room

June 30 - August 18

If you enjoyed “The Search” videos and want to watch them again, they are available on If you need help logging in for the first time please let me know!

Go to

Our adult retreats these past two weeks were amazing and incredibly fruitful. We are hosting a retreat in July just for high schoolers. If you have high schools in your home or life I strongly encourage you to sign them up! Click on the image to find out more.

St Isidore RCIA Google Classroom

The Class code is: kpijuf5

If you have any questions/comments/concerns please reach out! Click the blue email button below to send me an email!

Blessings, Megan Chissie

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