
 photo mechill..jpg

painting of me by : Amanda Bereny (


Greetings Love!
Greetings everyone!
 How does it feel to get more of a taste of "normal"?? Folks are gathering outdoors more and people are heading back to the office to work. 
I am also tip-toe' ing into what it is like to be exploring in-person life. I met up for tacos with my friend a few days ago before she moved abroad. That was my first time in 15+ months meeting up with someone for social activity. I also meet with one of my buddhist sangha sisters once a week and have 1 new private client where I meet at her apartment  and lead 1 on 1 yoga sessions in her  gorgeous breathtaking living room with bay windows that overlook Lake Merritt : )

Here is some special news. I am celebrating 10 years of Hatha Holistic Integrative wellness! The truth is I finished my first yoga teacher training program in 2007-2008 so I have actually been teaching yoga over a decade. I graduated from a Nutrition program in 2010 ( COVID foiled my plans to celebrate in 2020!!!) So I essentially can celebrate 10 years in my 11th year of Hatha Holistic 2021. I have 10 years under my belt.  I created the Hatha Holistic FB page in June of 2010 shortly after I graduated from Holistic Nutrition school. 

I will be celebrating 10 years  of Hatha Holistic from July 2021- July 2021. 
Uh huh!!! 1 year of celebrating a decade of promoting Yoga + Wellness. 
First stop.... MEMBERSHIP. I have developed a membership leg of my offerings and here are the details:
Membership is $100 a year however I have a special offer of $77.77 that is valid thru 7/7/21. WooHoo!!

The $77.77 membership pricing is valid thru 7/7/21
Redeem the limited time offer here:

Also, in case you missed it.....

Here is my special solstice greeting via YouTube :

MUTUAL AID update:
I have one private student who is a black PhD candidate and due to a cut in her academic funding for the summer and can’t afford private sessions this summer with me but will resume in the Fall when her full academic fundingre-commences.  If you are white and a non - black POC and can help out please let me know ! THANK YOU : )

I found this Instagram post via Redistribute wealth to be very insightful.  
Thank you to all who have contributed to previous scholarship funds so that people of color can participate in my programs without cash being a barrier!


In case you missed it...
Here is a S P O T      L I G H T  of  a Scholarship Recipient from the Spring 2021.
I met them in 2018 in Portland, Oregon at a conference!

Here we are at the 2018 Conference in Portland, OR.
We were on the BIPOC contingent group for the conference.

And They also treated me to some AWESOME Mexican food in Portland that rocked my world!!!

The last photo is of us at the Body Positive Pool Party at the hotel where the conference was. I was concerned about having too much cleavage and she was like GIRL! We are gonna be poolside together being CURVY and FAB!!! Yay!!!

Here is the clip of us having fun at the POOL PARTY: Click here 


What do you enjoy about yoga w/Misia?

all of Misia’s soothing voices. 

the way Misia vividly explains movement and joy with body, words → intentionality.

the centered, divine lights that Misia shines from her being, to us. beginning, between, and beyond.

all the multi-dimensional discussions. even touching us to go deeper - deeper at rates that we are ok with carefully unpacking…. natural multi-dimensionalness.

the sacred reminders of the power of letting go, for wellness... for spiritual release... for community… for liberation.

yoga with Misia is beyond the carnal aspect, and you as the participant must be willing to ___________________ and willing to __________________________________.


[[[[[[[[[[for Misia, only: words in these colonized languages cannot even begin to express my/our appreciation, love, thankfulness for you Misia. and we know that we are not bound by what is in this dimension, & I/we see you MISIA. 







and i’m honored and touched to have the opportunity to be in space, time with you and our intentionally intimate cohort.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

How has yoga enhanced your well being?

… endlessly relentless, mixed elemental waters...

for close to a decade i’ve been dealing with various kinds of body trauma - 1) physical injuries brought by ‘accidents’; 2) the ‘healing’ process of ‘fixing’ those localized injuries; and 3) complex-ptsd, manifesting itself in many ways, but ultimately stopping my body from being comfortable in pretty much all physical/emotional/relational spaces.

all this led to my chronic pain, inflammation. . .

despite sharing this to medical or naturopathic professionals - none believed me, heard me, made space for me. i slowly gave up on them helping me over a period of 8 years. & i gave up on humans, to be completely honest...

...powerfully cascading clear waterfalls...

3 years ago: i began rebuilding my own ancestral-bonds and autonomous healing journey, away from everyone. mental clarity varied - but centering of self begins. 

...consistently plentiful, soothing waterfalls…

jan 2021 (3 months ago): i realized ~~agüi, it is time.  no tengas miedo de pedir ayuda, apoyo~~ but this time on my own terms, with lineage powers. and lunar tidal water flows...

i’m here. re-cycle-ing. re-connect-ing. openly curious. re-root-ing. re-locate-ing. re-ground-ing. re-wire-ing. re-configure-ing. re-invest-ing. re-human-izing. re-tell-ing.

yoga’s spiritual, body, & elemental aspects is re-add-ing to my life in ways i knew i was craving but didn’t know how to start.

What do you enjoy about practicing with other People of Color?

yoga on this side of the world is flooded with whiteness. we know this to be true. we also know appropriation to be true.


So, to be in a space where there is a leading-practitioner of yoga AND a cohort of participants of yoga that are beautifully Black, beautifully Brown, beautifully Indigenous, beautifully Of Colour, beautifully QTs → that is truly sacred.


no eng&spanish-language words can summify the extensive gratitude for this experience. no eng&spa-words can describe my elatedness, my feelings.


spaces like these, in the grand scheme of our universal findings, they show us that for liberation and collective healing: WE ARE SO CLOSE TO BEING THERE. 

but really, really/honestly? white people (white/light mestizo latinos too) - it’s up to you to accelerate this process too. 

Than you agüi !!!!!!!

Don’t forget....
The $77.77 membership pricing is valid thru 7/7/21
Redeem the limited time offer here:


IG : HathaHolisticWellness

Twitter: @HathaHolistic

Medium - “The Moon Blog” : @MisiaDenea
Soundcloud : Hatha Holistic Radio
YouTube Channel :
* Wednesday Wellness Playlist ( 100Videos)
Student Testimonials Playlist  

*All Sales Are Final
Venmo @HathaHolisticWellness
CashApp $HathaHolistic
*( Friends+ Family Option Plz!)

Copyright © *|2015|* *|HATHA HOLISTIC INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS|*, All rights reserved.

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