Notice Regarding Bishop's Resignation
From the Rector
The Rev. Dr. Jared C. Cramer, SCP
Dear <<First Name>>

Though I am currently on Continuing Education Leave, working on my EMNA at Notre Dame, I wanted to take a moment to write to you today regarding the news that has come out regarding the resignation of our bishop, Whayne Hougland. 

For those who may not know, for the past year our bishop, Whayne Hougland, has been suspended due to an extra marital affair that occurred in early 2020. More information on his suspension and what transpired is on the diocesan website here.

Today, the Joint Standing Committees of Eastern and Western Michigan announced that, as a result of the process of discernment led by the Standing Committees, Whayne has resigned as our bishop, effective July 1, 2021.

Depending on your relationship with Whayne, the diocese, and the broader church, this news may have a variety of impacts upon you personally and spiritually. I'm grateful to those of you who communicated your own views on the wisdom of Whayne returning as our bishop in the survey the Standing Committee sent out earlier this year. Your perspective certainly was an aid to the Standing Committee in their discernment.

Over the past year of the bishop's suspension, I want you to know that I have participated in the various avenues for conversation, reflection, and discernment. I affirm the decision of the Standing Committees and Whayne that an ending of pastoral relationship is the wisest path forward for everyone involved.

As I sometimes counsel a couple whose marriage has fallen apart, sometimes the best way to love your spouse, given the deterioration and pain in the relationship, is not to be married to her or him anymore. Only you can know if that is the best and godliest path forward.

We can forgive and be reconciled with a sibling in Christ, including with Whayne, while also choosing a different sort of relationship going forward. I join with you in praying for God's goodness and grace on Whayne and his wife, Dana, as they move forward. I hope that Whayne finds new ways to exercise his ministry as a baptized Christian, whether in or outside of the episcopacy. 

And I look forward to the continued work the Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan will do, as we explore our shared relationship. I believe this decision actually creates new open and fertile ground for creativity about what episcopal leadership can and should look like in our communities right now and I look forward to all of us being a part of that conversation and discernment. More details on what is coming is included in the diocesan announcement

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.




St. John's
Episcopal Church

Upcoming Events

Click here for our full Parish Google Calendar. 

INDEPENDENCE DAY: In celebration of Independence Day, the Parish Office is closed on Monday, July 5. There is no regularly scheduled Evening Prayer that day. 

LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY – IN-PERSON & AT A NEW TIME: Our Lectionary Bible Study group has resumed in person gatherings, and at a new time. You can join the group on Wednesday, July 7, at 11am, in the Guild Room. We spend about an hour diving deeply into the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday and new participants are always welcome! Join us!

HOLY EUCHARIST & HEALING: Each Wednesday at Noon you are welcome to our service of Holy Eucharist with prayers for Healing in the Nave. The next offering is Wednesday, July 7. The service is also broadcast on Facebook Live here.

BLESSING THE 80TH GENERAL CONVENTION: Bishops, deputies and others will gather on Saturday, July 17, 2021 at 2 p. m. Eastern, for an online convocation to pray for the work of the 80th General Convention, now scheduled for July 2022. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will preach, and House of Deputies President Gay Clark Jennings will give opening remarks and officiate at a service led by deputies, bishops, and others from across the church. The service, which will be livestreamed, is scheduled for the Feast of William White, the only person ever to serve as both the church’s presiding bishop and president of its House of Deputies. Find out ore online here.
Click here for our full Parish Google Calendar.
Parish Office
524 Washington Ave • Grand Haven, MI • 616-842-6260 

The Rector is available by appointment.

Our Inclement Weather Policy is online here.


Sunday Worship
8:30am in English, in person 
10:00am in English, in person, or Online Here 
12:45pm en Español – En Linea Aquí Ministros de adoración que solo asisten


A parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan, 
led by the Standing Committee of the Diocese and our Assisting Bishop, Skip Adams.

 Following Jesus. Inspired through Worship. Boldly loving ALL.
As followers of Jesus, we believe all people—without exception—are God’s beloved 
and are called together by the Holy Spirit. Inspired through time-honored worship, 
the people of St. John’s Episcopal Church strive to boldly love every person and all creation


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