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Utah's first modern-day brewery turns 35 this year. Wasatch Brewery, located in Park City, opened its doors in 1986. I qualify it as "modern-day" because Wasatch wasn't Utah's first brewery. The original A. Fisher Brewing Co., among others, operated decades earlier.

Tim Haran | Utah Beer NewsNevertheless, Wasatch holds an important place in Utah craft beer history. If it weren't for founder Greg Schirf lobbying the state legislature to allow for brewpubs and, in turn, allowing breweries to sell their own beer on-site, we might still be waiting for the Beehive State's craft beer boom.

And, since many of us will celebrate Independence Day this weekend with a cold beer in hand, we might take a minute to revisit Wasatch's rabble-rousing history as chronicled in this Salt Lake Tribune article commemorating the brewery's 25th anniversary.

Side Note: I visited with Wasatch Head Brewer Nils Imboden in 2020 to learn more about the brewery's past, present, and future.

Another so-called legacy brewery, which came along about eight years after Wasatch, continues to make an impact on Utah craft beer. Red Rock Brewery opened its flagship downtown brewpub in 1994 to become the state's fourth craft brewery (after Wasatch, Squatters, and Uinta). It brews several longtime fan favorites, while also pushing the envelope with new and innovative beers.

I visited with Erika Palmer and Kevin Davis—the former was one of the first employees at the original brewpub and the latter jumped on board about three years ago—to get their take on Red Rock's place in Utah craft beer history (legacy, if you will), as well as its mission going forward.

Continuing Legacies

Speaking of legacies, one brewer who's intimately familiar with Red Rock is Kevin Templin. He brewed there for nearly two decades before opening up his own brewery—Templin Family Brewing—in October 2018. In a recent conversation with Kevin, we talk about this notion of legacy and what it means to him.

He didn’t open T.F. Brewing so he could buy a Ferrari or other extravagances. Rather, he says, "it's more about so when I retire I can hand the keys to my nephews and my kids and say, 'here you go.' Don't mess it up."

So often these days, it seems, craft beer drinkers are seduced by the new shiny object or the latest crazy concoction. New is almost always exciting, and off-the-wall is nearly always interesting. That's part of what makes craft beer so special.

But, as I mention in the latest podcast episode, it's important to remember the breweries—and brewers and beers—that helped to pave the way. And that are still turning out exceptional products (Exhibit A: One of this month's Notable Beers below).

Here's to a safe and happy Independence Day. Oh, and don't forget to pick up a supply of local craft beer on National Independent Beer Run Day (July 3). See more on that below as well.


Currently Drinking: As I write, I'm enjoying a Transparency—The Salt Lake Tribune Beer from Fisher BrewingHow about you?

Hello Again & Welcome

If this is your first time receiving this monthly dispatch, welcome! If you're a longtime subscriber, thank you for sticking with it. As always, feel free to drop a line to let me know what you think. Connect with me personally on Untappd.


T.F. Brewing: A Legacy in the Making

In his mind’s eye, Kevin Templin knew exactly what Templin Family Brewing, T.F. Brewing for short, could and should be. Family, community, and drinking handcrafted bier the way it’s meant to be enjoyed.

Templin describes it as the "total package." Learn more about what he means by that, and what you can expect when you visit the Salt Lake taproom. Read the full story.

🎙 BONUS: Listen to our wide-ranging interview with T.F. Brewing Founder and Head Brewer Kevin Templin as part of the Utah Beer News Podcast.
Read the Full Article

Red Rock Brewery: A Utah Cornerstone

Red Rock Brewery this year expects to self-distribute about 5,000 barrels of beer. That’s more than 150,000 gallons to you and me.

“It’s small but big at the same time,” says head brewer Kevin Davis, who arrived at Red Rock in 2018, and whose career has included stops at Brewery Ommegang, Keegan Ales, and New Belgium.

Get a sense of Red Rock's important place in Utah craft beer, and learn how the nearly 30-year-old brewery continues to stay relevant. Read the full story.

🎙 BONUS: Listen to our interview with Red Rock Head Brewer Kevin Davis and Sales Manager Erika Palmer as part of the Utah Beer News Podcast.
Read the Full Article
Brewery Folks: Got news, notes, or events to share? Don't count on me to find it on social media. Please send the info to Utah Beer News directly if you'd like me to help spread the word.

July 3: National Independent Beer Run Day

PSA: National Independent Beer Run Day is July 3. This is a special day to stock up on indie beer for the Fourth of July. Fill your fridge with local craft beer and savor the taste of independence! #BeerRunDay

🍺 Notable: 2 Utah Beers to Try

Wasatch Brewery - Three Weavers Brewing Collaboration IPA
Beer Name/Style: Wasatch/Three Weavers Collaboration, IPA
Brewery: Wasatch Brewery / Three Weavers Brewing
ABV: 7%
Purchased: The West Side Tavern & Cold Beer Store
Notes: Utah's original brewpub teamed up with its soon-to-be-former CANarchy teammate Three Weavers Brewing to create a deliciously modern West Coast IPA. Slightly hazy, it's bursting with fruit aroma—bright citrus and pineapple. Tropical flavors shine for me, though a moderate breadiness and a decent bitterness balance things out nicely.
The Salt Lake Tribune Beer: Fisher Brewing
Beer Name/Style: Transparency, Pale Ale
Brewery: Fisher Brewing
ABV: 5%
Purchased: Fisher Brewing
Notes: Brewed in support of the hard-working journalists at The Salt Lake Tribune, Transparency is a golden American Pale Ale. Simcoe and Mosaic hops deliver bright citrus and berry aromas and flavors. It's got a nice dose of bitterness and pine character reminiscent of old-school pales, and it packs a ton of flavor into a session-strength beer. Plus, a portion of proceeds benefits the non-profit Trib.

About Notable Beers: From time to time I'll use the above space to share two beers that I believe are worth seeking out. If you're a brewer or craft beer enthusiast who would like a specific beer to be considered for this feature, please send me an email by July 25 with details about the beer.

More Local Tasting Notes
EVEN MORE BEERS: By the way, here are a few new beers—or returning seasonals/favorites—that have been brought to my attention since the last dispatch. Check out the individual social posts for details.

Summertime Brews: Events & Such

As I mentioned last month, many local breweries continue to host regular events—trivia, movie nights, live music, etc.—indoors and out. It's a great opportunity to support not only the local breweries, but also local artists.

Keep an eye on breweries' individual social for details (or, if breweries, would like to send details my way, I'll gladly help to promote the ongoing events).

Here's a quick rundown of larger-scale beer events (in Utah and in neighboring states) that are on my radar. If I'm missing any, please let me know.

Oh, and if you have any info on Pie & Beer Day happenings, I'd love to hear. Note: As a reminder, it's always best to check with individual organizers ahead of time to verify event details.

🎙Utah Beer News Podcast:
Beer News for Your Ears 🎙

The Utah Beer News podcast provides another avenue for us to tell stories about the Utah beer community. We'd love for you to subscribe, take a listen, and let us know what you think!

Beer News & Notes

Each month, I gather beer-related news and notes to share with Utah Beer News email subscribers. Much of what's mentioned in this space is obtained from social sites, taproom visits, email newsletters, etc. (and a few are sent directly to me).
Reminder: It's always best to confirm event dates, times, and locations with the individual organizers.
  • Bewilder Brewing announced it will be closed on July 4 for an Employee Appreciation day.
  • Oh, and if you haven’t yet checked out Bewilder’s Hot Dog Bar, you really should give it a try (and here’s the menu).
  • Get down to Kiitos for its 4th of July Case Sale on its Blonde Ale. Now through July 5.
  • The Hops Hunters Hikes in Summit County continue. The next one is set for July 14. Complete details.
  • Each Thursday throughout the summer, it’s Cider Pickin’ Thursdays at The Garten. The Pick Pockets bluegrass band will perform at 7 p.m. ($8 at the door).
  • By the way, Mountain West Hard Cider released the latest in its Little Orchard Series. Cuke N' Sour, a 6.8% ABV offering, features fresh cucumber and fresh-squeezed lemons.
  • SLUG Mag’s all-ages Brewstillery event—a local beer and spirits festival—is set for July 10.
  • Also on July 10, the Taste of Utah Festival takes place at Utah Motorsports Campus in Grantsville. Breweries will be serving up more than 20 different brews. Admission is free (the beer, obviously, is not) but you need to register.
  • Ogden River Brewing is hosting a Pints for Pups event on July 10. The event supports local animal shelters. Your $25 ticket includes lunch, a portrait with your pup, access to Ogden River’s latest brew Mischievous Mutt Golden Ale, and more.
  • The Evanston Brew Fest is slated for July 17.
  • The Southern Utah Beer Fest 2021 is set for July 31 at Policy Kings Brewery in Cedar City.
  • Red Rock Brewing is pouring beer at The Front Summer Music Series each Wednesday.
  • The rooftop—and dog-friendly—deck at Grid City Beer Works (profile) is now open. Check out the rules.
  • Beer and journalism—two topics dear to me. Fisher Brewing and The Salt Lake Tribune combined the two beautifully.
  • T.F. Brewing (profile) installed a malt conveyor system in mid-June. The mill moved next door, freeing up space in the brewhouse for new horizontal lagering tanks.
  • Welcome back, Brewvies.
  • Utah’s newest state liquor store in Taylorsville opened on June 8 and features beer coolers to sell refrigerated beer, via The Salt Lake Tribune
  • Talisman Brewing in Ogden is planning to celebrate its five-year anniversary with “Talismania.” The event is tentatively scheduled for September. Keep an eye out for additional details.
  • Here’s a list of dog-friendly patios in Salt Lake. Several breweries—Uinta Brewing, Fisher Brewing, Mountain West Hard Cider, Proper (Burger and Stratford), Squatters Brewpub, T.F. Brewing, and Wasatch Brew Pub—made the list, via Salt Lake County Health Department
  • The Garage Grill, which is part of the Salt Flats Brewing enterprise, broke ground on a new location slated for 12600 S. Mountain View Corridor in Herriman. The expected opening is Fall 2021.
  • The latest episode of the Utah Booze News Podcast features an interview with outgoing DABC Chair John Nielsen.
  • Blues, Brews & BBQ is on tap on Sundays in August at Snowbasin.
  • The Utah Beer Festival is scheduled to take place Aug. 21-22 at The Gateway.
  • The Great American Beer Festival plans to return to an in-person event in 2022—its 40th anniversary. The awards competition will take place this year, however. Winners will be announced at the Craft Brewers Conference on Sept. 10.
  • In other GABF news… the passport program will return. This didn’t seem to get much traction in Utah (likely due to our quirky laws) but passport holders will have “exclusive access to deals at participating breweries nationwide.” Passports are $20 and will be available to purchase in July.
And finally…
  • It’s not in Utah, but I know a lot of Beehive State beer fans frequented Falling Rock Tap House in Denver. The venerable beer bar closed its doors in June.
Brewery Folks: Got news, notes, or events to share? Don't count on me to find it on social media. Please send the info to Utah Beer News directly if you'd like me to help spread the word.
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