
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH, Thursday, July 1, 2021, V10 Issue 2
Important Information for Families Regarding the 2021-22 School Year
Click HERE for the full Florida School Health Administrative Resource Manual
Required First Day of School Attendance Census for Every K-8 Student
First day of school:  Tuesday, August 10, 2021 from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

In order to accurately account for student enrollment at Lutz Preparatory School K-8 in the 2021-22 school year we require all K-8 families to complete a First Day of School Attendance Census online form for EACH student who is attending our K-8 school.  This required online form completion includes any new students who were accepted through our lottery process.  

Please note, this is NOT for preschool students attending Lutz Pre-Prep, only K-8 students enrolled in the public charter school. 

Click on the red button below to complete the online form, deadline is Sunday, July 11, 2021, at midnight.  
Click to Complete - First Day of School Attendance Census
Important Back to School Dates
  • Thursday, July 1:
    • TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY to Purchase 1st Day School Supplies from Vendor (Or Purchase on Your Own at Any Time)
  • Sunday, July 11:
    • First Day Attendance Cencus Due for all K-8 Students
    • Red's Team Sports Uniform Polo Cutoff Date to Guarantee Delivery Before School
  • Thursday, July 29:
    • Board of Director Meeting at 5:00 PM via Zoom
  • Thursday, August 5:
    • Meet and Greet - More Information Coming Soon
  • Tuesday, August 10:
    • Student's First Day of School 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
1st Quarter Dates

8/10:  First Day of School

8/25:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

9/6:  Labor Day Holiday - No School

9/22:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

9/22:  Fall Conference Day

10/8:  End of 1st Grading Period
Click to View 2021-22 Academic Calendar
Before and After Care Registration Information

Message from our 2020-21 PTA President
Dear Lutz Prep Families,
As we look back on the 2020-2021 school year, I would like to take a moment to thank our entire Lutz Prep school community for your strength, resiliency, and determination this past year.  Navigating through a pandemic was a journey none of us could have imagined having to take, but together we found our way, learned new lessons and came out stronger. It has been an honor to serve as your Lutz Prep PTA President this past year and I am very grateful for the opportunity to have worked with an incredible group of parents on behalf of our students, teachers and staff.  

While this year looked very different than past years, we found our creative side and continued to stay connected to each other.. mostly virtually.  Some of our PTA highlights include: a “You Can’t Mask My Lutz Prep Pride” spirit shirt sale, two virtual family cooking events, Kona Ice for all students, virtual platform health and safety messaging for students during Red Ribbon/Health and Safety Week, special video recognition of grandparents, collection of over 8,000 boxes of cereal for the Feeding Tampa Bay Cereal for Summer Program, assisted with Leader in Me monthly family activities, hosted the “We are Lucky to Have You” Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, virtual delivery of Junior Achievement program to students, and through successful efforts of the Bolts of Blue Fundraiser and Online Silent Auction, our PTA was able to direct $30,000 worth of support directly back into classrooms for our students and teachers. Without your support, none of this would have been possible!
As you reflect on this past year, please know that you made a difference and you were a big part in making 2020-2021 a great and memorable year. I thank each and every one of you for everything you have done this year to support our students, teachers, and staff. You should be proud of the huge difference you made in your child’s educational experience this year. I am so proud to be a part of this wonderful school community and I look forward to working with the Lutz Prep PTA to make 2021-2022 another successful year.

Please have a safe and happy summer!
Best Regards,
Stefanie Alt

Thank you PTA!
Thank you from the faculty and staff at Lutz Prep to the entire PTA community for your incredible support in 2020-21:  President:  Stefanie Alt, Treasurer: Amanda Alvarez, Recording Secretary:  Amber Loper, Corresponding Secretary:  Jay Ford, Ways and Means:  Jackie Dreksler, Pre-Prep:  Jill Whelton, Elementary:  Jennifer Kouffman, Middle School:  Debbie Annicchiarico, School Support:  Pilar Topping, and Yearbook:  Trish Schaefer.

Executive Board for the 2021-22 School Year
Information will be coming out over the summer for volunteer opportunities for PTA committees

  • President:  Jennifer Kouffman
  • Treasurer:  Tricia Moffet
  • Recording Secretary:  Ashley Lorton
  • Corresponding Secretary:  Jay Ford
  • VP of Elementary:  Pilar Topping
  • VP of Middle:  Stefanie Alt
  • VP of Ways & Means:  Jen Hutchinson
  • VP of Pre-Prep:  Ansley Darling
  • VP of School Support:  Jackie Dreksler
  • VP of Yearbook:  Trish Schaefer


2021-22 School Supply Lists

For Families Who Prefer to Shop on Their Own

Families can always choose to purchase school supplies on their own.  It is NOT required that families order school supplies through 1st Day School Supplies, this is just a different option for shopping.

To view a full list of the 2021-22 School Supply Lists please visit our website under the Academics\Supply Lists tab to print the list by grade and start looking for those back-to-school sales.

Additional Important Information
Please note, a consumable instructional materials fee and additional items may be added during the school year based on factors included but not limited to:

  • Individual student schedule
  • Elementary Grades:  specials classes - Art/Music/PE/Tech/Spanish
  • Middle Grades:  elective classes
  • Certain classes will have supply lists on their syllabus that will be communicated prior to the start of school or the first day of class
  • School wide Leader In Me resources
  • Teacher selected/preferred/recommended resources 

OPTIONAL:  1st Day School Supplies One Stop Shopping
Deadline to Place Order:  Thursday, July 1, 2021

Great news!  Lutz Preparatory PTA has continued their partnership with 1st Day School Supplies to give you an OPTIONAL way to help make your back to school shopping for next year a breeze!  This is not a fundraiser but rather an opportunity to save you time this summer.  The school supply kits are ready to go with the exact supplies your LP teachers have requested.  Each kit will be delivered directly to your 2021-22 teacher's classroom before the first day of school.

You can order your school supplies for the 2021-22 school year now! 
You are just a few clicks away from getting everything you need for next year!!!  It is super easy … click, pay, done!  Now you can plan on what to do with the time you would have spent at the store and in line! 

Click Here to Purchase 1st Day School Supply Kit - Deadline 7/1/2021
Homeroom Teacher Assignments Will be Emailed to Parents Prior to this Event
Uniform Policy
The only item required from Red's Team Sports is the LOGOED POLO.
Click HERE to view the Uniform Excerpt of our Student/Parent Handbook that includes detailed charts and visual guides for both tops and bottoms before making your uniform purchases.

6th-8th Grade Important Information:  students WILL NOT be dressing out for PE during the 1st semester of the school year.  A decision will be made at a later date regarding the 2nd semester PE uniform requirements.

Red's Team Sports - Official Lutz Prep Uniform Polo Vendor
IMPORTANT:  July 11th Cut-Off Date
Tampa Charter Athletic League Competitive Sports to Return
Must Have a Sports Physical On File With School Office Before Tryouts!

Fall competitive sports 5th-8th grade will begin late August/early September with the following sports:
  • Boys Soccer
  • Girls Volleyball
  • Coed Cross Country
More details regarding the tryout dates and schedules will be sent once school begins.

IMPORTANT!  In order to attend tryouts and/or participate you MUST have an official Florida High School Athletic Association Participation Physical Evaluation Form (completed which includes: signed, stamped, dated, and cleared without limitations by approved medical personnel) on file with the Lutz Prep school office for all athletics. 

Click here to view/print the form and plan your appointments accordingly:  
Hillsborough County Public Schools FHSAA Sports Physical

Up to date FHSAA Sports Physicals must be sent electronically to  Please do not turn in or email to a coach or teacher.  Always keep a copy for your personal records.
K-5 Intramurals
We are reviewing options for K-5 Intramurals to potentially begin during the 2nd semester of the school year. More information will be released mid-year.
2020-21 Florida Standards Assessments
FSA and EOC results will be published over the summer by the Florida Department of Education.  Achievement levels are published on the Hillsborough County Public Schools Report Card and Test Scores Portal at  Detailed home reports will be sent to the district by the FLDOE and then the district will forward them to Lutz Preparatory School to be picked up by parents - announcements will be sent to parents as soon as they arrive. 

When are Florida test scores available?
  • Florida test scores are provided by the Florida Department of Education.
    • Grade 3 ELA (English Language Arts) achievement level and overall scale scores are available on the Hillsborough County Public Schools Report Card and Test Scores Portal at
      • Log into the system, scroll down below the report card listing, click on the question mark icon to the right of the score for the fact sheet.
    • Other grades' test scores are expected in late June or July. These scores may be available later depending on when they are received from the state. When Florida test scores are available, notification will be sent by a phone call, email, and/or text message using the contact information listed on the Student Emergency Information Card.

Only the achievement levels and overall scale scores are displayed online. 

Click HERE for the 2020–21 Florida Statewide Grade-Level Assessments Fact Sheet. The official home report from the Florida Department of Education remains the primary source of communication to families for Florida test scores. This report may be picked up from the school your student attended during testing after they are made available by the state

Nation Junior Honor Society Applications for 7th and 8th Grade Only
Emails were sent to all 7th & 8th grade parents with the following information.

Applications are available for the National Junior Honor Society at Lutz Preparatory School.  The due date to submit completed applications is Friday, September 3rd, 2021; no late applications will be permitted.  Please note the volunteer requirement PRIOR to your student's application being submitted.  

Click HERE to view the full details on our website.

If your child is already a NJHS member from the 2020-21 school year they do not need to apply again.
6th-8th Grade Required English Language Arts Summer Project

Emails were sent to all middle grade parents with details on the required summer project.  Please click HERE to visit our website for full email and the required details.  

This project is not optional; it will be one of the first grades of the 2021-22 school year.

Lutz Prep requires summer reading and detailed assignment for all 6th-8th grade Advanced ELA classes. Summer reading and assignments are recommended for all students as a means of broadening their base of knowledge, keeping verbal skills fresh, and preparing for standardized tests.
  • 6th Grade: A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park
  • 7th Grade: The Giver by Lois Lowry
  • 8th Grade: And Then There Where None by Agatha Christie

K-5 Grades Do Not Have Any Required Assignments
Some teachers gave their classes optional educational packets of summer bridge work.

Below are some ideas from our Librarian to help your student stay engaged with reading over the summer months. 
Board of Directors
Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. is operated by a board of directors made up of community members with diverse and strategic expertise.  Please click HERE for a full listing of our current board members and the assigned representative to facilitate parental involvement.

The meeting schedule and past meeting minutes of the board or directors are posted on the Governance tab of our school website.  Meetings are open to the public and are published in our NEWSFLASH and on the Governance section of our website. 

Next Meeting Date:
Public Comment
Please note, a new online way to sign up for public comment at the board meetings.  Click HERE for the online form; must sign up and check-in 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
Follow Us on Facebook and YouTube
Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube page, lots of new great videos coming soon.  

Lutz Preparatory School Facebook Page
Please click on the image to the right or  These social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School. 

The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.

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