- At the beginning of February, a large amount of municipal waste arrived with a flood on the Tisza river (copper, zinc) from Romanian tailing dam to Hungary. Heavy metal pollution was identified.
- EEB released a new circular economy guidelines focused on Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia & Herzeovina, Kosovo, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) and Turkey. Experts from 2 IPEN POs (Green Home ,Montenegro and Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, Serbia) contributed to the study.
- HCWH Europe has launched a new network aimed at engaging doctors in our work to create a more sustainable healthcare sector in Europe. Doctors for Greener Healthcare will bring together clinical leaders from across Europe to collaborate, learn, share best practice, and advocate for a healthy future by reducing the environmental impact of healthcare.
- HEAL submitted several positions on EU policies (Public consultation on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive, proposal for identification of Bisphenol B as SVHC under REACH, proposal for identification of the group of PDDP substances as SVHCs under REACH). They also worked with CHEMTRUST on commenting the EC proposal for CLP hazard class for EDCs and the proposal for update of the REACH Annexes in relation to endocrine disruption properties.
- HCWH Europe, with the input and support of 18 leading health and environmental organisations (including Hej!Support, WECF or Arnika), has released a paper presenting a detailed insight into the complexity of health and environmental issues associated with the entire life cycle of PVC. All current evidence supports the simple proposition that PVC is problematic and that it presents significant, often avoidable health issues - the paper also includes examples of already successful phase-outs of PVC.
- Hej!Support launched the first issue of their magazine Hej!Youth.