Hello <<First Name>> 
Years ago I had the pleasure of being introduced to Richard Denny, a renowned motivational guru. Back in the day, Richard recorded a programme of audio tapes called Dare to be Great. I was captivated by Richard’s inspiring message and listened to his tapes over and over again. One message he shared was, ‘the key to success is having a goal, having someone to share it with and that what you do makes a difference’. I think with all the ups and downs of our England Football Team, we have all witnessed the power of such wisdom.
Recently, I had the privilege of accompanying H.M. Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Mike Kapur OBE, (I am one of his Deputies), when he presented the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service to a very special local group led by local resident, Steve Cramp.
In 2007 Steve was walking with his wife and children when he looked down over a bridge at an abandoned railway track and a seed was sown in his mind to transform this jungle of undergrowth and restore a length of what used to be the Mountsorrel Railway. But this proved to be just the start!
Through Steve’s vision, and with the dedicated support of an incredible team of volunteers, the Mountsorrel and Rothley Community Heritage Centre was born and the railway line was rebuilt! The community benefitted in a multitude of ways from improving community cohesion between volunteers, to now offering a local attraction that is free to visitors and that embraces history, wildlife and nature walks, a museum and historical construction initiatives, all funded by a very successful Coffee Shop. In 2019, and before the pandemic, it attracted 138,000 visitors that year! Now that is what you call success!

As the Lord-Lieutenant and I chatted to the smiling volunteers who were so proudly waiting as we toured the site, it became evident that the whole project had played a vital role in all of their lives. It had created a feeling of purpose, a reason to get up in the morning. Friendships had been forged and lives had been changed for the better. In short, they had all been working toward a goal and the physical and mental benefits to them all were clear to see. It was inspiring.
So why am I telling you all this? I wanted to emphasise the importance of us all having a goal. Each week, Mary and I have the happy task of setting you goals - helping you to improve your health and wellbeing, mentally and physically, by encouraging you to follow the links to our website as part of our Weekly Fitness Challenge. As well as benefitting your fitness, completing these goals will also benefit your sense of wellbeing which in turn will help your mental health.
If motivation is what you need take a look at our Motivation pages and watch the videos including Mental Health Benefits of Exercise and Positive Attitude – the key to success. If you need to lose a few lbs, have a look at Getting Motivated to Lose Weight and Motivation for the 28 Day Immunity Plan – Meet the Trialists.
Coming soon!
Next week we will be adding a new product to our online shop – the Core Balance Cushion which will help you to increase your ability to balance. I have one which I stand on every morning as I clean my teeth and it is amazing how quickly we can train ourselves to balance better.