Behavioural Design Digest
July 22nd, 2021

Everyting is in need of applied psychology.

I'm a clinical psychologist by training. When I stumbled into the marketing profession about 20 years ago, 'psychologist' was something you better kept for yourself. Back then, I'd much better confessed at a party that I rented out some windows in the red light district than to admit I studied psychology. At that time, psychology was considered to be 'the sinkhole of the university'.

This perception profoundly changed in the last 10-15 years. The first trigger event was the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for the work of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. This was the first time that the field of economics fully acknowledged the importance of psychology to understand better how humans make decisions in markets. Still, many sectors who could definately use applied behavioural psychology seem not to have caught up yet. Why this is important I have written down in this blog post.

Have a great week!


Tom De Bruyne
co-founder SUE | Behavioural Design

PS. Be sure to also check out the rest of the Digest: we are looking for a new SUE-er in our team and we're bringing over Behavioural Design Fest to Scotland. Don't miss out (on both of them).


Behavioural Design Fest Scotland 14th October

Yes, the rumours are true: after a very successful virtual edition of Behavioural Design Fest, we are now coming over to Scotland on October 14th with another line-up of fascinating speakers on applied Behavioural Design. Together with Revolutionise, this edition of Behavioural Design Fest will be organised in style at Crossbasket Castle Hotel. More about the program and tickets you can find by simply clicking on the button below.
More info and tickets

SUE zoekt marketeer met ambitie!
(sorry Dutch job posting, we're hiring at SUE)

Wij zoeken versterking voor ons marketingteam. Ben jij iemand die z’n hand er niet voor omdraait om meerdere projecten tegelijk tot een goed einde te brengen? Vind je het leuk om de spin in het web te zijn om nieuwe klanten en studenten aan te trekken, hen vervolgens meer dan welkom laten te voelen en te zorgen dat dat ze daarna niets willen liever dan nog eens bij ons terug komen? Dit is waar de marketing & merkbeleving van SUE om draait. Het enthousiasmeren van onze klanten van begin tot eind.

Je kunt meer informatie over de vacature hier vinden of je kunt hem hieronder downloaden. Delen wordt zeer gewaardeerd.
Download de vacature hier

Behavioural Design Fundamentals Training (in Amsterdam)

Are you also craving to meet new people, get out of your building and go out and get some training in real life and not behind your computer? So are we! Therefore, we are so happy to share with you we are back with in-person training at our training location in Amsterdam.

You'll get food for thought but will also be pampered with homemade food topped with love, and you will be surrounded by like-minded professionals. Of course, we have all Covid measures in place. We're back and can't wait to meet you!

 You can find more info and the possibility to book a spot here.

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