

Issue #562 // July 16, 2021 // View in your browser


End-to-end observability and monitoring. Visualize performance data using customizable, out-of-the-box dashboards in Datadog. Try Datadog free.
//datadog sponsored

The unreasonable effectiveness of just showing up everyday
//typesense comments

Valve Steam Deck
//steamdeck comments

NDA expired, let’s spill the beans on a weird startup
//shkspr comments

Tesla’s $16k Quote for a $700 Fix Is Why Right to Repair Matters
//thedrive comments

People Staring at Computers
//kylemcdonald comments

Instagram Has Become SkyMall
//medium comments

Against SQL
//scattered-thoughts comments

The Well-Tempered Traveler
//google comments

Back to the Future with RSS
//ncase comments

My trust in software, an all time low
//underjord comments

#Ask HN

Introduction to Analog Synthesizers (Simulation OK)

How to get started with CB radio?

#Show HN

Print a WiFi Login Card //wificard comments

Obsidian for Mobile – Plain-text knowledge base on the go //obsidian comments

Podswap: Keep airpods alive and out of the landfill //thepodswap comments

Monodraw: ASCII art editor for the Mac //helftone comments

Video podcasting (RSS) as an alternative to YouTubes walled garden //streambus comments

I made a simulator for personal finance and financial independence //projectifi comments

Open-Source Chrome Extension for auto-grouping tabs by URL patterns //github comments


Copilot regurgitating Quake code, including sweary comments //twitter comments

Give me /events, not webhooks //syncinc comments

Behind the scenes, AWS Lambda //bschaatsbergen comments

Svgbob – Create a graphical representation of text diagrams //github comments

Functools – The Power of Higher-Order Functions in Python //martinheinz comments

How JavaScript Works: deep dive into call, apply, and bind //sessionstack comments


The worst volume control UI in the world //uxdesign comments

Creep – a pretty sweet 4px wide pixel font //github comments


Garden Hermit //wikipedia comments

“Space age electronics”: Inside a GE thin-film paperweight from the 1960s //righto comments

Royal Mail Rubber Band //wikipedia comments

The Art of Nomography //kartsci comments

The Friendship Paradox //wikipedia comments


The vital art of talking to strangers //economist comments

Python for Excel: A Modern Environment for Automation and Data Analysis //xlwings comments

Must-read psychology books //durmonski comments


My business might have 32 days before it's shut down by NYC //youtube comments

Virgin Galactic Unity 22 Spaceflight Livestream //youtube comments

Rendering game worlds in text //youtube comments

Fishing under ice //youtube comments


Study finds 83% of software developers feel burnout //usehaystack comments

Sharing our engineering career framework with the world //dropbox comments

The damaging effects of 'boreout' at work //bbc comments

#Startup News

Amazon has acquired Facebook's satellite internet team //engadget comments

Netflix will start publishing video games, has hired former EA exec //arstechnica comments


The Art of the Romanian Haystack //kuriositas comments

Kmart In-Store Music Tapes [audio] //forkeepspodcast comments

Reverse Engineering the M6 Smart Fitness Bracelet //rbaron comments

Face Maker AI. Sketch to create photorealistic faces //massless comments

AtGames Legends virtual pinball review: The better pre-built choice mostly //arstechnica comments