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 our best recommendations for your downtime
issue 230 ~ week of July 23, 2021
editor's note

Morning <<First Name>>,

When I sat down to write this note, my original idea was something along the lines of how I’m recently “operating at 75% instead of my usual 110%.” After chatting this through with a colleague (thanks Carey :)), I realized that actually….I’m NOT operating at 75%. I am operating at 100%, just being more realistic about the time and energy I have to give.

Have I confused you yet?? Okay, let me back up. I am what you might call….ambitious, especially when it comes to dumping way too many things on my daily to-do list. I have hundreds of items on my to-do list. Hundreds! How did they get there? I have no idea, but these things pile up!

Given I want to achieve SOME semblance of balance rather than overwhelm in my life, I started trying something a few weeks ago to combat my lists (for BOTH work-things and life-things). Have I “achieved balance?” Not 100%, but I feel so much better about my to-do’s now that I thought I should share. 

My process for setting more realistic daily to-do lists, so that I can LIVE a little more, baby:

Note: I use Asana which is a project management tool, but you can use this method with literally any tool. In a spreadsheet, paper and pen, whiteboard, whatever.

  1. Start a backlog: I keep a running list of things I need to get done in a “backlog.” Anything that comes to mind, or comes across my inbox from others, gets dumped in there, whether that’s “buy a springform cake pan” or “order bird netting for the fig tree” or “reconcile invoices in Quickbooks” (all real things from my list!).

  2. Focus on today: I have a “lane” in my Asana called “Today.” I really like this lane. This is my calm and happy lane. The key is that it’s a short lane. There’s never any more than 3 items in this lane. 4 or 5 on a day with no meetings. Actually *visually* seeing such a short lane (vs. a laundry list of literal hundreds of items) has been a huge game-changer for me.

  3. Get ready for your literal reality check: Here is where your reality meets your to-do list: Before each work day, I take a look at my calendar. Am I in 5 meetings that day and also have to run an errand? That means I’ll realistically only get one meaty task done that day, so I bump some items off my list. If it’s stuff that might block others, I give them a heads up. (Ideally, I should do this triage part at the top of each week rather than daily…because planning. But baby steps.)

This idea isn’t novel. I used to work in tech (fun fact!) and we did this all the time -- it’s called the kanban method, in which a backlog is kept, and items that are ready for you to tackle and shuffled into your ‘in progress’ column, and your “work in progress” is extremely limited.

I was hesitant to write about yet another “productivity hack” in this newsletter because it feels very unsexy and boring in the context of downtime and FUN but…I’m not actually trying to be more productive, I’m trying to be more realistic. So that I can enjoy my life and my downtime a little more!

I listened to this great podcast ep over the weekend with writer Oliver Burkeman who noted that it’s been shown that the more efficient and productive we become with tasks, the MORE we take on. I’m hopeful that this new method might help me combat that: I’ll put items on my list that feel realistic, get them done, and...that’s it! I’m done. No more peeking at the backlog.


P.S. Want to get more out of your downtime? Reply to this email with any questions you have in regards to entertainment, relaxation, shopping, books, activities, or more and we may answer it in an upcoming experimental email series (sign up here!). Think “I need more middle-brow TV shows” or “I’m going to a cabin in the woods with no WiFi. What are all the analog activities”? Excited to solve your Downtime Dilemma. 🕵️
This week's picks were curated by the full team, and the reads by Mary Anne Porto

weekly picks

ideas for unwinding this weekend
  • "The Final Revival of Opal & Nev is one of the best books I've read in the past few years. It's a completely fictional oral history of a punk rock duo that takes you through alllll the emotions." -Carey
  • 🚨A new exercise dress has entered the chat.🚨
  • "Roadrunner was the first movie I watched in the theater in over a year, and it was a great one to return with. If you were a fan Anthony Bourdain, a lot of the B-roll will be recognizable to you, but hearing his story from those close to him felt new and deeply emotional." -Mary Anne
  • Things we're very much eyeing: a cake frosting-inspired colorblock tee, cozy booties but make them waffle, these candle holders, and a gorgeous glass teapot
  • A double Reader Rec (thanks Ana V and Willa T!!) for Mixed, a textile studio and fashion brand based in NYC, started by Nasrin Jafari. Jafari is a Japanese-Iranian daughter of immigrants who explores and celebrates mixed identities through beautiful, bold, and colorful prints. 
  • "I try to limit single-use products as much as possible but these rosewater cloths are an exception when I’m traveling. They are perfect for an in-flight refresh!" -Olivia
  • Candid can help you straighten your teeth with clear aligners that put health first. At Candid, top-tier orthodontists diagnose, prescribe, and care for you throughout the entire process. Get started with this affordable alternative to braces (that has a summer sale going on right now!) today. Sponsor
  • A very solid global playlist.
  • Also! It's the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and we have thoughts.

👋 Have a weekly pick you want to see in GNI? Tell us about it here and you could be featured in an upcoming Reader Rec

Sponsor Spotlight: Vella
Pleasure should be for everyone.

That’s why Vella Bioscience, Inc. created this first-of-its-kind Women’s Pleasure Serum. Using science in service of sexual wellness, Vella Women’s Pleasure Serum is a topical pre-play product that amplifies arousal.

Formulated with nano-encapsulated CBD technology, Vella is clinically tested and designed for women at any age or life stage. In a study, women aged 23 to 75 who used the serum reported increased ease, intensity, and frequency of climaxes. 
Here's to putting the power of your pleasure in your hands.

GNI readers can try Vella with code GNI30 for 30% off until August 8.

weekly reads

share them with the group chat
Jon Hamm with Otis
 Last week, Katrina casually met Jon Hamm and he was pretty into Otis so we decided to put it in the newsletter 🙃

 take action and take care

Ways to take action this week... This week, heavy rain flooded China  and Germany while extreme drought and a wildfire continued in the U.S. Recognize the ways climate change is actively causing natural disasters worldwide and support those affected by extreme flooding, a mutual aid network serving a community impacted by drought, and a food bank helping victims of the Bootleg Fire.

Ways to take care... Find resources for staying safe in a natural disaster here. Pick up some poetry that celebrates solidarity around the world from an independent bookstore (now on sale).
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