And we are always learning, deepening our understanding of what's possible, what it means to have faith and open again and again to consider in sometimes new ways, sometimes just a more visceral sense of "oh... oh THAT'S what's here and available.
I recently had a 5 day retreat with John Makransky and Paul Condon, and I am inspired to share with you what I've take away. It's so interesting to notice how I've known and even taught certain ways of knowing, and then suddenly have a much richer understanding. I mean, REALLY getting in a way that's awesome and intriguing what it means to trust that I already have within me what I am looking for. And so do you! Each of us has the capacity to tap into our deepest nature. You know something about that, right? The part of you that longs to feel at ease, to feel good enough, to believe that you don't have to prove yourself again and again.
And so, come and I will share with you what I can about my take away from this retreat. And I will be so interested in hearing from you what happens when you let yourself imagine that you are seen, and known, and lovable, just as you are. Even for a moment. Because remember, we live our lives one moment at a time, so each and every moment of intentional presence matters.
These third Mondays are so sweet, each month I am so grateful to share time, energy, and practice with fellow travelers on the path. Even if you've never come before, or only once or twice, or every single time, please know that you will be warmly and whole-heartedly welcomed, 6-7:30. Heres' the Zoom link, as we continue to meet remotely thru the summer anyway. And if not this month, mark your calendars. Maybe next time.
Meanwhile, please take good care of yourselves and let your practice of moment to moment awareness bubble up in everyday life, as best you can, again and again.
with Metta, Ruth